September 13th, 2010

Professional Staff Leadership Team
Un-Adopted Meeting Minutes
September 13, 2010, 2:00 p.m.
8-105D, East Campus
Present (12)
Absent (6)
Call to Order
Approval of
Welcome Letter
Fall Forum
Member photos
for web site
Development Day
Johnny Aplin, Shelby Forentino, Mariann Swenson, Josh Murdoch, Keith
Mizelle, Todd Hunt, Jeff Hogan, Akos Delneky, David Lowell, Elizabeth
Jusino, Shauna Anstey, Patty Riva
Donna Kosloski, Eisha Gonzalez-Bonnewitz, Joe Nunes, Joe Sarrubo,
Dwayne Smoot, Debi Jakubcin,
The meeting was called to order @ 2:00 p.m.
The July 12, 2010 regular meeting minutes were approved
Liz read the new "welcome letter" to new members. It was approved and
is being sent to Dr. Stone for final approval
Planning for the Fall Forum is going well. Plans to date:
* Dr. Shugart will give a synopsis of the Fall Academic Assembly.
* Laurie Yougman will speak on changes to benefits (if any)
* Keith Houck on budgeting
* Lucy Boudet will address marketing issues
*Dr. Shugart will stay to discuss any college updates.
*Then we will have updates from the various councils (CLC, CPL, & COC)
*Town Hall style meeting with questions and discussions. Majority of
questions sent to Liz beforehand on index cards to make sure we keep to
the time allotted.
* Josh will design the flyer for the forum
* Patty & Mary will staff the registration table with Keith at the table to
collect question cards at the end of the day.
* Debi will be recognized and honored for her two years serving as the
Chairperson of the PSLT, Shelby will be recognized as co-chair and new
members will be recognized
* Shelby will design a Welcome to the Day Power Point
At our next PSLT meeting, (10/11/01) members will be having their
pictures taken for the PSLT web site. (last 30 minutes of the meeting)
Planning for PDD is going well.
 The Theme for the day is “Communication College Wide”
 Various titles for the day have been discussed. “Listen Up:
Communicate & Collaborate” was chosen
 Three (3) workshops are planned: Crucial Conversations facilitated
by Carolyn McMorran, Penny Villegas & Celine Kavalec- Miller will
present on Conflict Transformation, & Katie Shephard will present
on Public Speaking (Still trying to come up with a name for that
Shelby is working on a program booklet
Decorations & little gifts for the event were discussed
Pens and totes are being supplied by the bookstore
Keith and Mariann will staff the registration table
How to best advertise the day were discussed. Some ideas were:
Leadership VCC, place in the bulletin, Dr. Stone sends an email
inviting to all to attend, supervisors are to encourage Professional
staff to attend. Perhaps a follow up email after RSVP to encourage
greater attendance. An Out-Look invitation sent (some thought
no, it’s just too easy to click yes….and not come) smoke signals and
carrier pigeons were also mentioned.
FOOD: Keith and Johnny looking into this.
Charity: Second harvest Food-bank / food drop off, no attendance
by organization
PSLT Mission
Statement &
Vision Statement
Mission Statement Stays the same
Matrix status
*More time off as years on staff accrue. (Career service and Professional
staff) The 15 and 20 year mark were discussed. (pending)
* Unused vacation time compensated financially instead of rolling over to
sick time (perhaps a personal choice?) Much discussion…pending
* Bereavement present none, suggest five (5) days be allotted,
should include in-laws
* The compensation discrepancy between new hires and existing staff was
discussed. New hires come in too close to those who have been with the
college a longtime.
* Midpoint raise discussed. Needs t be ramped back up, hasn’t been done
in seven (7) years!
* Recognition of Professional staff. Suggested that @ the five (5) and ten
(10) year mark. Exactly what to do ….pending
* Higher One debit card discussed. Great idea. ATMs on every campus for
Much discussion on the Vision Statement: Do we do what we say we do?
It was decided to remove Scholarship and make sure we do outreach
The meeting was adjourned @ 4:00 P.M.