Introduction to Bioinformatics e-Science Institute 16 July 2003

Introduction to Bioinformatics
e-Science Institute 16th July 2003
The aim of the three day Introduction to Bioinformatics course was to initiate
bench biologists into the range of tools available for computational analysis of
their data.
18 Students from around Edinburgh attended this event, listening to
presentations and working successfully through the practicals aimed at drawing
their attention to relevant areas of bioinformatics.
An evaluation sheet was presented to them at the end of the course for them to
score both the course overall and individual sections of the course. The mean
rating for the training facilities was "Excellent" whilst the overall score for the
entire course was 8/10.
The HGMP-RC offers more specialised courses in several areas, and plans for a
more in-depth foray into Ensembl and its resources is planned in October,
together with a further introductory course.
Lisa Mullan
HGMP Resource Centre