The Seven Types of Prayer -

The Seven Types of Prayer
Barek - To count blessings; to say thank you.
Example: _____________________________________________________
Hallel - To Praise God; to offer worship.
Example: ____________________________________________________
Hannon - To petition; to ask for favors.
Example: ______________________________________________________________
Karach - To cry aloud in anguish; the prayer of Authentic Reality.
Example: ______________________________________________________________
Geil - To laugh; to celebrate.
Example: ______________________________________________________________
Histafala - When body and mind are at rest and in harmony; the prayer
of the present moment.
Example: ______________________________________________________________
Anoch -
A sigh of deep feeling. "The breath of God" Alll meaning and
words are expressed in a sigh when there are no words to express. The
spirit is yearning to pray, but only a sigh is uttered.