COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE January 12, 2011 MINUTES Members Present: Colin Archibald, Joe Bivins, George Brooks, Chris Borglum, Diane Dalrymple, Dan Dutkofski, Yolanda Gonzalez, Celeste Henry, David Jones, Anita Kovalsky, James McDonald, John Niss (co-chair), Elizabeth Park (Mathematics Alternate), Kristy Pennino, George Rausch, Pam Sandy, Betty Wanielista Ex-Officio Present: Alys Arceneaux, Krystal Cortez, Kurt Ewen, Cheryl Robinson, Edwin Sanchez, Falecia Williams Staff: Kim Adams (recording) Guests: Cynthia Cerrato, Alecia Corsi (intern), Lynn Dorn, Richard Gair, Ruth Prather 1. Review of Minutes – November 10, 2010 The minutes of the November 10, 2010 meeting were approved as submitted. 2. Consent Agenda – Course modifications or deletions involving minor editing of course descriptions or level changes which do not impact other departments are eligible for placement on the consent agenda. Any members of the committee may request to remove a proposal from the consent agenda for the purpose of discussion. The following course(s) have outlines in Course Outline Builder which may be viewed in ATLAS: BSC 1011C OST 2466 Fundamentals of Biology II Capstone Simulation for Coding (new course) The following outlines are being presented as part of the Two-Year Program Review Cycle (in COB, the course number will be followed with the number 2 in parentheses [i.e., OST 1108 (2)]) There are no outlines being presented this month as part of the two-year program review cycle. The Consent Agenda was approved by consensus. 3. Regular Agenda 1011-020 General Education Alignment Recommendations................................... John Niss Purpose: Alignment of all general education courses to ensure optimal transfer to UCF for students. The current A.A. and A.S./A.A.S. general education lists will be combined so there will be just one list for students, which is less confusing; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). John Niss told the CCC that the Gen Ed Alignment Recommendations were submitted to the deans and other interested parties for their review. There are a few very minor issues to be resolved, i.e., the addition of an either/or option for SPC 1608 and SPC 1017 (adding SPC 1017 to General Education curriculum). Communications deans and speech faculty expressed concern over the lack of a public speaking component in SPC 1017. They requested an opportunity to re-work the course outlines so that what will be done in the course will be reflected in the outline. For now, this option will not be added, but will be a possibility for the following academic year. John opened the floor for discussion, but the consensus was that the work done was thorough and that the issues had been discussed and resolved. The recommendations were approved by consensus. John Niss took a moment to recognize Karen Borglum for the work that she did on this and the huge effort involved to make the process for students easier and the Catalog and transfer process cleaner. 1011-021 Hospitality and Tourism Management, A.A.S. Degree, CPM .................... Jim Inglis Purpose: Clarification of program for student needs in registration; graduation compliance/degree audit needs to be adjusted to match program requirements; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). 1011-022 Hospitality and Tourism Management, A.S. Degree (Articulated AS to BS Career Path), CPM ................................................. Jim Inglis Purpose: To add general education into program with removal of Freshman Composition II from that list; students will choose one of four courses; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). *Note: Dan Dutkofski presented Proposals 1011-021 and 1011-022 for Jim Inglis. These proposals were approved as submitted. 1011-023 LIT 2955 Holocaust Studies Trip Abroad, CCM............................ Richard Gair Purpose: Right now LIT 2174 or 2174H Literature-Multimedia of the Holocaust is a prerequisite for this course which is a Holocaust Study Abroad trip. There are times that a student has had extensive background studying this subject and I want the professor to simply have the authority to waive the prerequisite. An excellent example is a student here actually went through the State Teacher Holocaust Training Program at FSU with me. He was a film major and as part of that program was making a documentary on the Holocaust. The one week of intense training was not acceptable for me to take him on the trip even though I was able to vouch for his attendance with me. I think the Professor should have been able to waive LIT 2174/H; Revised Prerequisites: LIT 2174 or LIT 2174H. This should be at the discretion of the professor (previously, LIT 2174 or LIT 2174H); Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). Proposal 1011-023 was approved with the following revision to the wording of the Revised Prerequisites: LIT 2174 or LIT 2174H or department approval. Page 2 The order of presentation of the following two proposals, 1011-024 and 1011-025 was reversed. Joe Bivins presented for Robert Gessner, who was unable to attend the meeting due to his classroom schedule. 1011-025 BSC 2093C Human Anatomy & Physiology I, CCM ............................ Lynn Dorn Purpose: To change prerequisites and the Catalog description; Revised Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of all mandated courses in reading, mathematics, English and EAP; and a minimum grade of C in Honors high school biology or Advanced Placement biology AND Honors high school chemistry or Advanced Placement Chemistry; or BSC 1010C (previously: Satisfactory completion of all mandated courses in reading, mathematics, English and EAP and minimum grade of C in: one year each of high school science laboratory courses in either biology and chemistry or in anatomy and physiology and chemistry or BSC 1005 and BSC 1005L or BSC 1005C or BSC 1010C or MCB 2010C); Revised Catalog Course Description: Tissues, structure and function of integumentary, skeletal, muscular, endocrine and nervous systems, and organs of special sense. Lab exercises emphasize anatomic and physiologic principles associated with classroom work. (Special Fee: $35.00); Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). Several questions arose due to the revision of the prerequisites. One question that was asked was if students who complete high school AP courses that serve as a prerequisite will also need to pass the AP test. The answer was no; the students need to complete the courses with a minimum grade of “C,” but do not need to show that they have passed the AP test. Another question was with regard to Banner coding in order to be able to pick up Honors and AP courses from high school transcripts. Edwin said that they will address this issue and that codes will be created. With these questions answered, Proposal 1011-025 was approved as submitted. 1011-024 MCB 2010C Microbiology, CCM ................................................. Robert Gessner Purpose: Prerequisites were changed FROM: Satisfactory completion of all mandated courses in reading, mathematics, English, and English for Academic Purposes and minimum grade of C in: BSC 1005 and BSC 1005L or BSC 1005C or BSC 1010C or BSC 2093C TO: BSC 1010C or higher or BSC 2093C w/grade of "C" or higher; Revised Prerequisites: BSC 1010C or higher; or BSC 2093C, with a grade of C or higher; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). Proposal 1011-024 was approved with the following editorial re-wording of the prerequisites: Minimum grade of “C” in BSC 1010C or BSC 2093C. 1011-026 CHM 1025C Introduction to General Chemistry, CCM ......................... Joe Bivins Purpose: Change special fee from $52 to $61; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). 1011-027 CHM 1045C Gen. Chemistry w/Qualitative Analysis I, CCM ................. Joe Bivins Purpose: Change special fee from $57 to $62; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). Page 3 1011-028 CHM 1046C Gen. Chemistry w/Qualitative Analysis II, CCM ................ Joe Bivins Purpose: Change special fee from $77 to $62; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). 1011-029 CHM 2210C Organic Chemistry I, CCM ................................................ Joe Bivins Purpose: Change special fee from $132 to $148; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). 1011-030 CHM 2211C Organic Chemistry II, CCM ............................................... Joe Bivins Purpose: Change special fee from $131 to $136; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). 1011-031 BSC 1005C Biological Science, CCM ................................................... Joe Bivins Purpose: Change special fee from $37 to $49; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). 1011-032 BSC 1005L Lab in Applied Biology, CCM ............................................ Joe Bivins Purpose: Change special fee from $37 to $49; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). 1011-033 BSC 1010C Fundamentals of Biology I, CCM ...................................... Joe Bivins Purpose: Change special fee from $56 to $49; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). 1011-034 BSC 1011C Fundamentals of Biology II, CCM ..................................... Joe Bivins Purpose: Change special fee from $53 to $58; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). 1011-035 BSC 2093C Human Anatomy & Physiology I, CCM ............................. Joe Bivins Purpose: Change special fee from $51 to $44; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). 1011-036 BSC 2094C Human Anatomy & Physiology II, CCM ............................ Joe Bivins Purpose: Change special fee from $43 to $58; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). 1011-037 MCB 2010C Microbiology, CCM .......................................................... Joe Bivins Purpose: Change special fee from $75 to $87; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). Proposals 1011-026 through 1011-037 were taken as a block and were approved as submitted. 1011-038 FSS Various Courses (per attached list), CCM................................... Dan Dutkofski Purpose: Increased costs for special fees; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). Proposal 1011-038 was approved as submitted. 1011-039 Criminal Justice Technology, A.S. Degree, CPM ........................... James McDonald Purpose: Add three homeland security electives and a three-course specialization in Homeland Security that consists of the three homeland security electives; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). Proposal 1011-039 was approved as submitted. Page 4 1011-040 Criminal Justice Technology Specialist, Tech. Cert., CPA .............. James McDonald Purpose: This certificate is intended for students interested in working in a support capacity within criminal justice organizations or in the private security field. Students will develop a broad-base of knowledge that includes a basic understanding of criminal evidence and procedures and an overview of the criminal justice system and related administrative concerns. Other topics will cover issues related to private security, juvenile justice systems and adult correctional systems. Students will develop specific skills in business communications and learn basic computer fundamentals and applications necessary to contribute in a support role with a criminal justice or private security organization; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). The question was asked whether a CIP code had been obtained for this new program. James said that yes, they do have a CIP code; Falecia Williams, AVP for Workforce Development, reiterated this. She added that the Florida Department of Education has changed the way they handle new programs. They now approve the program and inform the college; however, announcements for all new programs (for all Florida colleges) are made annually, on July 1, and the programs cannot be rolled out until the announcements have been made. Proposal 1011-040 was approved as submitted. 