November 9, 2011

November 9, 2011
Members Present: Joe Bivins, Melody Boeringer, Chris Borglum, Ana Caldero-Figueroa, Diane
Dalrymple, Wendy Givoglu, Celeste Henry, Marie Howard, David Jones, Anita Kovalsky, Robert
McCaffrey, John Niss (co-chair), Bonnie Oliver, Kristy Pennino, Pam Sandy
Ex-Officio Present: Alys Arceneaux, Belen Caba, Krystal Cortez, Kurt Ewen, Darnell Purcell, Cheryl
Staff Present: Kim Adams (recording)
Guests Present: Jenni Campbell, Jamy Chulak, Ron Colburn, Penny Conners, Edie Gaythwaite, Mayra
Holzer, Lee McCain, Ali Notash
Review of Minutes – October 12, 2011
John welcomed everyone and opened the meeting with a review of the October 12, 2011 Minutes.
He asked if anyone had any comments, questions, or concerns. There were none, and the minutes
were approved by consensus.
Consent Agenda – Course modifications or deletions involving minor editing of course
descriptions or level changes which do not impact other departments are eligible for placement
on the consent agenda. Any members of the committee may request to remove a proposal from
the consent agenda for the purpose of discussion.
The following course(s) have outlines in Course Outline Builder which may be viewed in ATLAS:
GEB 2930
GEB 2942
RMI 2942
SBM 1000
Selected Topics in Business
Internship in Business (new course)
Internship in Insurance (new course)
Small Business Management
The following outlines are being presented as part of the Two-Year Program Review Cycle
There are no outlines being presented for approval that are part of the Two-Year Program Review
Cycle this month.
The Consent Agenda was approved by consensus.
Regular Agenda
1112-026 DEH 2701
Community Dental Health I, CCM .................................. Pam Sandy
Purpose: Change to the course description and deletion of co-requisites; Revised Catalog Course
Description: Introduces students to the study of various aspects of community dentistry/public
health, including basic concepts of analysis, planning, implementation, and evaluation in public
health. Statistical analysis, research methodology, and dental health presentations to groups are
also covered; Revised Co-Requisites: None (previously: DEH 2804 and DEH 2804L); Effective
Date: Fall 2012 (201310).
Proposal 1112-026 was approved by consensus.
1112-027 DEH 2702
Community Dental Health II, CCM ................................. Pam Sandy
Purpose: Change to course description; Revised Catalog Course Description: Gives student
dental hygienists an opportunity to apply concepts and methods learned in DEH 2701 to a
community project which students design and implement; Effective Date: Fall 2012 (201310).
Proposal 1112-027 was approved by consensus.
1112-028 DEH 2300
Pharmacology, CCM ...................................................... Pam Sandy
Purpose: Delete prerequisite; Revised Prerequisite: None (previously: Acceptance to Dental
Hygiene A.S. Degree Program; Effective Date: Fall 2012 (201310).
Proposal 1112-028 was approved by consensus.
1112-029 GEB 2942
Internship in Business, CCA..................................... Barbara Frazier
Purpose: Course is being added for Perkins reporting purposes; Catalog Course Description: This
course is a planned work-based experience that provides students with an opportunity to finetune skills learned in class and enhance workplace skills through supervised practical
experiences related to their career objectives. Each earned credit of Internship requires a
minimum of 80 clock hours of work. Multiple credit course. May be repeated for credit, but
grade forgiveness cannot be applied. (Internship Fee: $10.00); Prerequisites: Satisfactory
completion of all mandated courses in reading, mathematics, English, and English for Academic
Purposes; a minimum 2.0 institutional or overall GPA; and 12 credits, including GEB 1011, or ACG
2021, or BUL 2241, or ECO 2013, or ECO 2023. The Program Director/Program Chair/Program
Coordinator or Internship and Workforce Services Office has the discretion to provide override
approval as it relates to the waiver of required program/discipline-related courses; Co-requisites:
None; Credit/Class (Lecture)/Lab Hours: 1-4 variable (may be repeated for credit w/o grade
forgiveness for up to 4 credit hours); Effective Date: Fall 2012 (201310).
Proposals numbered 1112-029 and 030 were presented by Lee McCain, in Barbara Frazier’s
absence. Proposal 1112-029 was approved by consensus.
