Feb 8th, 2016

PSLT Meeting
February 8, 2016
West Campus
Donna Kosloski, Angela Trujillo, Jeff Hogan, Maryam Khan,
Charles Davis. Meeting called to order at 2:11 PM
Regular Business
Council Reports
Learning Leadership Council
Angela Trujillo directed committee members to the
summary of the January meeting online.
Executive Council
Angela Trujillo directed committee members to the
summary of the January meeting online.
Review Outcome of Professional Development Day
 126 RSVP; but less than 80 attended. Some of the
attributing factors were believed to be the rain and/or lack
of supervisor permission to take the time off.
 While the feedback results from the survey aren’t yet
available the overall buzz has been good. Speakers were
mentioned to be timely and in some cases reiteration
 There is still a balance left in our fund for our next
function which will be a breakfast and lunch.
 Some discussion ensued about the purpose of PSLT.
 Recruitment of Staff – Two individuals on West Campus
have expressed interest. Jeff’s position will be coming to
an end soon.
 We agreed on networking and collaborating on activities
useful in the professional development of Professional
Spring Forum Planning
Valencia College
March 29th, West Campus SEC. This will be a breakfast
and lunch program. Donna mentioned concerns about
going out of the house for catering; but, Angela shared
information that doesn’t limit us to in house catering. That
will be clarified as the preference is not to stay in house.
Panera for Breakfast and Tijuana Flats for lunch were
Post Office Box 3028
Orlando, FL 32802-3028
407 299 5000
Speakers were discussed. Several options were
Leda Pacheco about Sabbatical.
o Valencia Promise is a new program at Valencia.
o Summary of Big Ideas from each campus.
o Dr. Plinkse from Osceola has a great
presentation on breaking barriers.
All present agreed to volunteer to come in early for this
Fall Forum
October is the potential time frame. We need to establish
a location.
Potential topics were discussed:
*New insurance/enrollment process
*SPD- complete overview of these funds
We need to come up with a Key Speaker- a topic that will
entice the Professional Staff to attend the meeting. It was
confirmed that we have no funds to pay for a speaker so
it would have to be some one that is volunteering.
Suggestions included: Sandy Shugart or Ryan Kane.
Catherine will find the speaker list on East Campus and
find out if we can double book someone that may already
be scheduled for another date.
PSLT Involvement
Campus Updates
Valencia College
Angela mentioned she is on the search committee for the
Vice President for student affairs.
Kathleen and Angela are on the Innovation Award
Sick Leave Bank was identified as one area that doesn’t
solicit the PSLT for its members. We want to be sure we
learn who is on that team so we can stay informed.
East Campus
Post Office Box 3028
Orlando, FL 32802-3028
407 299 5000
No significant updates
West Campus
No significant updates
New Business
None. Meeting adjourned at 3:57 PM
Next Meeting
March 14th, 2015 via LYNC
Valencia College
Post Office Box 3028
Orlando, FL 32802-3028
407 299 5000
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