8th GRADE PHYSICAL EDUCATION Instructor: Jake Kober Email: jdkober@mpsaz.org Office hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:15-8:55 Phone: 480-472-8322 Coach Kober’s Physical Education Goals and Objectives: Physical Education may be the most important class in which a student enrolls. All of the positive benefits of physical activity are well documented, including improving social skills. With what we know about the current state of Americans and especially our youth, physical education may be the key to students living a more productive life for years to come. Physical Education is designed to give students an opportunity to learn basic skills in a multitude of lifelong sports such as basketball, flag football, tennis, softball, speedball and many more. I strive to improve the student’s health and fitness level in order to establish the knowledge and the habits that will result in a long, successful, happy and healthy life. EXPECTATIONS ATTENDANCE: Regular and Punctual STUDENT BEHAVIOR: Students will treat each other with respect and dignity. Behavioral problems will be dealt with according to the school wide Step-Up Plan. DRESS OUT GUIDELINES:(Supplies) P.E. uniform or athletic shorts and a white t-shirt with sleeves are required. Students should label their clothes with their last name. Athletic shoes only (except for swimming unit). Students may wear sweat pants and sweatshirts during the cold months. Students forgetting their P.E. clothes may check out a P.E. uniform for that day. Students will only get one opportunity per semester to check out a uniform. If the student is unable to afford P.E. attire, that student should see their coach in confidentiality ASAP. Showers are not required but highly recommended. PARTICIPATION: Students will participate fully, safely, cooperatively, and to the best of personal ability. Students will need to bring a note (please include phone number) from home when they are to be excused from activity for medical reason. -Excuses for less than 2 days bring note to coach -Excuses for more than 2 days take note to the nurse and then to coach -Excuses for 5 days or more needs a doctors excuse to be taken to the nurse and to coach Students who are unable to participate due to a medical condition are still required to dress out and perform an alternate activity. Alternate activities: 1. Walking 2. Fitness activities Ex. Push ups, Crunches 3. Article report using Physical Education form MAKE-UP WORK WHEN ABSENT: Any student who has a parent excuse will be allowed to make up their daily pts. by completing an alternate activity for each day absent. Make up work is the responsibility of the student and must be arranged with the student’s individual teacher. . LOCKS AND LOCKERS: Each student is assigned their own lock and locker. The student is responsible for both of these items and any personal contents. Loss of the lock requires replacement by the student by paying the bookstore a fee of $4.00and bring the receipt to your coach. Only school issued locks will be permitted. Locks are property of Mesa Public Schools not the student so take care of them. Students are responsible for their own belongings. Always double check that your lock is locked before leaving the locker room. Do not bring valuables to school!!! Lockers remain the property of the school. School officials have the right to open and inspect them when circumstances arrive. PHYSICAL EDUCATION EVALUATION EXPECTATIONS: See daily minimal expectations GRADING POLICY: Daily Minimal Expectations Fitness/Tests Planner/Reading and Writing assignments 60% 30% 10% 100% A = 90% and above B = 80% - 89% C = 70% - 79% D = 60% - 69% F = Below 59% PLANNER: Students will be graded upon having and completing their planner as assigned by their teacher. Students will need their planner in class on Mondays. READING and WRITING ASSIGNMENTS Students will be required to read an article relating to physical education and then be able to answer the given questions using proper technique. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We have been made aware of the P.E. Department policies on classroom expectations, locker room regulations, and dressing out. Student (Please Print)_____________________________________________________ Signature of Parent Guardian_____________________________________________ PARENT - STUDENT INFORMATION SHEET RETURN TO YOU P.E. TEACHER (Please Print) Student Name___________________________________________________________ (last) (first) Class Hour____________ Teacher_________________________________________ Parent / Guardian Name__________________________________________________ (last (first) Phone #_________________________________________________________________ (home) (work) Mailing Address_________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ (Zip) Health Clearance for Activity (to be completed by parent) If there is a health concern, please indicate how activity should be limited. ___ my son has no present problems that would limit participation ___ my son has the following health concern(s) that may limit participation Problem:________________________________________________________________ Limitations______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Student and Parent Awareness of Policy: We have been made aware of the P.E. Department policies on classroom expectations, locker room regulations, and dressing out. Signature of Student_____________________________________________________ Signature of Parent Guardian_____________________________________________ RETURN TO YOUR P.E. TEACHER