LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034 B.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION – PHYSICS,PLA.BIO.&BIOTECH,ADV. ZOO.&BIOTECH, FOURTH SEMESTER – April 2009 UF 08 AZ 4200 / AZ 4202 - BIOINFORMATICS Date & Time: 27/04/2009 / 9:00 - 12:00 Dept. No. Max. : 100 Marks PART - A Answer the following in a few sentences (10 x 2 =20) 1. How do you locate a gene on a chromosome? 2. What are the applications of computational biology? 3. Compare HTTP and HTML 4. Name the website for human genome project information. 5. Distinguish western blot from northern blot 6. How do you execute a ‘C’ program? 7. Differentiate primary and secondary database. 8. What are the ligands ? Mention their importance. 9. State the application of crystallography and spectroscopy in proteome 10. Expand: QSAR & DDBJ PART — B Briefly answer any FOUR of the following (4 x 10 =40) 11. Draw a flow chart to depict the process of compiling and running a ‘C ’ program 12. Illustrate the steps of DNA finger printing process. 13. State the application of FASTA, KEGG, PHYLIP and SWISSPROT 14. Give an overview on languages used in bioinformatics. 15. Illustrate the components of UNIX or LLNUX operating system 16. How do you sequence DNA? PART—C Write a detail answer to any TWO of the following (2 x 20 = 40) 17. Discuss the applications of bioinformatics 18. Give an account on proteomics and structure prediction. 19. How do you perform Blast and clustalW analysis ? 20. Examine the steps used in molecular docking. **********