LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034 M.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION – SOCIAL WORK FOURTH SEMESTER – APRIL 2004 SW 4971/SW 1017–3 - PSYCHIATRIC SOCIAL WORK Date : 05.04.04 Duration: 9 – 12 noon Max Hours : 100 marks : 3 hrs SECTION – A Answer ALL questions. Answer to each question should not exceed 50 words: (10 x 2 = 20 marks) 1. Give a definition for “Psychiatric Social Work”. 2. Mention any four problems Psychiatric Social Workers face in India give four practical measures to tackle the problems. 3. Explain what is meant by “Mental Health Consultation”? 4. Mention the 8 steps in the Rehabilitation of chronic psychiatric patients. 5. Give 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of “Day Hospital Treatment”. 6. What is “Stigma”? Give four reasons why families tend to reject numbers with chronic mental illness. 7. Explain what is meant by “cue” in Psychiatric interviewing. 8. Differentiate between “Clinical Diagnosis” and “Social Diagnosis”. 9. What is “Social Breakdown Syndrome”? 10. Explain what is meant by “Team Work” in the psychiatric setting. SECTION – B Answer any FOUR questions. Answer to each question should not exceed 300 words. (4 x 10 = 40 marks) 11. Explain the process of “Crisis Intervention” in the Field of Mental Health. 12. Discuss the Functional Approach OR the Behavioural modification Approach in Social Case Work Treatment, with an example from your Field Work Practice. 13. Discuss the role of the Psychiatric Social Worker in Community Psychiatry. 14. Discuss the theory and practice of “Group Therapy” in the psychiatric setting. 15. Write notes on (a) child guidance clinic. (b) geriatric clinic. SECTION – C Answer any TWO questions. Answer to each question should not exceed 600 words. (2 x 20 = 40 marks) 16. (a) Discuss the salient features of the “Total Institution.” Give your general impressions of the patients in Institute of Mental Health, Channai as regard Hospital Conditions. (b) Discuss the principles and practices of “Therapeutic Community”. 17. Discuss the theory and practice of “Family Therapy”. Give a example from your Field Work Practice. 18. Write notes on the following models of mental Illness: (a) Medical Model; (b) Socio-cultural Developmental Model. (c) General Systems Model.