Syllabus214 lecture, Spring 2005.doc

ANP 214
Human Anatomy and Physiology II
M/W 6:00-9:30 p.m.
Spring 2005
Kevin O’Brien
IB2423C, #2; (206) 526-7701 or (206) 522-1214 Ext. 11
Email: or
Office Hours:
By appointment
Course Hours:
Monday and Wednesday, 6:00-9:30 p.m.
Required Texts:
Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology, Sixth Edition,
Frederic H. Martini, Prentice Hall, 2004.
Laboratory Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology, Second Edition,
Michael G. Wood, Prentice Hall, 2001.
Recommended texts:
Study Guide to Accompany Human Anatomy and Physiology, Sixth
Edition, Frederic H. Martini, Prentice Hall, 2004.
Applications Manual, Sixth Edition, Frederick H. Martini and Kathleen
Welch, Prentice Hall, 2004.
The Anatomy Coloring Book, Wynn Kapit and Lawrence M. Elson,
Harper & Row, 1977.
The Physiology Coloring Book, Wynn Kapit, Robert I. Macey,
and Lawrence M. Elson, Harper & Row, 1987.
Week 1
Neural Integration
15 and 16
Week 2
Neural Integration, Special Senses 16 and 17
Pt. 1
Week 3
EXAM #1 (Wednesday, 4/20)
--parts of chapters 15,16, 17
Special Senses, Pt. 2
Endocrine System
17 and 18
Week 4
Blood and the Heart
19 and 20
Week 5
Heart and Vascular System
20 and 21
Week 6
EXAM #2 (Wednesday, 5/11)
--parts of chapters 18, 19, 20, 21
Vascular System, cont.
Week 7
Immune System
Week 8
Respiratory System
Week 9
EXAM #3 Wednesday, 6/2)
--parts of chapters 21, 22, 23
Digestive System
Week 10
Urinary System
Week 11
Reproductive Systems
EXAM #4 Wednesday 6/16)
--parts of chapters 24, 27, and 28
The final grade in the course will be based on the following items:
Laboratory Quizzes
Case Studies, Lab Exercises
Grades will be assigned as follows:
4.0 - 3.5
3.4 - 2.9
2.8 - 2.2
2.1 - 1.5
1.4 - 0.9
0.8 - 0.0
A / AB+/ B
B-/ C+
C / CD+/ D
D-/ E
90 - 100%
80 - 89%
70 - 79%
60 - 69%
50 - 59%
below 50%
Anatomy and Physiology is a course that requires a strong commitment to excellence. To
successfully complete this intensive course you must commit to attend all lectures and laboratory
sessions as well as at least 25 hours per week of studying time. In addition to reading and
studying the text you should plan to spend several hours per week studying laboratory materials
(microscope slides, bones, muscles, etc.). Additional resources such as computerized review
programs, audiovisual materials and student tutors are available during the open laboratory
Students should attend every class session. This is critical, as class meets only twice a week. If
a student misses a class session, it is the student's responsibility to obtain the lecture notes, to
keep up with the laboratory material, and to obtain handouts, assignments or other materials
distributed in class. If a student misses more than three classes, they should consider
dropping the course. Students may not reschedule or make-up exams. If a student must miss
class due to prolonged illness or other unexpected circumstances, the student should notify the
instructor as soon as possible to make special arrangements
Laboratory exercises must be completed in the laboratory. Students are responsible for lab
material—questions regarding lab material will appear on the practicum portion of the exams
(see below) and on quizzes.
The exams will be composed of multiple-choice style questions, short answers, and a practicum
portion. Short answer questions will be drawn from a set of review questions handed out the
previous week. The practicum portion of the exam will involve identification anatomical
features and structures, and will take place in the lab immediately following completion of the
written portion of the exam. The exam will contain questions pertaining to all the objectives
listed for the unit.
It is assumed that each student will do his or her own work. Cheating is unacceptable and will be
referred to the Vice President of Student Affairs for disciplinary action.
Examinations may not be rescheduled or made-up due to tardiness or absence. Students with
extraordinary circumstances should discuss them with the instructor as soon as the situation
Quizzes are associated with labs, and will be each Saturday unless there is a lecture exam
scheduled for that day. Quizzes will cover material presented in lab or lecture. Quizzes will be
given during the first 15 minutes of lab and may not be rescheduled or made-up due to
tardiness or absence.
Due to the increasing numbers of individuals developing chemical sensitivities and the increasing
awareness of such conditions, everyone who attends this class is asked to refrain from
wearing any fragrance or perfume. The greatest feasible efforts will also be taken to ensure a
fresh air environment free of not only the above mentioned fragrances but also potentially
harmful substances such as carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, carpet odor, organic solvents, etc.
Individuals who are unsure of the importance of this policy should see the Associate Dean for
additional information.