Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a beautiful queen, who sat sewing a
garment for her unborn baby. The queen pricked her finger, and a drop of blood fell on the
snow gathered on her windowsill. The queen wished aloud that if her child was a daughter
that she would have hair as black as ebony, lips as red as blood, and skin as white as snow.
The fair queen died in childbirth, and her husband married again to provide a
mother for his daughter, whom he called “Snow White”. However, what the king was
unaware of was the unending vanity that his new queen possessed. Every day, she would
stand before a magic mirror and ask it the same question: “Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
who is the fairest one of all?” For years, the mirror always answered the same question:
“You, my queen, are the fairest one of all”.
After some time, the king died as well, leaving Snow White in the care of her cruel
and selfish stepmother. The queen noticed Snow White’s growing beauty, and for fear that
she would one day surpass her own loveliness, forced her to dress in rags and work as a
scullery maid. Then, one faithful day, the queen stood before the mirror and was horrified
to hear it respond: “Alas, my queen, Snow White is the fairest one of all”. Outraged, the
queen called for a huntsman, and demanded that he take the princess into the forest and
bring the queen back her heart.
Though the huntsman set out with Snow White, he was too taken with her beauty
and kindness, and insisted that she instead flee and never return. The huntsman then
brought the queen the heart of a boar to satisfy her request.
Meanwhile, Snow White found herself upon a tiny cottage, where she the befriended
seven mining dwarfs to whom it belonged. The dwarfs allowed Snow White to stay with
them and keep house, as well as provided protection from the queen’s wrath. Together,
they formed a happy family.
The smug queen asked the mirror her daily question, expecting a pleasing response,
but the mirror instead replied, “Deep in the forest, in a cottage with dwarfs, Snow White is
still the fairest one of all”. The livid queen devised a plan to rid herself of Snow White once
and for all. She disguised herself as a hagged peasant, and concocted a poisoned apple to
tempt the young princess with.
Though Snow White had been warned by the dwarfs not to take in strangers, she
found herself entranced with the hag’s promise that one bite of the magic apple would
make all her dreams come true, and instead fell into a slumber that would only be
awakened by true love’s kiss. So lovely, even in death, the dwarfs couldn’t bear to bury the
princess in the ground, and instead placed her in a glass coffin, surrounded by flowers, and
kept a vigil by her side.
One day, a passing prince came upon the coffin, and fell instantly in love with the
beautiful princess. He insisted on placing one kiss on her ruby lips, as his heart was broken
to find his love in such a state. As soon as the prince’s lips met hers, Snow White’s eyes
fluttered awake, and she gazed into the eyes of her true love. Snow White and her prince
were married that same day, and lived happily ever after.
1. The queen discovers she is not fairest in the land. 6. The queen’s demise.
2. Snow White and the Huntsman.
7. The dwarfs mourn.
3. Snow White encounters the dwarfs.
4. The queen creates the curse
5. The queen gives Snow White the apple.
8. Snow White is awakened by her
Sleeping Beauty
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a noble king and his fair queen hosted a large
Christening to welcome their new baby, a daughter called Princess Aurora. The entire
kingdom attended the celebration, including seven fairies who each bestowed a virtuous
gift upon the princess. Suddenly, to everyone’s dismay, an evil fairy who had been
overlooked arrived. While the other fairies had given the princess the gifts of song, beauty,
and wit, among others, the evil fairy instead bestows a curse upon her: she will prick her
finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die. One good fairy, who had yet to give her
gift, uses magic to partially reverse the spell: the princess would not die, but instead fall
into a deep sleep until she was awakened by the kiss of a handsome prince.
The king quickly banned spinning on wheels or spindles, and had them banished
from the kingdom. He and the queen raised the beautiful princess under strict care to
prevent her from fulfilling the curse. However, when the princess was sixteen, while her
parents were away she found herself wandering the castle and came across an old woman
spinning. Interested in the unfamiliar task, she asked to be shown how, and swiftly pricked
her finger, enacting the curse. The old woman revealed herself to be the evil fairy in
disguise, surrounded the castle with a forest of thorns and vanished. The good fairy then
appeared to the king and queen, and explained that she knew the princess would be
distressed when she woke up to find that time had passed and the world was now
unfamiliar, and also placed the entire kingdom under the same sleep.
