VOCABULARY TERMS: Chapter 3: Jesus Christ: Source of Our Salvation
Zechariah and Elizabeth: John the Baptist’s parents.
John the Baptist: Called Jesus the Lamb of God & Was beheaded by King Herod.
Immaculate Conception: Mary’s birth without Original Sin.
Mary: Conceived Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit
Joseph: gives Jesus his name.
Emmanuel: A name for Jesus that means “God is with us.”
ADVENT: Prepares us for the Birth of Christ and beginning of the liturgical year
Jesus was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit
Incarnation: The dogma that God’s Son assumed a human nature in order to save us from our
Incarnation: God’s Word becoming a human being.
Bethlehem: Where Jesus was born.
Epiphany: This Feast celebrates Jesus’ manifestation as the Messiah to all nations.
Synagogue: A meeting place for study and prayer.
Kingdom of God: The central theme of Jesus’ preaching.
Kingdom of God: The process of God’s reconciling and renewing all things through Jesus and
God’s will being done on earth as in heaven.
Jesus’ announcement that he was the Messiah received an unfavorable welcome from his
Redemption: A word that literally means “ransom.”
LENT: reminds us of Jesus’ ability to resist the temptations
Paschal Mystery: The life, death and resurrection of Jesus
Resurrection: The central event in the liturgical year.
Gospel does not contain an infancy narrative
Gospel begins with a prophecy about a messenger coming to prepare the Messiah’s way
Reference to the magi and the star of Bethlehem.
Concerned with telling the reader that Jesus is the fulfillment of Jewish hopes.
Records the journey of Joseph and Mary to Egypt and the massacres of the infants
(C) LUKE Wrote for Gentile-Christians.
Focuses on the importance of women and outcasts in the ministry of Jesus
Reports that the first people to visit the child Jesus were shepherds
(E) The Gospels
Contain the story of the passion and Resurrection of Jesus
VOCABULARY TERMS: Chapter 4 Jesus Christ: Source of Our Salvation
Beatitudes: The proclamations of God’s grace.
The Beatitudes call us to go beyond the Golden Rule
Matthew: Jesus presented the Beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount
Luke: Jesus presented the Beatitudes in the Sermon on the Plain.
Synoptic: Mark, Matthew and Luke Gospels
Jesus said that entrance into the Kingdom required belief in the Good News.
Jesus said that entrance into the Kingdom required repentance
Trinity: Christians believe in this type of God
Messiah: Peter’s confession; but didn’t understand what it meant.
The glory of God was displayed and Peter, James and John were present and
witnessed the Transfiguration
Matthew 25 makes it clear that if we exclude anyone from God’s Kingdom,
we are excluding Jesus
Jesus was criticized for associating with tax collectors like Zacchaeus
The word “parable” derives from a Greek term meaning comparison
Parables: Explain the love and forgiveness of God.
Miracles: Are powerful signs of God’s presence and action on our behalf
Luke sets the account of the Last Supper in the context of this Jewish
feast Passover
At the Last Supper Jesus identified his body with the bread
At the Last Supper Jesus identified his blood with the wine
Real Presence: Jesus and the consecrated bread and wine.
“Thanksgiving” Eucharist
Jesus knew that as a prophet the place he had to die in Jerusalem
Rome: Jesus’ messages and actions threatened the imperialist power
Sanhedrin: Jesus’ messages and actions threatened the religious authority
Jesus was accused of this crime Blasphemy
Prejudice: Unsubstantiated or pre-formed judgments about individuals or
groups based on race
VOCABULARY TERMS: Chapter 5 Jesus Christ: Source of Our Salvation
Temple: Jesus’ driving out the moneychangers from this demonstrated his
authority over Israel’s religious practices and challenged the entire
sacrificial system.
Temple: The chief priest and other members of the Sanhedrin had an
economic and religious interest in this and The tearing of the veil symbolizes
the end of the Old Covenant
Passover: Jesus celebrated this feast with the Apostles at the Last Supper
Eucharist: This is the memorial of Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross.
Jesus prayed in agony in the Garden of Gethsemane
Sadducees: They were jealous of Jesus and saw him as a threat to the civil
order (the status quo) and to their authority as religious leaders; did not
believe in the Resurrection
Sanhedrin: Jesus was sentenced to death because they saw Jesus a threat
to their authority.
Sanhedrin: They found Jesus guilty of blasphemy.
Rome: They found Jesus guilty of treason
Roman: Crucifixion was their traditional form of capital punishment.
Pilate: Didn’t find guilt in Jesus bur sent him to death anyway
Golgotha: Where Jesus was crucified
Sacrifice: Jesus died to identify with us and to conquer sin and death on our
Passion: The Death of Jesus revealed his great love for us.
Luke: This Passion narrative centers on Jesus’ compassion.
Simon of Cyrene was pressed into the service of carrying the Cross for
John: The only one of Jesus’ Apostles standing by him at the Cross.
Mary: The first and most faithful disciple of her son, Jesus.
Joseph of Arimathea wrapped Jesus in clean linen and had him placed in a
Christ: Is a post resurrectional term
VOCABULARY TERMS: Chapter 6: Jesus Christ: Source of Our Salvation
Paul: Gives us the earliest account of the stories of Jesus in the Bible.
Mark: The first and shortest Gospel.
Creed: The statement of beliefs Christians agree on and profess
Kerygma: The proclamation of religious truths, especially as taught in the
Soul: The innermost or spiritual part of a person and lives on eternally.
Paschal Mystery: the most sacred part of the Liturgical Year.
Transubstantiation Consecration
Catholics meet the Risen Lord during Sunday liturgies in the Eucharist
Real Presence: Jesus is fully represented in the bread and wine.
Thanksgiving Eucharist
Assumption: Refers to the time when Mary’s body and soul were taken up
into heavenly glory.
Disciple: Comes from the Latin word that means “learner” and used often to
describe Jesus’ followers.
Judgment: The last day when Christ will come again to fully establish God’s
Mary M: All 4 Gospels agree this is the first witness to the empty tomb.
Resurrection: The core belief of Christianity.
Thomas: Told by Jesus to place his hand in Jesus’ side, fingers in the nail
holes of Jesus’ hands to prove he had risen.
John: Considered to be The “beloved disciple” or the “disciple whom Jesus
Beloved Disciple: The apostle was at the cross holding Mary
Ascension: Celebrated 40 after Easter on a Thursday when his glorified
body took its rightful place in heaven.
Pentecost: Jesus gives his disciples the Gift of the Holy Spirit.