Looking for Clues at Copan NAME:______________________________ 1. Go to the site: http://www.learner.org/interactives/collapse/copan/ 2. Click on the icon “ Why did Copan collapse?” Click on each icon (monuments, Houses, People, Bones, botony) and summarize below the contencts of each. While reading, keep in mind that you are trying to answer the questions: Why did Copan collapse? and Was the end a gradual decline or a rapid fall? 3. After reading and summarizing each page, click on the Come to a Conclusion icon. Answer the questions “Why did Copan collapse?” and “Was the end a gradual decline or a rapid fall?” and “ Why did you come to this conclusion?”. Write you answers on this page. Feel free to continue writing on the back of this page. Monuments: Houses: People: Bones: Botany: 1. Why did Copan collapse? 2. Was the end a gradual decline or a rapid fall? 3. Why did you come to this conclusion?