Making Research Count; Improving outcomes for children, young people, adults and their families Programme 17th June 2015, Keele Hall, University of Keele 9.30 am Registration and refreshments 10.00 am Welcome to Making Research Count; knowledge based practice and the use of research James Blewett, Making Research Count National Co-ordinator, Kings College London Confirmed 10.15 am 21st Century Staffordshire; challenges and opportunities in social work Lee Pardy-McLaughlin, Principal Child and Family Social Worker, Staffordshire County Council, and Andrew Errington, Professional Head of Social Work, Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Partnership NHS Trust Confirmed 10.30 am Keynote speaker with Q&A Professor Harry Ferguson Confirmed Relational depth and its impact in social work with children and families: Evidence from research 11.30am Break and refreshments 11.45am Choice of the 4 following research and practice workshops Workshop 1 Developing a MRC programme for Staffordshire; learn about good practice from around the country and give your views James Blewett Confirmed Workshop 2 Ten years of the Mental Capacity Act; capturing experience Jill Manthorpe, Kings College London Confirmed Workshop 3 A Relationship-based approach to social work with adults Clare Parkinson, The Centre Confirmed for Social Work Practice Workshop 4 Adolescent neglect Phil Raws, Senior Researcher, The Children’s Society Confirmed 12.45pm Lunch 1.30pm KEYNOTE SPEAKER with Q&A Reimagining children and adults social work Professor Sue White, Birmingham University Confirmed 2.30pm Choice of the 4 following research and practice workshops Workshop 5 Parental Alcohol Misuse: uncovering and responding to children’s needs at a local level Jo Manning, the Children’s Society Confirmed Workshop 6 The experiences, meanings and challenges of older women’s sexualities Models of adult safeguarding practice; different models, different outcomes Rhiannon Jones, University of Keele Confirmed Katie Graham, University of York Confirmed Plenary and Next steps Lee Pardy-McLaughlin, Andrew Errington Confirmed Workshop 7 3.30pm Evaluation 4.15pm Close