Note Sheet Key

Name_____________________________________Date________________Class Hour______
Write your answer to the question on the screen in this box
The amount each friend would have to pay you for their movie ticket is:
The cost of one
Definition of UNIT RATE:__________________________________
Directions: Assume you are shopping for the following fruit. To get the most for your money,
you must shop carefully. Figure the cost per ounce or unit for each fruit product and write it in
the blank provided. Then circle the best buy for each fruit. Round to the nearest cent!
50 cents
40 cents
7 cents
5 cents
5 cents
6 cents
10 cents
19 cents
4. Sometimes the “best buy” is not the best choice for you. What factors besides price might
you think about when buying fruit?
The best buy might be too much and the left overs will go to waste.
You might not have enough money to afford the best buy.
Other appropriate answers.