Interactive Computer Marked Assessment – Extending from M150 Michael Isherwood Interactive Computer Marked Assignments (iCMAs) have been piloted on 3 presentations of M150; there is potential to extend their use to other Computing courses, particularly on conceptually difficult parts of the course, where students would benefit from multiple questions with detailed focussed feedback on the student’s own answer. There are also subject independent benefits in terms of retention and building student confidence (see blue boxes at bottom). In M150 the iCMAs quizzes concentrate on logical constructs. 2 example questions and analyses illustrate the potential The question below required free text entry of the answer (in green) CP5D A person with body temperature outside the range 35oC to 37oC is viewed as requiring medical attention. Within this range the temperature is considered normal. Write a compound condition that evaluates to true for requiring medical attention, using temp for temperature (in oC) (temp < 35) OR (temp > 37) iCMAs may be used for frequent assessment (formative and summative) and, if mandatory, allow for frequent monitoring of student progress by both the student and the tutor. Where a student does poorly on an iCMA a trigger for early tutor intervention long before a tma is due could be activated along with guidance to other resources that the student might access. As automated, costs after development are low. On 1st Attempt for Logical Operator OR, student selections were:AND and && & OR or || ¦¦ unit (oC) 22 5 1 0 56 12 2 0 % 12 70% correct in principle with 56% absolutely correct 49% chose < when correct but only 14% chose <= when correct 69% chose > when correct but only 28% chose >= when correct Some 3% chose =< and/or => Student Feedback: . Of those responding:96% found the quiz enjoyable 91% found the quiz useful A few students made further comment, usually complementary and occasionally pointed out possible improvements or errors Centres for Excellence in Teaching & Learning The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity in England & Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302). COLMSCT Some clue is given to errors after 1st attempt, as above After 2nd attempt the correct answers remain, so student concentrates on incorrect answer(s) 83% correct at 1st attempt 4% wrong after 3rd attempt In this question much is being tested: the structure of the expression; the logical operator and the conditional operators