Works Cited APA APA Style Arrange the items alphabetically by author or by title if there is no author. Use only the initials of the author’s first (and middle) name. Write out the last name and initials for the first six authors of a particular work. If there are seven authors, list six and use et al. Indent the second and following lines 5 spaces. Capitalize only the first word of a title or subtitle that are part of a title. Use an ampersand (&) when listing multiple authors of a single work. Websites: if the date the page was created is not given, use (n.d.). This worksheet contains basic APA citation style examples. For further information, go to the OWL at Perdue website: BOOKS Author:________________________________________________ Year of Publication:______________________________________ Title:__________________________________________________ Location:_______________________________________________ Publisher: ______________________________________________ How to put it together for your works cited list: Author’s Last Name, Authors first initial. (Published date in parenthesis). Title of work in Italics. Location: Publisher. ARTICLE IN A REFERENCE BOOK OR AN ENTRY IN AN ENCYCLOPEDIA If the article is signed, include the author's name; if unsigned, begin with the title of the article. Author: __________________________________________________ Year of Publication: ________________________________________ Title of the article: _________________________________________ Title of the work:___________________________________________ Volume number, page number:________________________________ Location:__________________________________________________ Publisher:_________________________________________________ How to put it together for your works cited list: Author’s Last Name, Authors first initial. (Published date in parenthesis). Title of the article. Title of work in Italics (Vol number, and page number(s) in parentheses). Location: Publisher. BASIC FORM FOR ARTICLES IN A JOURNAL Author: ________________________________________________ Year of Publication: ______________________________________ Title of the article: _______________________________________ Title of the periodical:_____________________________________ Volume number:__________________________________________ Issue number: ___________________________________________ Pages:__________________________________________________ How to put it together for your works cited list: Author’s Last Name, Authors first initial. (Published date in parenthesis). Title of the article. Title of work in Italics, Vol number in italics (issue number in parentheses) and page numbers. ARTICLE FROM A DATABASE Provide the same information as you would for a printed journal article and add a retrieval statement that gives the da retrieval and the name of the database. Author: __________________________________________________ Year of publication:_________________________________________ Title of the article: _________________________________________ Title of the periodical: ______________________________________ Volume number:____________________________________________ Issue number: _____________________________________________ Retrieval Date:_____________________________________________ Database:_________________________________________________ How to put it together for your works cited list: Author’s Last Name, Authors first initial. (Published date in parenthesis). Title of the article. Title of work in Italics, Vol number in italics (issue number in parentheses). Retrieved month, day, year, from source. WEBSITE List as much information as possible. Author:________________________________________________ Published Date:_________________________________________ Title of the document:____________________________________ Retrieval Date:__________________________________________ Webpage address:_______________________________________ How to put it together for your works cited list: Author’s Last Name, Authors first initial. (Published date in parenthesis). Title of the article. Retrieved month, day, yea http://web address.