
Circulation Department Strategic Planning Document
November 27, 2005
Revised December 14, 2005
Issues, Strategic Thrusts, and Actions
1. Issue: simplify customer processes
Strategic Thrust: Improve technological solutions in order to improve and/or eliminate
bureaucracy and duplicate services to satisfy customer needs.
2. Issue: accommodating media use in the library
Strategic Thrust: Redesign the configuration and administration of the current media space
to accommodate both small group and individual usage and incorporate new
3. Issue: interactions with other departments in the library.
Strategic Thrust: See what other departments do that interacts with our units in order to help
users so transactions can run more smoothly and satisfy those library users needs to the
4. Issue: customer service – need more and need to do it differently
Strategic Thrust: Working as a team, with name tags, in a courteous manner toward users
we will give quality, fast, accurate, and to the point service.
5. Issue: student hour cuts:
a. If Circulation deals with it
i. provide better service
ii. lessen student burden-monetarily
iii. students can have more experience for later
iv. lessen staff burden workwise
v. increase library hours-offer more service
vi. materials more accessible.
b. If Circulation doesn't deal with it
i. won't have students for service, processing, staff will do more
ii. library hours impacted
iii. services impacted
iv. students may seek other jobs
v. students help security services may go down, evening and weekend
vi. students must rely more on financial aide
vii. less students going to school
Strategic Thrust: When student hours are cut, it impacts campus wide accessibility to
services staffed by students. It impacts student, staff, and faculty access to library
material and service.
6. Issue: increased digitization
a. e-book
i. help library users to use the service
ii. train staff on e-book
iii. budget cost required for service
iv. staff need to train on e-book to help users
v. increased digitization provides access and service to all users
Strategic Thrust: Increasing digitization now will have an immediate cost for purchasing
and implementing technology, training staff, and educating library users, but will provide
greater access and service to all users (including distance education), thereby decreasing
costs in the future for the Library to purchase physical materials for the collection.
7. Issue: computers for staff and students.
Strategic Thrust: Users will have to face issues of sharing time and the space. This will
result in problems for all parties. By honoring this the University will provide a
resourceful environment where all users can become more productivity and efficient.
8. Issue: need for us to be more copyright aware and ethical.
Strategic Thrust: As U of I employees we will inform users of the results if caught
mishandling Library property. We could otherwise damage our own credibility as an
employees and the reputation of the University.
9. Issue: to enable student/faculty outreach to understand library digitization
Strategic Thrust: Propose navigation Kiosks be installed on each floor next to a physical
map that can be color coded and which offers direct answers to basic questions and
serves as a springboard to advanced questions.
10. Issue: to provide compartmentalization of staff work places/records/library technology for
the efficient use of resources
Strategic Thrust: Digitize records, clean up physical spaces, re-organize office equipment
for efficient use.
11. Issue: deteriorating infrastructure
a. what is deteriorating?
i. tiles coming up
ii. light fixtures are falling down
iii. elevators keep getting stuck
iv. concrete is disintegrating
v. bird feces in the stacks; especially at emergency exits
vi. tables are written on
vii. people leave their trash (such as Wendy's bags) on the table
viii. toilet paper on the floor in the Ladies restroom, (1st floor is the nastiest).
ix. restroom needs to be renovated
b. What will happen if the above issues are not deal with?
i. maggots
ii. injuries from the light fixtures
iii. there would be no place to sit and/or write (tables)
iv. trash would leave a terrible smell in the library and rest rooms
v. we need more reliable cleaning supplies for the restrooms
vi. people will start taking the stairs when the elevator is out of service
vii. toilet will be clogged; this will damage the sewage systems
viii. dust mites; people who have allergic reactions to dusts
ix. vermin may turn their attention to the collection as a source of
c. What about educating users on the affect of destroying property- how much does
it cost to replace or refinish a library table, who pays for it? Perhaps, if people
were more aware of these issues they would respect state property more?
Otherwise, replacement or refinishing is only going to be temporary - behavior
change is necessary to keep this building attractive as a study/learning
environment. Graffiti is still seen in elevators, on tables, and in restrooms.
d. Find out if the toilet paper is soiled or not – clean paper on the floor is probably
from people covering the seat for hygienic reasons, and not wanting to flush it for
fear of clogging the toilet. Installation of flushable seat covers would alleviate
Strategic Thrust: If we do not take care of the Library, the Library will deteriorate on the inside
and outside, and there will be fewer resources for our patrons: faculty, students, and
12. Issue: consortial issues: new members, resource sharing in view of digitization
a. we would need more books
b. the need of resources would increase
c. we need more computers available to patrons to access to e-books and other
digital material
d. we need more staff to handle the increase of volume of e-books requests
e. access to UIC catalog for non-UIC patrons
f. how would patrons without computers at home get access to digitalization?
g. the cost of printing allocation would have to increase from $15.00 to $25.00
Strategic Thrust: If consortial issues increase, then the Library will have to expand,
including the availability of e-books and more printing allowance of information (Peter’s
note: I suspect this means greater ability to print and share materials from the Library’s
electronic subscriptions).
