PSLT minutes, Sept 9, 2013 Minutes for July were approved as amended. Discussion of third bulletin point should read “mandate students enroll in developmental education courses”. Council reports: Learning Council. Western governor’s university grant. Based in Nevada. $16k to identify programs for competency based curriculum. Brainstorming stakeholders at this point. Also recommendation for contact vs. credit hours. Contact, credit and lab hour mappings differ between campuses. Recommendation made, out for review by Campus Presidents. Learning council membership. Rob McAfferty and faculty discussing faculty governance. Current structure based on 2006 model. This has to do with the number and configuration of councils. Suggestion was to keep two year term lengths, maybe starting in the Fall. In terms of membership – representation from every campus, or by areas, Deans included? Who else? Concern about PSLT participation? Consultant’s report on distance learning – asked not to distribute. Areas addressed as concerns, student and faculty preparedness, expectations, lack of awareness of on-line tutoring. No library resources dedicated purely to on-line. QM shells underutilized, and concerns about course design for accessibility. Not all Dean and program chairs comfortable with evaluating on line courses. SAI does not include modality-specific questions. Also what is acceptable success rate for on-line classes? But Valencia was in line with other institutions here. Discussion of “center for on-line learning” at Valencia? Possibility of creating student readiness course for on-line. How to pilot this? Faculty and dean preparation cited as additional low-hanging fruit. College Planning Council No meetings Operations Council Joe Nunes reported the results of the August meeting. Re representation on sabbatical leave, leadership academy and NISOD. See handout from Donna. NISOD Shelby and Jeff. Susan on PIVOT 180. Need representation for East. JR on CPC for another two years. Susan remains on CLC. Vote on CLC and CPC PSLT reps at Fall forum, Oct 15. Solicit nominations beforehand. Discussion of agenda for Fall Forum. Mostly will be Laurie Youngman presentation. Important change in insurance policy this year is that staff must positively accept coverage or they will be uncovered. Important distinction exists between declining and opting out to be discussed. Professional Development day in Jan may have conflict with Valencia Legal Conference. (see agenda). Currently this is scheduled for Jan 22. Learning day is Feb 7. Joe Nunes to check about moving this to Jan 29, 8 to 12 at CJI auditorium. Possibilities for mini-seminars are Marketing and Branding, Social media (Josh Murdock), Ethical issues in Education (Isabel to investigate). Business component/professional development? Speakers? Patti Riva on Energy Education. Open discussion/new business Possibilities for some sort of fund-raiser, with funds used to support scholarships were discussed. Next PSLT meeting scheduled for CJI, October 8, 2-4, Joe Nunes to check on availability.