1112-030 RMI 2942
Internship in Insurance, CCA ................................... Barbara Frazier
Purpose: To provide internship opportunity for students obtaining an A.S. Business degree with a
specialization in insurance; Catalog Course Description: This course is a planned work-based
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experience that provides students with an opportunity to fine-tune skills learned in class and
enhance workplace skills through supervised practical experience related to their career
objectives. Each earned credit of Internship requires a minimum of 80 clock hours of work.
Multiple credit course. May be repeated for credit, but grade forgiveness cannot be applied.
(Internship Fee: $10.00); Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of all mandated courses in
reading, mathematics, English, and English for Academic Purposes; a minimum 2.0 institutional
or overall GPA; and 12 credits, including GEB 1011 and RMI 1201 or RMI 1521. The Program
Director/Program Chair/Program Coordinator or Internship and Workforce Services Office has
the discretion to provide override approval as it relates to the waiver of required
program/discipline-related courses; Co-requisites: None; Credit/Class (Lecture)/Lab Hours: 1-4
variable (may be repeated for credit w/o grade forgiveness for up to 4 credit hours) Effective
Date: Fall 2012 (201310).
Proposal 1112-030 was approved by consensus.
HUM 1300
Love in the Humanities: What’s Love Got To Do With It?,
..................................................... Karen Borglum
Purpose: This course has not been taught in several years and there are no plans to offer it,
because it does not serve as a General Education course in Humanities; Effective Date: Fall 2012
Proposal 1112-031 was approved by consensus.
Articulated Pre-Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology (Valencia
College), A.A. Degree, CPA
Ali Notash
Purpose: This program is designed to provide a pathway to Valencia A.A. degree students
interested in pursuing the Bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology;
Effective Date: Spring 2012 (201220).
Proposal 1112-032 was approved by consensus.
1112-033 RET 2350
Pharmacology, CCM ....................................................Jamy Chulak
Purpose: We are adding 1 credit hour to this course to enhance student learning of complex
medications and interventions through simulation/lab activities. Also, change course title from
Pharmacology to "Respiratory Pharmacology" to differentiate the A.S. Degree from the B.S.
degree program; Credit/Class (Lecture)/Lab Hours: 4/3/3 (previously 3/3/0); Effective Date: Fall
2012 (201310).
1112-034 Respiratory Care, A.S. Degree, CPM ...................................................Jamy Chulak
Purpose: PHY 1007C Physics will be an appropriate addition to our existing curriculum which
satisfies our 76 credit hours and state common course pre-requisite for a BS degree within the
discipline. The HSC 2550 Pathophysiology is a course in which its content is currently taught in
RET 1485C Cardiopulmonary Physiology. HSC 4555 Pathophysiology will be taught within the BS
degree. In addition, RET 2350 will have one credit added, making it a 4 credit hour class. A "C"
designation will be added to the number; Effective Date: Fall 2012 (201310).
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Proposals numbered 1112-033 and 1112-034 were approved by consensus. It is noted that the
“C” designation will be added to RET 2350, since a lab was added. The new number will be RET
1112-015 General Education for A.A./A.S./A.A.S. Degree(s), CPM................ Suzette Dohany
Purpose: We would like SPC 1017 to be offered as an option to SPC 1608. This course
significantly contributes to the Gen Ed Outcome: Oral Communication: Engage in effective
interpersonal, oral, written communication According to the National Association of Colleges and
Employers (NACE Job Outlook), communication skills, including interpersonal skills, is at the top
of the list of what employers want in college graduates Course description was updated to
remove antiquated terminology; Effective Date: Fall 2012 (201310).
Note: This Credit Program Modification was presented at the October 12, 2011 CCC meeting. It
generated quite a bit of discussion, and it was decided to conduct one final vote from Speech
faculty members, college wide, and bring back to the November 9 meeting for a final decision.
November 9 Meeting Discussion
John Niss once again reviewed the history of this proposal and the materials presented today to
support it. He began with the General Education alignment that was approved January 12, 2011.
The alignment was done to bring together two separate lists for general education at Valencia to
ensure an easier transfer route for Valencia students, particularly to UCF. During the alignment,
it was discovered that SPC 1017 (or 2017) was offered for general education credit at a number of
Florida colleges (list was attached as a supporting document). The course was also used in some
of Valencia’s A.S. degree programs as a general education option. The recommendation was
made to include SPC 1017 as a general education option, along with SPC 1608.