1011-041 Criminal Justice Technology, A.A.S. Degree, CPD ......................... James McDonald Purpose: Low enrollment and low number of graduates. Also, the award of articulated credits from CJI creates complications when students change program majors from an A.A.S. to an A.S. or A.A. degree; Effective Date: Summer 2010 Term TR3 was the last term that a student could begin the program. Proposal 1011-041 was approved as submitted. 1011-042 OST 2466 Capstone Simulation for Coding, CCA.................... Betty Wanielista Purpose: There is a need for a capstone course in the Coder/Biller program; Catalog Course Description: This course provides a review of important coding and billing concepts. It exposes the student to situations and tasks that will be encountered on the job. Students will use their skills in coding and performing medical office tasks. (Special Fee: $34.00); Prerequisites: OST 2452 and OST 2454; Co-requisites: None; Credit/Class (Lecture)/Lab Hours: 3/3/0; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). Proposal 1011-042 was approved as submitted. 1011-043 Medical Information Coder/Biller Administration, A.S. Degree, CPM .................................................. Betty Wanielista Purpose: To add OST 2466, Capstone Simulation for Coding, to the Program. Removing OST 1461, Medical Office Simulation, since it does not apply to coding; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). Proposal 1011-043 was approved as submitted. Page 5 1011-044 Medical Office Management, Technical Certificate, CPA.............. Betty Wanielista Purpose: This certificate prepares students for career opportunities in medical office management in medical offices and hospitals, and will be a part of the Medical Office Administration, A.S. Degree Program; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). Proposal 1011-044 was approved as submitted. 1011-045 CIS 1351 Cryptology, CCD .................................................... Colin Archibald Purpose: This course is no longer necessary; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). 1011-046 CIS 2102 Systems Assurance – Quality and Testing, CCD ....... Colin Archibald Purpose: This course is no longer necessary; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). 1011-047 CIS 2356 Firewall Configuration & Mgmt., CCD ..................... Colin Archibald Purpose: This course is no longer necessary; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). 1011-048 COP 1650 Programming Wireless Applications, CCD ............... Colin Archibald Purpose: This course will be replaced, but the new one will be very different and will appear in a different part of SCNS, so we will start from scratch; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). 1011-049 CTS 1154 Remote Technical Support, CCD.............................. Colin Archibald Purpose: This course is no longer necessary; Effective Date: Fall 2011 (201210). Proposals 1011-045 through 1011-049 was looked at together, as a block, and were approved as submitted. 4. Discussion Items PERT Implementation – Cynthia Cerrato will give a brief overview of the PERT Transition Plan and other important, related information. PERT implementation will be effective on February 14, 2011, when PERT will initially replace the CPT in the areas of reading, writing, and mathematics. Not all academic areas are ready to transition at this time, but the goal is to have everything transitioned over by the end of the 2011 calendar year, including EAP. EAP and math faculty are working to establish placement systems that will work for students. For now, all students will be tested; if a student needs a specialized test, Valencia will continue to use tests that were previously used. Existing CPT scores can be used for two years; and it was noted that the online Catalog needs to reflect information pertaining to PERT by the February 14 implementation date. Page 6 Cynthia noted that previously colleges had some flexibility in how tests were scored; however, with PERT, the State is establishing the scoring system and there is no flexibility to make changes within individual colleges. 5. Information Items Field Reviews - The Statewide Course Numbering System (SCNS) Computer Science and Computing Technologies (CSCT) Faculty Discipline Subcommittee on Computer Programming (COP) met on May 13th and 14th, 2010, for the purpose of realigning courses for more seamless transfer. The following courses will undergo changes, as follows, effective August 1, 2011. COP 1006, Introduction to Programming Concepts, will become COP 1000 COP 2802, Java Language for Programmers, will be discontinued These changes have been reviewed and approved by the department at Valencia. Colin noted that COP 1006 is listed many times throughout the Catalog, so care must be taken to be sure that the change is made in each place that the course is listed. The next meeting of the College Curriculum Committee is scheduled for February 9, 2011, and will be held on the East Campus, Room 3-113. Deadline for submission of materials for the February CATALOG DEADLINE agenda is January 26, 2011. Due to the volume of proposals, we request that this deadline be strictly adhered to. Page 7