13. Issue: money – budgetary allocations
Strategic Thrust: Budgetary restraints will affect customer service by cutting Circulation
staff, but reviewing and redistributing duties and working together would help
compensate for staff shortages.
14. Issue: wireless – access throughout the Library, especially in carrels
Strategic Thrust: Usage of carrels would decrease due to lack of information equipment
availability; the rewiring of the carrels for the use of library computers and increasing the
already available notebook laptops may increase carrel usage.
15. Issue: do more with less
a. If we do something about it
i. there will be an impact on public service – it will eventually deteriorate if
it continues
ii. staff will be stressed out. (medical issues may result)
iii. budget constraints will mean less tools (computers, etc.)
iv. short term there will be a benefit but long term will mean burn out
b. If we don’t do something about it
i. service is deteriorating RIGHT NOW. Results in poor service /frustrated
users / mission of library is not being fulfilled.
ii. administration/Campus may be encouraged to fix problem – add staff,
equipment, training, etc. – whatever is needed.
Strategic Thrust: Short term it would be good but in the long term, service will deteriorate.
16. Issue: the digital divide / tech savvy users / staff development and training
a. If we do something about it
i. we keep users happy
ii. we have to train staff
iii. equipment will be kept current
iv. we gain the support and respect of patrons
v. we operate productively and efficiently
vi. money will need to be spent
vii. staff benefit from acquiring new skills
b. If we don’t do something about it
i. we are slow and inefficient.
ii. we will lose the respect of our patrons.
iii. users may go elsewhere for what they need.
iv. we fail the mission of the Library / University.
v. we get behind the times and it’s harder to catch up.
vi. less resources and money is used… but at a cost to our patrons.
vii. staff skills stagnate – less job satisfaction.
c. There is a big divide is between groups of employees; for example, LC-III's
working the desk are generally much more computer savvy than Bookstacks
shelvers. But there is also a staggering array of abilities among staff at all levels.
Cultivation of computer literacy is sorely needed; not just classroom trainings,
but also frequent and sustained opportunities to integrate computer usage into
daily work. An analogy would be planting seeds in the classroom, and
cultivating them in the workplace afterward. Too often we plant seeds in dry
ground and fail to provide water and other things needed for them to grow.
Hence it is a waste of time and resources.
Strategic Thrust: If we don’t keep up, we will provide poor service, lose respect of patrons
and staff skills will stagnate.
17. Issue: technical support: equipment (change machines and credit card usage)
a. If we do something about it
i. response time for equipment repairs is slow, including routine
ii. change/credit card access in the Library id unavailable. Users must leave
to building to secure change or get cash for machines.
iii. staffing: no one is available to provide assistance for computer/printer of
technical issues, including interest access, and download problems.
b. Do nothing, and as a result, users are unable to successfully complete their
research. This will force patrons to go elsewhere and seek more convenei4ent
and accessible alternatives.
This frustration creates a hostile/stressful
environment for users and staff.
i. improve the quality of service in the Library
ii. identify areas that require technical support, e.g. computer related
concerns, internet access, etc.
iii. provide credit card access for copies and printing in combination with
secure change machine for cash users
iv. develop routing maintenance schedule for equipment repairs so are not
removed from service indefinitely
Strategic Thrust: Providing support to these areas will generate a more productive and
pleasant environment for users and staff. Therefore patrons experience in the library will
be more effective. As a result, Circulation staff will be able to provide quality service
and information to library users.
18. Issue: provide users an easy pathway to Library information
a. If we do something about it
i. users often have questions about the collection and the location of
various materials. At present there are no directional signs, guides or
handouts that can assist users in navigating the Library.
ii. in many instances, staff is uniformed about many Library services and re
unable to answer user’s questions.
iii. web page is convoluted and difficult to understand for both staff and
b. Do nothing, and complicated and/or unclear practices and directions frustrate
users and staff. Ultimately the research and education process is limited, and
users associate a visit to the Library with an exercise in frustration and
c. Create specific instructions and literature for users to access information, even a
Guide to the Library pamphlet:
i. floor maps and directions
ii. signage and visual aids in the building, e.g MAPS and “You are here”
navigations signs
iii. distinguish between print format and digital formats so users understand
how to use both mediums. Provide instructions or both mediums.
iv. breakdown of circulation guidelines and polices, including fines and
fees, loan periods, etc.
v. educating staff to assist users and provide time for staff without
computer access or workstations to learn the Web and Library resources
vi. design simplified web page – some users don’t know the difference
between services and resources. Use plain language and place the most
important aspects of the library experience on the top level page (EASY
Strategic Thrust: Improving Web access and navigation will provide better information to
Library users and staff. The building floor maps and signage will help users to feel more
comfortable with the library environment and resources.
Noted in discussion on the listserve that safety and infrastructure need more emphasis, and that
the Library needs to prioritize finding sources of funding.