NAME:_____________________________________________ COR________ “

NAME:_____________________________________________ COR________ Many Faiths/A period
“Written interview” – Due: ____
1. Why did you choose this course? What do you hope to gain?
2. Describe your religious life. What is your religious affiliation? How do you practice your religion?
What has been your family’s role in your current religious attitudes and practices? Are you satisfied
with your level of religious involvement- why or why not? What more would you like from your
religious practice-is there any growing you want or need to do?
3. What three words would you use to describe God?
4. How much do you actually know about religious traditions other than your own? When you consider
your family and friends, would you observe them relatively homogenous or diverse in terms of religion?
5. What questions would you like to have answered/topics discussed in this course?
OPTIONAL: Anything else?