A hundred years passed, and then one day a prince who had heard of the sleeping
beauty approached the castle. He braved the forest of thorns and reached the threshold of
the castle only to be faced with the evil fairy, who taunted him and took the form of a firebreathing dragon. Though the battle was perilous, the prince managed to best the fairy,
and brought her reign of terror to an end. He took to the castle, wandering past all of the
sleeping folk until he finds the beautiful princess asleep in her tower. He leaned in and
kissed her softly on the lips, awakening the princess and the rest of the kingdom, and
breaking the curse once and for all. The royal couple was married that day, and they lived
happily ever after.
1. The Christening of Princess Aurora
2. The king banishes spinning wheels
3. Aurora grows up
4. The princess discovers the spindle
5. The good fairy puts the castle to sleep
6. The evil fairy surrounds the castle with a forest of thorns
7. The prince fights his way into the castle
8. The prince breaks the curse
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a candle maker and his wife were about to
have a baby. Each night, the wife would dream of radishes, and wake her husband up
craving them. Finally, out of desperation to please his wife, then man stole into his
neighbor’s garden to pluck some of her radishes. However, the woman appeared to him in
a fury, and announced that she would be lenient on him if he gave her his unborn child.
Desperate, the man agreed, and though he planned to escape with his wife, the witch
appeared once the child was born and vanished with her.
The witch raised the child as her own, calling her Rapunzel, and keeping her hidden
from the rest of the world. Once Rapunzel turned twelve, the witch locked her away in a
tall tower to keep her from meeting a man who might take her away. The tower had no
doors or stairs, and the witch would only gain entry by calling out to Rapunzel, “Rapunzel,
Rapunzel, let down your golden hair”. Rapunzel would appear at the window, and drop
her long, blonde hair (which the witch had never cut) so that her “mother” may climb up.
One day, while the witch was out, a wandering prince heard Rapunzel singing, and
hid nearby to watch her. At sunset, when the witch returned, he observed their ritual and
learned how to gain access to the tower. The following day, he called out to Rapunzel, and
climbed up her hair to meet her. The two fell in love swiftly, and devised a plan to escape
together. Each day, while the witch was out, the prince would visit Rapunzel and bring her
silk, which she would weave into a rope so that she could climb down.
Though she tried to be discreet, one afternoon Rapunzel absently commented to the
witch that the prince felt lighter climbing her hair, clueing the witch in to her liaisons.
Betrayed and angry, the witch cut off Rapunzel’s hair and cast her out into the wilderness
to fend for herself. When the prince returned the following day, the witch lured him up
with Rapunzel’s braid, then told him he would never see her again and pushed him out the
window where he was blinded by the thorns below.
The prince wandered the wilderness until he heard Rapunzel singing. They
embraced one another, and when her tears fell on his eyes, his vision was restored. The
prince led Rapunzel to his kingdom, where they lived happily ever after.
1. The candle maker meets the witch.
2. The witch abducts Rapunzel as a baby.
3. The witch and Rapunzel in the tower.
4. Rapunzel’s loneliness in the tower.
5. Rapunzel meets the prince.
6. The witch casts Rapunzel out.
7. The witch confronts the prince.
8. Rapunzel and the prince find one another.
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a wealthy man lived with his beautiful
daughter. Though they were quite happy, the man believed his daughter needed a mother,
as hers had died in childbirth. He remarried a widow with two daughters of her own. After
some time, the man died, and the stepmother’s cruel nature was revealed. She loathed the
girl for her beauty and grace, and endlessly pushed her ambition on her own awkward
daughters. As time went on, Cinderella, as the girl had come to be called, was forced to be a
servant in her own home, and sleep by the fireplace.
One day, an invitation to a royal ball came to the family home, and cited how the
prince would be looking for a bride. Though she worked tirelessly to prepare her
stepmother and stepsisters for the ball, Cinderella had no hope of attending herself.
However, once her family had left, a woman proclaiming to be her fairy godmother
appeared to Cinderella. The jovial woman made quick work of setting Cinderella up to
attend the ball, transforming a pumpkin into a carriage, mice into horses and a dog into a
driver. She also transformed Cinderella’s rags into a glittering ball gown. Finally, before
sending her off to the ball, the fairy godmother warned Cinderella that the magic would
only last until midnight, and then everything would be as it was before.
Cinderella arrived at the ball and caught the attention of everyone in attendance especially the prince, with whom she fell instantly in love. Cinderella and her prince were
so thoroughly enjoying their evening that she completely lost track of time until she’d
heard the first stroke of the clock. Cinderella dashed from the ball, leaving only a tiny class
slipper behind.
