LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034 M.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION – ZOOLOGY FIRST SEMESTER – April 2009 ZO 1815 / ZO 1809 - ADVANCED EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY Date & Time: 28/04/2009 / 1:00 - 4:00 Dept. No. Max. : 100 Marks SECTION-A Answer ALL the Question (10 x 2=20 Marks) 1. Comment on agnostic period. 2. Primitive atmosphere was anoxic- substantiate. 3. Differentiate prokaryotes from eukaryotes. 4. What do you mean by co-evolution? 5. What are frame shift and substitution mutations? 6. Distinguish evolutionary convergence from parallelism. 7. What are living fossils? 8. What are sibling species? 9. Define the law of adaptive radiation. 10. Comment on biochemical metamorphosis. SECTION-B Answer any FOUR of the following (4x10=40 Marks) 11. Explain sexual selection theory. 12. Write notes on nature of fossils. 13. Enumerate the evolutionary importance of animal colouration. 14. Tabulate the major events in geological history. 15. Evaluate the impact of gene mutations upon survival and reproduction. 16. Briefly explain the origin of eukaryotes. SECTION-C Answer any TWO of the following (2x20=40 Marks) 17. Discuss the modern concepts of recapitulation theory. 18. Write an essay on man and natural selection. 19. Categorize speciation and explain the role of isolating mechanisms in speciation. 20. Discuss the available fossil records of man. ****** UF 22