St. Francis Preparatory School Spring 2008 Religious Education Department

St. Francis Preparatory School
Religious Education Department
Spring 2008
Ms. Bergin
MAKING PEACE: Family, Friends and Fighting (#9640)
Overview (as printed in the course offerings booklet)
This course on relationships seeks to enhance the student’s appreciation for the intricacies and mysteries present in human relating.
We will examine the factors which promote healthy life choices and those that hinder them. Moreover, we will try to define these
relationships in terms of values which are rooted in the Christian tradition. This course will examine the impact of family, the
importance of friendship, and the development of good communication skills and values.
Objectives: We will examine the mystery of human relationships, and how they impact our growth as human beings. As St. Irenaeus
once wrote, “The glory of God is the human person fully alive!” As such, we will be motivated to explore these and other related
topics: exploration of the self; examining the ‘family of origin’, mysteries of men and women, communication skills, conflict
resolution, the challenge of forgiveness. The relationships of our lives are ‘master teachers’ of who we are and can be—are we open
to the lessons?
Your openness to ideas presented in class and willingness to reflect on your life experience are essential to get the most out of class. It
is my hope that we will have an enjoyable class and learn a lot. We all have something to offer! This course is planned with a
balance of information and discussion in mind – your openness and input are needed!
Students are expected to participate in class by:
- showing respect for all people in the class and for the course content
- listening well and adding to class discussions
- appropriate reverence and participation during prayer
- doing any assigned readings/homework to prepare for class thoroughly and thoughtfully
- keeping accurate notes
- periodically checking our course page on the school website for supplemental resources and notes.
- notebook (with place to secure handouts)
- Anger by Thich Nhat Hanh Will be available for purchase in the bookstore by _______.
Each quarter, your grade will be determined by a combination of test grades and homework/participation
2 - 50 point tests on class material
= 100 points
1 - 40 point test on assigned book reading = 40 points
Various written assignments/participation = 60 points
=200 points per quarter
Please note that there will be a cumulative FINAL EXAM (required for all students) which will count for 20% of the course grade.
All exams will be announced at least two periods before the scheduled date. Students who are absent for an exam should be
prepared to make arrangements the day they return to school to take a make-up exam.
Written assignments/projects - are to be thoroughly and thoughtfully completed. Apart from being a source for grades, these
assignments are designed for you to integrate ideas from class with your thoughts and experience. Careless work will not be accepted.
Assignments will be given a due date and a grace date. Late work will be penalized 1 point (on a 20 point assignment) for each
calendar day late after the grace date and a zero will be given for any missing assignments. If you are absent on the day an assignment
is due, you must hand it in on the day that you return to school to not incur late points.
Class Rules
Naturally, it is expected that all rules as described in the school calendar and agenda books are understood and adhered to in class. Of
particular consideration are the principles and behaviors outlined in St. Francis Prep’s Honor Code. Mutual respect and cooperation
will be vital components to a positive class environment. These are always necessary, but particularly necessary as we will have many
discussion-oriented classes and times when you will be responsible to work productively in groups.
Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have a concern or question. I can usually be reached during free periods in the
Religious Education Office-W116. You may also e-mail me through the school website at\departments\religion\Making
- Ms. Bergin