When Cinderella’s stepmother and stepsisters returned, they prattled on about the
beautiful princess who had stolen the attentions of the prince, unaware that it was in fact
Cinderella. The prince, meanwhile, in an attempt to find his missing maiden, declared that
he would try the slipper on every girl in the kingdom until he was reunited with her.
When the prince arrived at Cinderella’s home, both of her stepsisters failed to fit
the slipper, as so many before them had. Finally, as he was about to leave, Cinderella came
forth and asked to try it on. Naturally, the slipper fit her small foot perfectly, and she
produced the other for good measure, as it hadn’t disappeared at midnight. Cinderella and
her prince were married that day, and lived happily ever after.
1. Cinderella meets her stepmother and stepsisters.
2. Cinderella mourning her father.
3. Cinderella cleaning the house.
4. The invitation to the ball arrives.
5. Cinderella’s fairy godmother arrives.
6. Cinderella meets the prince.
7. Cinderella loses her slipper.
8. Cinderella fits the slipper.
Beauty and the Beast
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a merchant lived with his three daughters.
Though their family fortune had suffered, the merchant believed the arrival of a ship with
goods would restore their lifestyle, and set off to meet it. Though his two eldest daughters
asked for jewels and gowns as gifts, his youngest, Belle, asked simply for a white rose.
The merchant got lost on his way to the ship, but came across a strange, dark castle
where he was greeted with gracious hospitality and waited on by invisible servants. When
he was ready to leave, he saw a white rosebush outside the castle, and remembering Belle’s
request, clipped one for her. Suddenly, he was met with a monstrous beast in fine man’s
clothing, who roared that the merchant had stolen from him, and must now be his prisoner
unless one of his daughters would be willing to return. The beast gave the merchant one
night to return to his family to say his goodbyes or persuade one of his daughters to take
his place.
Though the merchants elder daughters were displeased to lose their father, neither
cared to take his place, and only Belle insisted. The merchant refused to allow his
daughters to become the beast’s prisoner, and planned to leave the following morning, only
to find that stubborn Belle had gone in his place.
When Belle arrived at the castle, she was initially frightened by the beast, but
quickly warmed to him, as he doted on her and dressed her in fine gowns and jewelry.
Each night at dinner, the beast would ask Belle to marry him, but she refused because she
felt she loved him only as a friend.
After some time, Belle asked the beast if she might leave the castle to visit her
family. The beast agreed on the condition she return to him within a week, and gave Belle a
ring that allowed her to return instantly if she turned it on her finger three times.
While Belle was thrilled to be reunited with her family, her sisters were jealous of
the royal treatment Belle had been receiving, and pleaded with her to remain with them
longer in hopes that she’d miss her appointment to return to the beast. Moved by their
false emotion, Belle agrees to stay.
Belle soon becomes guilty, and uses a magic mirror the beast had given her to see
him, only to discover he lay brokenhearted by the rose bush. She uses the ring to return to
the beast at once, and weeps over his dying body, finally professing her love for him. When
her tears fall upon the beast, he is transformed into a handsome prince, and explains to her
that he was cursed by an enchantress because he refused to let her in from the rain, and
that only after finding true love would the spell be broken. Belle and her prince are
married and live happily ever after.
1. Belle’s life with her family
2. The merchant meets the beast
3. Belle vows to take her father’s place
4. Belle meets the beast
5. Belle and the beast begin to fall in love
6. Belle returns to her family
7. Belle sees the beast in despair
8. Belle’s love transforms the beast
Hansel and Gretel
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a woodcutter lived with two small children,
called Hansel and Gretel. Though he was poor, the woodcutter managed to attract the
attentions of a selfish woman who agreed to marry him. Convinced they would have more
means if not for the children, the woman cajoles her husband into sending them out into
the woods to fend for themselves, and he reluctantly agrees. After hearing their
stepmother’s plan, the children bring with them a loaf of bread and scatter the crumbs as a
trail, planning to return home by following it. However, the trail is obscured when the
crumbs are eaten by birds, and the children wander until they come across a life-size
gingerbread house.
The starving children are delighted with the house, and begin to eat from it, until
they are discovered by the owner of the home - an old witch who locks Hansel in a cage and
forces Gretel to act as her servant. Every day, the witch would feed Hansel sweets that she
baked in her enormous oven, in hopes of making him fat so there would be more of him to
eat. After he had eaten, the blind witch would ask him to stick out his finger, so that she
may feel it and know if he were fat enough. Each time, Hansel would stick out a twig, and
the witch would wait another day.
