November 14th, 2011

PSLT Meeting Minutes - DRAFT
November 14, 2011
Winter Park
Present: Johnny Aplin, Josh Murdock, Donna Kosloski, Jerry Reed, Shauna Anstey, Joe Sarrubbo,
Mariann Swenson, Jeff Hogan, Debi Jakubcin, Elisha Gonzalez-Bonnewitz, Todd Hunt, Liz Jusino,
Susan Olin, Heidi Shugg (by phone)
Absent: Julie Balassa, Patti Riva
Minutes of the previous meeting were distributed, reviewed and approved at this meeting.
 Committee discussed Professional Staff Development Day, November 29
 First 2 hours – governance review and feedback
 Next 2 hours – interactive conversations covering the PDP and PIP, career path, promotions,
 Invites went out Thursday before meeting
 Issues – communication transparency, PDP concerns, the Juice/Grove, hiring freeze, which
positions get filled, employees need to be notified when employees leave, change jobs, etc.
Employee morale is suffering, lack of communication, lack of career paths
 Can grievance policy be added to the matrix?
 Elisha handed out meeting minutes for the COC meeting and also updated the group on the
CLC meeting
 Information better explained in layman terms
 Jennifer Robertson presented information on travel procedures
 Key points for November 29
1. Communication
a. Transparency (how information is communicated, opportunities for growth, etc.)
b. Creating a pipeline for professional staff communication
c. Updates on changes in departments/positions
2. Reorganization (Communication of Reorg.)
a. Insecurity/low morale/gossip
b. Non-renewal of contracts
c. Timeline – what procedures, timeframe of non-renewals should we be aware of
d. Training
e. Is contract renewal based on yearly PDP review?
3. Status of reorg and training
a. Supervisor/employee relations training
b. Conflict transformation training—difficult to register
c. Other reorganizations to happen? Direction?
4. HR Matrix
a. Grievance (develop policies)
b. Bereavement leave (part of sick pool leave?)
c. Terminal retirement leave legality
d. Compensation
i. Wellness activities
ii. Professional Development