LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034 B.Com. DEGREE EXAMINATION – CORPORATE SECRETARYSHIP SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATION – JUNE 2009 BC 4502 - COMPANY ACCOUNTS Date & Time: 27/06/2009 / 10:00 - 1:00 Dept. No. Max. : 100 Marks PART A Answer ALL questions: Marks:10x2=20 Explain the following: 1. Forfeited shares Account 2. Profit prior to Incorporation 3. Cash from investing activities 4. Capital redemption reserve 5. Contingent liability 6. Equity share capital of S Ltd stood at Rs.2 lakhs in shares of Rs.10 each. The Company subdivided the shares into shares of Rs.2 each. Subsequently 90% of the shares were surrendered to the company. Journalize. 7. R Ltd issued 1000 6% debentures of Rs.100 each at10% discount, redeemable at a premium of 5%. Journalize. 8. X Ltd forfeited 100 equity shares of Rs.10 each, issued at a discount of Re.1, for failure to pay the final call of Rs.2. Pass the forfeiture entry. 9. A Ltd issued 10,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each, 80% of issue was underwritten by M for a commission of 2%. Application were received from the public for 9,000 shares. Determine the liability of X and the commission payable to him. 10. A Ltd had Rs.50,000 in securities premium account, Rs.30,000 in Capital Redemption Reserve and Rs.2 lakhs in General Reserve. The share capital of the company consisted of 50,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each. The company decided to issue bonus shares in the ratio of 2 shares for every 5 held using revenue reserves to the minimum extent. Journalize. PART B Answer ANY FIVE questions Marks:5x8=40 11. What do you mean by Securities Premium Account? State the purposes for which it can be used. 12. List out the preferential creditors at the time of liquidation of a company. 13. A Ltd issued 1000 12% Debentures of Rs.100 each at par on 1.1.2007. Expenses of issue amounted to Rs.1,500. Interest is payable half-yearly on 30th June and 31st December. In 2008 the company redeemed debenture as follows: On 1.8.2008, 50 debentures at Rs.97 ex interest On 1.11.2008, 100 debentures at Rs.99 cum interest. Show the entries for the year 2007 and 2008, assuming books are closed on 31st December 2008. 14. A firm which was carrying on business from 1st January, 2008 gets itself incorporated as a company on 1st May 2008. The first accounts are drawn upto 30th September 2008. The gross profit for the period is Rs.56,000. The general expenses are Rs.14,220; directors’ fees Rs.9,000 per annum, formation expenses Rs.1,500. Rent upto 30th June was Rs.1,200 per annum, after which it was increased to Rs.3000 per annum. Salary of the manager, who, upon incorporation of the company was made a director, was Rs.6,000 per annum. His remuneration thereafter was included in the above figure of fees to directors. Ascertain the profit for the pre and post incorporation period. The net sales were Rs.8,20,000, the monthly average of which for he first four months of 2008 being one half of that of the remaining period. 15. The following underwriting took place: X – 10,000 shares; Y – 6,000 shares; Z – 4,000 shares. In addition there was firm underwriting: X– 1,000 shares; Y – 500 shres; Z – 1,500 shares. The share issue was for 20,000 shares. Total subscription including firm underwriting was 18,000 shares and the forms included the following marked forms: X – 3,000 shares; Y – 2,000 shares; Z – 3,000 shares. 1 Show the allocation of liability of the underwriters assuming that shares underwritten firm are treated as unmarked. 16. X Ltd issued for public subscription 20,000 shares of Rs.10 each at a premium of Rs.2 per share payable as under: Rs.2 per share on application; Rs.5 per share on allotment (including premium) Rs.5 per share on first and final call Applications for 30,000 shares were received. Allotment was made pro-rata to the applicants for 24,000 shares, the remaining applications being rejected. Money over paid was used towards allotment. 