Finally, the witch had waited long enough, and planned to eat Hansel (who,
unbeknownst to her, had become quite heavy) “fat or lean”. She also decided that she was
hungry enough to eat Gretel as well, and told her to lean over the oven. Gretel, wise to her
scheme, told the witch she didn’t know how, forcing her to demonstrate. Once the witch
was bent over the oven, Gretel shoved the witch inside and locked the door, burning her to
ash. After Gretel freed her brother, they came across a box of jewels that had belonged to
the witch and returned to their father, who had been lamenting the loss of his children.
When they arrived, they learned that their stepmother had died of unknown causes, and
the family lived happily ever after with the witch’s wealth.
1. The stepmother’s scheme
2. Hansel and Gretel wandering with bread
3. Hansel and Gretel return to the angry stepmother
4. Hansel and Gretel find the gingerbread house
5. The witch abducts Hansel
6. The witch testing Hansel’s finger
7. Gretel tricks the witch
8. Hansel and Gretel return to their father
The Three Little Pigs
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a mother pig who had three sons.
When it came time for the three little pigs to go out into the world and make something of
themselves, each had a different approach.
The oldest pig, who was quite lazy, quickly slapped a house together from straw and
mud, and used the rest of his time lounging in the sun. The middle pig, who was less lazy,
put a house together from sticks and rope, and used the rest of his time reading under a
tree. The youngest pig, who was smart and hard-working, built his house from cement and
bricks. He didn’t have time to lounge in the sun or read under a tree because he worked
and worked on his home.
One day, the Big Bad Wolf was passing by the house of straw and smelled the oldest
pig. He knocked on the door and demanded to be let in. The pig replied, “Not by the hair of
my chinny chin chin”. The wolf declared, “I will huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your
house down!”, and swiftly did so. The oldest pig had just enough time to escape to his
younger brother’s home.
The Big Bad Wolf was hungry, and moved on to the middle pig’s home. Once again,
when he knocked on the door, the two pigs answered, “Not by the hair of my chinny chin
chin”, and once again the wolf declared, “I will huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house
down!”, and after two tries, he did so. The two pigs had just enough time to escape to their
youngest brother’s home.
The Big Bad Wolf was starving, and when he arrived at the youngest pig’s house, he
was ready to eat all three. He knocked on the door and was met with the same reply, “Not
by the hair of my chinny chin chin”. The wolf threatened once more, “I will huff, and I’ll
puff, and I’ll blow your house down!” But this time, the house was too strong. The wolf
tried again and again, but was unsuccessful. Finally, he decided to try to gain access to the
home by climbing down the chimney, where the pigs were waiting with a roaring fire. The
wolf was burned to ash, and the three little pigs lived happily ever after.
1. The three little pigs and their mother
2. The wolf visits the house of straw
3. The first pig flees to the house of sticks
4. The wolf visits the house of sticks
5. The first and second pig flee to the house of bricks
6. The wolf visits the house of bricks
7. The wolf tries to enter the house through the chimney
8. The pigs subdue the wolf
The Little Mermaid
Once upon a time, in a faraway land under the sea, there was a little mermaid who
lived a pleasant life with her sisters and their father, the king of the sea. On her fifteenth
birthday, the little mermaid was allowed to visit the surface of the ocean, as her sisters did
before her. While there, she saw a ship and fell in love with a prince aboard it that she
watched from afar.
Suddenly, a terrible storm struck, and the prince fell overboard while knocked
unconscious. The little mermaid saved the prince from drowning, and swam him to the
shore, where she watched him unseen until he was discovered.
The little mermaid returned to her home and asked her grandmother how long
humans can live. Her grandmother explained that while humans live much shorter lives
then merfolk, when they die their souls go to heaven, but when merfolk die, they turn into
sea foam and cease to exist. Desperate for a human soul and her prince, the little mermaid
paid a visit to the sea witch.
The sea witch explained to the little mermaid that she would give her a potion in
exchange for her heavenly voice that would turn her into a human, but that the process
would be very painful, and she would never be able to return to the sea again.
Furthermore, if the prince married another woman, then the morning after their wedding,
the little mermaid’s heart would be broken and she would turn into sea foam. The little
mermaid agrees, and drinks the potion.
Upon her arrival to the land, the little mermaid meets the prince, who is attracted to
her beauty and charm, although she cannot speak. However, the prince tells the little
mermaid that he has fallen in love with the princess who found him after he’d nearly
drowned, as he believed that she had been the one to rescue him.
