FINAL EXAM REVIEW Body, Mind & Spirit

Body, Mind & Spirit
Zone: The simultaneous union and interplay
of our body, mind and spirit.
Wholeness: Body, Mind and Spirit!!!
Realm of Full potential: Our incredible
Awareness: We are far too rushed, forever
in the future and consequently not in the
here and now.
Hai: Another word for health.
Corporalita: Cultivating BMS; becoming more
comfortable with their interrelatedness.
Mediocrity: We are consumed with safety,
and comfort rather than seeking adventure.
Chi: Vital energy / the force of life
Sfumato: The Role of Mystery
Connessione: Everything is connected to
everything else. Recognize that nothing
exists in isolation.
 Use them and blend with nature and Flow with things as
they are.
 Do not impose your will but rather work with what you
 Once you recognize the inevitability of the principle,
you become responsible
 Become aware that your success depends upon the
demands you are willing to make.
 You become responsible for your own self. You become
a partner with creation.
Neither too much nor too little. The right amount
is something to be learned.
 Centered the state of simultaneous physical,
mental and emotional (the zone)
Progressive development occurs in its own time
 The seasons progress at their own rate and trees
grow at their own pace.
 Humor is a good sign of balanced perspective
reflecting your alignment with life's flow.
It is the Temple!!!
It is our contact point with the outside world.
The areas of emotions, feelings, dreams, intuition,
creativity and extra sensory perceptions.
It grows with patience and growing belief in the
connectedness, network of life.
Seeking your path. That which connects us to the
Harris and Kohlberg
Three psychological persons can be found within each person.
They take turns dominating according to different situations.
They are present all of the time
The goal is to achieve balance among all three!!!
There is an appropriate time and place for each psychological person, but you need to figure
it out!!!
Harris and Kohlberg’s theories work together to teach that self discovery is important to
achieve balance and understanding in life.
Kohlberg’s theory at the pre-conventional level connects to the psychological child in Harris.
Kohlberg’s theory at the conventional level connects to the psychological parent in Harris.
Kohlberg’s theory at the post-conventional level connects to the psychological adult in
BODY MIND SPIRIT is based on being your true authentic self and putting your values and
beliefs into action.
CREATIVE: The passion to express a dimension of life that is
just beyond the five senses.
SHADOW ARTIST: Suppressing their talent
CAREGIVER: Friendly, sincere, and compassionate, reward in
helping others. No one could ask for a better best friend.
HEALER: Manifests as a passion to serve others in the form
of repairing the body, mind, and spirit
INTELLECTUAL: The ultimate dinner-party guest. Engaging
questions and thoughtful debate are your trademarks.
MENTOR: A teacher in whom you can place your implicit trust.
SPIRITUAL: Seek meaning. The journey of faith is neverending. Thoughtful, compassionate, Strong moral obligation.
ATHLETE: The ultimate expression of strength of the human
spirit as represented in the power of the human body.
SHADOW ATHLETE: Misuse of one's strength against any
sort of person or opponent in the world
REBEL: Can be a powerful aid in helping the group break out of
old tribal patterns.
The Shadow Rebel: Reject legitimate authority simply because
it is asking you to do something you find difficult or
VISIONARY: Imagine possibilities that are beyond the scope
of your individual life and that benefit all of society.
The shadow Visionary: Manifests a willingness to sell one's
abilities, or May lead entire societies into destructive
KING: Representing the height of temporal male power and
authority. Both benevolence and cruelty in their extreme
The Shadow King: A resistance to criticism, questioning, and
challenges in decisions about controlling
CLOWN: Associated with making people laugh, making them
cry, and wearing a mask that covers one's own real emotions
The shadow Clown: Cruel personal mockery, betrayal, the
breaking of confidences gained through knowledge from the
inner circle.
The Pioneer: The passion to explore, initiating new fashions,
art, music, or literature may qualify as expressions of. The
core ingredient is innovation--doing and creating what has not
been done before.
The shadow Pioneer: Manifests as a compulsive need to
abandon one's past and move on, ever new conquests.
ADVOCATE: Coming to the defense of others, "Compassion in
Action." life-long devotion to championing the rights of
others in the public arena. Passion to transform social
concerns, specifically in behalf of others.
BULLY: A coward trying to keep others from discovering his
true identity.
JUDGE: Commitment high standards related to justice and
combination of service and suffering for others as the
primary means of controlling and manipulating her MARTYR
PROSTITUTE: Engages lessons in integrity and the sale or
negotiation of one's integrity or spirit due to fears of physical
and financial survival or for financial gain
The shadow Judge: manifests as consistently destructive
criticism, without compassion or with a hidden agenda