LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034 M.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION - BIO TECHNOLOGY THIRD SEMESTER – NOVEMBER 2012 BT 3817 - PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Date : 03/11/2012 Time : 9:00 - 12:00 Dept. No. Max. : 100 Marks PART – A (20 MARKS) ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS 1. Choose the correct answer: (5 x 1 = 5 marks) 1) What is the contribution of Barbara McClintok? a) DNA sequencing b) PCR c) Jumping genes d) Transcription 2) Gibberellins were first isolated from: a) Bacteria b) Viruses c) Plants d) Fungi 3) Which of the following plasmids are found in Agrobacterium tumifaciens? a) Ri b) Ti c) both a&b d) None of these 4) What percentage of world’s crop is lost due to pests? a) 50% b) 40% c) 15% d) 35% 5) Which is not used as a carrier in preparing cyanobacterial inoculant? a) Sugarcane waste b) Paper waste c) Polyurethane foam d) Coconut husk II. State whether the following are true or false; if false give reason: (5 x 1 = 5 marks) 6) Relative humidity required for plant tissue culture is 60%. 7) IBA is an auxin. 8) Nod genes are found in cereals. 9) Bacterial wilt of potato is transmitted by nematode. 10) Porphyra is obtained from bacteria. III. Complete the following: (5 x 1 = 5 marks) 11) Sodium alginate is used for the production of ____________. 12) An example of a fruit ripening hormone is ____________. 13) Vir gene is present in __________. 14) ‘Starlink’ is an example of ‘Bt’ __________. 15) Lovastatin lowers ________. IV. Answer following each, within 50 words only: (5 x 1 = 5 marks) 16) Mention the name of the scientists who pioneered anther culture. 17) What is systemin? 18) Define emasculation. Why is it done? 19) From which organism is “Bt” gene for the production of disease resistant plant obtained? 20) What are mycobacteriocides? PART – B Answer the following, each within 500 words only; Draw diagrams wherever necessary: (5 x 8 = 40 marks) 21 a) Explain the production of secondary metabolite. OR b) Give an account on Cytoplasmic Male Sterility. 22 a) Write notes on photomorphogenetic effects. OR b) Enumerate the molecular aspects of seed development in cotton. 23 a) Enlist the various steps in hybridization. OR b) Outline the isolation of Nif genes from Klebsiella pneumonia. 24 a) Give the flow diagram for the production of fungal resistant transgenic tobacco plants. OR b) Discuss the molecular biology of plant-pathogen interaction. 25 a) Discuss the medical importance of algae. OR b) What is SCP? Mention the advantages and disadvantages of it. PART – C Answer any TWO of the following, each within 1500 words only; draw diagrams wherever necessary: (2x 20 = 40 marks) 26) Enlist the various applications of Plant Tissue Culture. 27) Discuss the mode of action of Cry protein (Bt toxin) with advantages, limitations and examples. 28) Explain mushroom production and its advantages. 29) Describe somaclonal variation with and without in vitro selection. ****** .