800 shares failed to pay the allotment and the call money and the shares were forfeited. These shares were subsequently reissued at Rs.10 fully paid. Give journal entries to record the above transactions. 17. The Balance Sheet of ABC Ltd on 31/12/2004 and 31/12/2005 are as follows: 2004 2005 2004 Equity Capital (Rs.10) 100,000 200,000 Machinery 120,000 P/L A/c 30,000 50,000 Furniture 30,000 12% Debenture 100,000 Stock 50,000 10% ICICI bank loan - 150,000 Debtors 30,000 Creditors 20,000 25,000 Cash 10,000 Tax provision 40,000 60,000 Bank 50,000 290,000 485,000 290,000 2005 260,000 40,000 40,000 60,000 5,000 80,000 485,000 (a) Machinery worth Rs.50,000 were purchased and paid for by the issue of equity shares. (c) Depreciation provided on machinery Rs.30000 and on furniture Rs.5000. (d) During the year 2005, Income tax Rs.50,000 and interim dividend Rs.8,000 were paid. Prepare Cash Flow statement. 18. State the provisions of the Company’s Act relating to the redemption of Preference Shares. PART C Answer ANY TWO questions: Marks:2x20=40 19. The Balance sheet of Suraj Ltd. as on 31.12.1997 was as under: Liabilities Rs. Assets Share Capital: Fixed Assets Issued and full paid: Investments 5,000 6% redeemable Cash at bank Preference shares of Rs.10 Other current assets each fully paid. 50,000 6,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each fully paid 60,000 Securities Premium 20,000 General Reserve 40,000 Profit& Loss A/c 5,000 Sundry Creditors 25,000 2,00,000 Rs. 1,00,000 20,000 18,000 62,000 _______ 2,00,000 The company passed the following resolutions on 1st Jan. 1998 i) To redeem the entire preference share capital at a premium of 10% ii) To issue 2,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each at a premium of Rs 2 per share, which has been fully subscribed. iii) To sell the investments at Rs.15,000 iv) To issue bonus shares as fully paid in the ratio of 1 share for every 2 held, to the existing shareholders including the fresh issue. Draft the journal entries and prepare the balance sheet as on 1st Jan. 1998. 20. B Ltd. had an authorized capital of Rs.6 lakhs divided into equity shares of Rs.10 each. The following is the Trial Balance of the company as on 31.3.2006. Rs. Rs. Advance tax paid 7,500 8% debentures 2,00,000 Building 4,00,000 P & L (.1.4.05) 24,500 Machinery 2,60,000 Creditors 40,000 Interim dividend paid 7,500 General reserve 23,000 2 Purchases Bad debts 10% bonds Stock (1.4.05) Debtors Cash Bank Calls in arrears Salaries Rent Sundry expenses Debenture interest 2,08,840 Share capital 5,60,000 2,000 Bills payable 33,000 50,000 Sales 4,18,500 70,000 Interest on bonds 5,000 1,09,000 26,060 30,900 14,000 62,200 30,000 10,000 16,000 ------------------------Total 13,06,000 13,06,000 Prepare final accounts for the year ending 31.3.06 after considering the following adjustments: i) Depreciate machinery by 10% and building by 5%. ii) Provide for income tax Rs.30,000 iii) Transfer Rs.15,000 to general reserve. iv) Stock on 31.3.06 was Rs.1,25,000 v) Directors propose 10% final dividend on equity shares. 21. Balance sheet of M Ltd., on 31.3.2006 stood as follows: Liabilities Rs. Assets Share capital: Land and building 5,000 equity shares of Rs.100 each Machinery Rs.60 paid up. 3,00,000 Stock 5,000 equity shares of Rs.100 each Debtors Rs.50 paid up. 2,50,000 P&L 12% preference shares of Rs.100 each fully paid. 10,00,000 15% debentures 4,00,000 Preferential creditors 1,05,000 Unsecured creditors 10,45,000 31,00,000 Rs. 3,86,000 8,21,000 1,84,000 13,37,000 3,72,000 31,00,000 Preference dividend is in arrears for 2 years and are payable on liquidation. Assets realized as follows Land and building Rs.9,84,000; Stock Rs.1,63,000 Machinery Rs.7,12,000 and Debtors Rs.11,91,000 Liquidation expenses was Rs.65,500 Liquidator is entitled to a commission of 3% on assets realized and 2% on payments to unsecured creditors. All payments are made on 30.9.2006. Prepare Liquidator’s final statement of account. @@@@ 3