The prince married his princess, and the little mermaid’s heart had broken. The
night of the wedding, her sisters appeared to her with a knife they obtained from the sea
witch in exchange for their long hair. They explained to her that if she kills the prince with
it, and his blood spills on her legs, they will turn back into a tail and she could live out her
life under the sea.
When morning broke, the little mermaid couldn’t bear to kill her sleeping prince,
and instead threw herself into the sea, where she dissolved into sea foam. However, because
her heart was pure, and she had worked so hard to earn a soul, she had been transformed
into a Daughter of the Air. After three hundred years, she would eventually rise up to
heaven. For every good child she found, it would be one year less. For every bad child, she
would cry and gain one month more, but eventually, she would earn her soul and rise up to
the kingdom of god.
1. The little mermaid with her family.
2. The little mermaid visits the surface
3. The little mermaid rescues the prince.
4. The little mermaid confides her love for the prince in her family
5. The little mermaid meets the sea witch.
6. The little mermaid and her prince.
7. The little mermaid tempted by her sisters / the prince versus the sea witch
8. The little mermaid as a daughter of the air / the little mermaid marries her prince
Little Red Riding Hood
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a young girl who was walking
through the woods to visit her grandmother, who had taken ill. She had donned her red
cloak and filled her basket with treats to bring to the old woman. Along the way, the young
girl encountered a wolf, who, despite his wishes to eat her, managed to play innocent and
charm her into telling her where she was headed.
The sly wolf hurried away to Red Riding Hood’s grandmother’s house. The old
woman hid in her closet in terror, and the wolf quickly dressed in her cap and gown. By the
time Red Riding Hood had reached the cottage, the wolf was tucked away in bed.
Red Riding Hood noticed that her grandmother looked strange. “What big eyes you
have!” she declared. “The better to see you with, my dear,” smiled the wolf. “What a big
nose you have!” Red exclaimed. “The better to smell you with, my dear,” sneered the wolf.
“What big teeth you have!” Red cried. “The better to EAT you with!” growled the wolf, as
he lunged at Red Riding Hood, swallowing her whole.
Just then, a wood cutter who had been walking outside heard the commotion, and
broke through the door. With one swing of his mighty axe, he sliced the wolf open and Red
Riding Hood emerged, unharmed. Red was reunited with her grandmother, and they all
sat down to enjoy the treats Red had brought in her basket.
1. Red Riding Hood with her mother
2. Red Riding Hood going to the woods
3. Red Riding Hood Meets the Wolf
4. The Wolf Disguises Himself.
5. Red Mistakes the Wolf for Her Grandmother
6. The Wolf Devours Red
7. The Woodcutter Intervenes
8. Red, Grandmother and the Woodcutter Dine
Jack and the Beanstalk
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young man named Jack lived with his
mother, and their only means of income was from the family cow. One day, the cow
stopped giving milk, and Jack’s mother sent him to the market to sell it. At the market,
Jack encountered a man who offered him magic beans in exchange for the cow.
When Jack returned home with the beans, his mother was furious at his foolishness
and threw the beans out the window. Overnight, they grew into an enormous beanstalk.
The following morning, Jack climbed the beanstalk way up into the clouds, where he
discovered another land, with a road leading to a large house.
Jack is greeted at the home by the wife of a giant, who offered him food. However,
when the giant’s thunderous footsteps were heard, she quickly ushered him into hiding.
The giant sensd that a human was around, and declares, “Fee-fi-fo-fum! I smell the blood
of an Englishman!” Jack managed to escape narrowly, stealing a bag of gold coins from the
giant while he slept.
Jack returned twice more - once to steal a hen that lays golden eggs, and another
time for a singing harp. On this third visit, he was finally seen by the giant, and began to
run to the beanstalk as fast as he could. Jack hurried down the beanstalk, which began to
shake with the weight of the huge, slow giant. Jack’s mother handed him an axe and he
quickly went to work at chopping the beanstalk down. As it crashed, the giant fell and was
killed, and Jack and his mother lived happily ever after with all of his riches.
1. Jack meets the Bean Salesman
2. Jack’s mother throws the beans out the window
3. Jack climbs the beanstalk
4. Jack meets the Giant’s Wife
5. Jack steals from the sleeping Giant
6. Jack steals the golden hen and / or singing harp
7. Jack is chased by the giant
8. Jack cuts down the beanstalk