Edison Elementary Eagle’s Nest Edison Elementary – Mesa Public Schools Office Phone 480-472-5300 Cafeteria 480-472-5246 Health Office 480-472-5283 Attendance 480-472-5282 Title One 480-472-5329 FAX 480-472-5281 http://www.mpsaz.org/edison Calendar Notes --------------------------------------------Curriculum Night – 8/31 5:30-7:00 p.m. Grades 4-6 5:30-6:30 Grades K-3 6:00-7:00 Labor Day- 9/7 No school Curriculum Night –Monday, August 31st Plan to join us to learn about the learning activities your child will be a part of this year at Edison. We have 2 sessions for each grade range so that families could attend up to 3 classrooms that night. Grades K-2 6:00 and 6:30 sessions Grades 3-6 5:30 and 6:00 sessions PTO Meeting 9/8 @ 4 p.m. Picture Day 9-9 Early Release-@ 12:15 9/16 Constitution Day 9/17 Grading Day-10-9 We will also have presentations from Banner Health and Title One that evening in the cafeteria. These sessions will be … Banner Health Care @ 6:00 Title One @ 7:00 Early Release -@ 11:45 October Break – no school Janelle Chisholm – Math Trainer is October 12-16 coming to Edison to host two math classes designed for parents on September 23rd (grades K-2) and September Parent Conferences are 30th (grades 3-6). She helped trained our Edison teachers scheduled for October 21-23. and is an excellent presenter. If you want to undertand MPS is offering a 3 day window how to better help your student with math, please for conferences with a Wednesday-Friday session for register. These classes are available to all parents in families. Times will be in the MPS, so make sure you get a spot. afternoon and into the evenings to help families. We will get scheduling information to you after Labor Day to start scheduling. Parent University – Course Catalogs in English/Spanish http://www.mpsaz.org/parentu Visit our Website for news and events. http://www.mpsaz.org/edison Edison News and Notes Cafeteria Meals Pricing The cost for a regular student lunch is $1.95 per day or $9.75 per week. Student families can apply for meal assistance and if they qualify have reduced priced meals or free breakfast and lunch at our campus. All meals meet the federal requirement to increase the amount of fruits and vegetables served at both breakfast and lunch, has also prompted the need to increase meal prices. School meals are still an excellent way to ensure students are healthy and alert for learning in the classroom. "School meals remain the best value option for a healthy meal for children," Zullo says. "Menus feature whole grains, fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and a variety of milk options. Age-appropriate portions, calorie limits, and limits on saturated fat and sodium are all part of the meal-planning process." Many families do not apply and could benefit from the program. Please complete the meals program application and see if your family qualifies for assistance. Edison faces an issue with student tardies for the start of the day. The first bell is at 7:40 and students should meet their class at their line up spot out on the basketball court on their side. Students should not be waiting by their classroom door. When a student reaches 5 tardies, they will attend detention for each new tardy. For students that go over 10 tardies, they will earn after school detention and will not be dismissed at the regular time. We have been charged to improve our attendance rate for families with tardy problems. Students attending Edison under Open Enrollment must maintain good attendance standing to have their option renewed. If a student fails to attend their detentions- they will attend our In School Suspension program (ACE/ALC) at Lehi. Please make an effort to be here on time each day. If you struggle with this, set your alarm a little earlier, pick out your clothes the night before, and get packed for school before you go to sleep. Set a bed time and stick to it on Sunday through Thurdsay nights. These tips will help you get a few more minutes into your schedule which can make all the difference on getting here on time. Parent Tips Expect More Arizona The transition back to school can be an exciting yet stressful time for both students and their families. A little planning, some healthy conversation and access to valuable education resources can help ease any anxiety and get kids off to a great start. Get back in the routine. Re-establish bedtime, mealtime, reading and homework schedules. Create a quiet place for studying. Designate a specific time and place for homework each day. While your child is doing homework, have the TV, video games and music turned off to eliminate distractions and procrastination. Introduce yourself to your child’s teacher to start the school year. Attend Curriculum Night to learn about the learning activities your child will be using this year. Promoting learning outside of the classroom helps children perform better in school. Read to your child, or have him or her read to you. To support math skills, challenge your child to add up the cost of the groceries in the cart next time you’re at the store. Find other simple, daily actions at TodayInAZ.org. Celebrate your child’s successes. If your child gets a good grade, turns in all of his or her homework on time or overcomes a particular challenge, celebrate! This reinforces the positive effort. We hope to have a great year with your family and keep your student achieving. Checklist to Support Your Student 1. Check Homework- does it look done, are there areas they didn’t understand 2. Read what comes home- at times this can seem like a lot of information, but it slows down after the start of the year, we try to communicate regularly 3. Look at graded work that comes home 4. Talk about going to college- it helps us with our support of AVID at Edison, Kino and Westwood 5. Be a learner – read, watch documentaries, talk about your study with your family 6. Visit or contact school regularly- start with the teacher- they have the most detail about student performance, behavior and lesson assignments 7. If you are not getting things from school, there is a problem. Call to check. Recess and Rules Please make sure you have a signed form for each student in your family submitted for the student handbook. Families that came to Meet the Teacher should have received a booklet. The last page is the sign off sheet for students. Please read the handbook as a family to become familiar with what we expect at Edison. Each student needs a page signed off for recess and our playground rules. Those with the pages submitted by August 21st will have a bonus recess when it cools off. Testing All Edison students will be taking DIBELS reading testes over the next 2 weeks. In addition students have Math baseline testing for their new grade level. We will use these results to plan support for our students and help see who is in need of extra help. Encourage your students to do their best and help us get an accurate view of how they are prepared for the skills they will need for this year. ELP @ Edison Edison will host the ELP (gifted) program on our campus this year. We know several changes have occurred to our staffing that has made the transition a challenge. Our first teacher was offered an administrative position and moved to that job. Recently, our teacher hired for this year has had to stop teaching because of the need to care for her family. The amount of time and energy needed at home was not going to let her teach while she cares for them. So, we are awaiting the search for a new teacher to work with our students. Classes will be held in room 42 on the north end of campus. We will have students bus to us from Field and possibly other sites as well. We hope to get this program up and running smoothly very soon and we will let families know when classes will begin. Edison students will be using technology more this year to increase their learning. STMath is a web based, math skill development program in which students solve problems posed through a variety of skill areas using Jiji the penguin as their character. Each class will have access to laptops and our computer lab to use to complete the program.