At the time, it was felt that the course outcomes were not appropriate for a general education
course, so a group of Speech faculty members got together and worked to modify the course
outline so that the course would be appropriate for A.A. and A.S./A.A.S. general education.
The course modification and the request to add the course to general education curriculum was
submitted at the October 12, 2011 meeting. The course modification was approved; however, the
Committee decided to defer a decision on the general education request until this (November 9)
meeting, in order to give the Speech faculty one additional time to vote. They (some of the Speech
faculty) felt that there was confusion regarding the voting done prior to the last meeting.
John then opened up the floor for comment. Joe Bivins said that he has some very slight concern
about transferability of this course within the general education curriculum. However, this
concern is not enough to prevent him from voting in favor of the proposal.
Ron Colburn, representing the dissenting faculty members from Osceola Campus, said that his
main concern with this course is the lack of speeches. He would feel better about the course
being in general education if there were more than one speech required.
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Jenni Campbell expressed concern over the fact that the course title of the majority of the other
colleges’ SPC 1017 courses is different than Valencia’s. John assured her that it is the course
number, not title, that ensures transferability.
At this time, a vote was taken. Of the 15 voting members present, 14 voted “yes;” there were no
“no” votes; one person voted to “abstain,” based on a lack of knowledge of the proposal. As
such, the proposal was approved.
Discussion Items
There are no Discussion Items for the November Agenda.
Information Items
In April 2010, at the CCC meeting, the B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology
degree was approved. Prefixes and numbers that had been provided by the Discipline
Coordinator were used; however, when those numbers were submitted for final approval by the
State, quite a few changes were made by the State in both prefixes and numbering. This was due
to the addition of prefixes by the State and the moving around of certain types of courses among
those new prefixes for a better fit.
The changes occurred in May, 2011; there was no CCC meeting in May or June. At the July 2011
meeting, Karen Borglum verbally mentioned that numerous changes had been made and that
these changes would be reflected in the 2011-12 Catalog. However, at this time we are providing
the list of courses as originally approved and as changed, for an official record.
*Note: The State is making additional changes to some of these courses as part of a recent Field
Review. Those changes were included in the Agenda and Minutes of the September 14, 2011 CCC
meeting and will be effective August 1, 2012.
Course Title
Orig. Prefix/# Assigned
Rev. Prefix/#(Catalog)
CET 3383
CET 3464
EET 3320C
EET 4320
EET 4360C
EET 4361C
EET 4362C
EET 4364C
EET 4365C
EET 4366
EET 4367
EET 4368
EET 3329C
EET 4328
EST 4216C
EST 4256C
EST 4217C
EST 4228C
EST 4280C
EST 4236C
EST 4260
EET 4336
EET 4388
Software Applications in Engineering
Communication Systems
Wireless Communication
Geometrical and Wave Optics
Optical Communication Systems
Optical Eng. and Lens Design
Optical Detectors and Systems
Adv. Electro-Optical Devices
Laser Engineering Design
Biophotonics Technologies
Antenna and Radar System Design
Laser Satellite and Space Comm.
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Power Systems and Energy Conversion
Power Electronics
Senior Project Design
Engineering Mgmt. and Ethics
Engineering Documentation and
Engineering Mathematical Analysis
Quality Assurance & Testing Methods
Nanotechnology Systems and Apps.
Photovoltaic Technologies
EET 4541
EET 4548C
EET 4939
EST 3140
EST 3144
ETP 4241
ETP 4240C
EET 4950
EST 3020
EST 3010
EST 3360
EST 3537
EST 4360
EST 4880
EGN 3428
ETI 3116
ESET 4361
ETP 4440
The next meeting of the College Curriculum Committee is scheduled for January 11, 2012, and
will be held on the East Campus, Room 3-113. Deadline for submission of materials for the
January agenda is December 7, 2011.
REMINDER! REMINDER!! The February Catalog Deadline meeting will soon be upon us. All
items for the February Agenda (the last one to submit to in order to have your additions,
modifications, and deletions in the 2012-13 Catalog) must be submitted by and will not be
accepted after January 18, 2012.
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