DAP VALENCIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Annual Department Action Plan (DAP) This form provides a documentation template for annual Department Action Plans (DAPs) designed to assess unit outcomes that are designed to impact the learning environment and improve the educational programs and processes of VCC. Initial information and projections describe the PLANNING PHASE of the process. At the conclusion of the project/activity time frame initial information and projections will be updated by completing an EVALUATION PHASE including modifications, outputs and outcomes. Both planning and evaluation information will be organized according to parallel criteria including: (1) a formal goal statement, (2) outcome measures, (3) collaboration with stakeholders, (4) evaluation methods and (5) use of results for improvement of unit performance in meeting established outcomes. The overall process will effectively review and document specific measures of educational effectiveness. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UNIT: Student Affairs, Office for Students with Disabilities STEWARD: Jill Szentmiklosi - Director, OSD TITLE OF PLAN: Promoting Self-Determination Skills SUPPORTED BY COLLEGE FUNDS (If applicable, please provide approved amount): DATE: May 2007 CRITERIA 1. Goal-principal purpose and objectives of plan 2. Outcome Measures-how plan will be reviewed and measured outcomes PLANNING PHASE Initial Information and Projections New students will receive an OSD student folder from their advisor when they register with the Office. The folder will be used throughout the student’s academic career to hold Notice to Instructors and other pertinent disability related information. Folder will contain: 1. copies of documentation 2. advisor’s business card 3. access to online Student Handbook 4. US Department of Education Booklet with reference to transition for students w/disabilities. 1. Students will have an understanding of the role and responsibility of OSD and the role and responsibility of the student. 2. Students will know what is expected of them and what they are responsible for in regards to their accommodations. 3. Students will come away from first meeting with important resources in one place. 4. Students will request Notice to Instructors in timely manner. 5. Students will follow-up with Advisor each term. 6. Students will participate in priority registration EVALUATION PHASE Modifications, Outputs, Outcomes 100% of new students enrolling with the Office for Students with Disabilities receive a personalized student folder which includes the predetermined information. Advisors qualitatively reported that they were able to have more thorough conversations with students about their responsibilities and felt it was beneficial for students to walk away from their first appointment with something concrete to reference, versus a referral to the website. 3. Collaboration with Stakeholders-individuals and groups involved in the planning and implementation The OSD Team will collaborate on what information should be covered with the student during the first meeting and what should be included in the folder. 4. Evaluation-process employed to evaluate effectiveness New students’ appointments will be tracked and Advisor notes will be reviewed to determine if there is a decrease in misunderstandings by students about their responsibilities based on current benchmarks. 5. Use of Results-how plan will/has impacted learning environment of VCC and improvement of the educational programs and/or processes Students who are more educated about their role and responsibilities will be more likely to carry out their disability business successfully allowing for the best opportunity of success. Page 2 of 2, 5/10/06 Through discussion at an OSD meeting department staff collaborated to decide what information to include in the folders and how to review the information with the student. Each advisor made sure that all documentation was included in the folder. Advisor notes did not reveal if implementation of personalized folders did or did not lead to a decrease in misunderstandings compared to current benchmarks This operational change will continue for the foreseeable future. We will look for additional resources to add to the folders and place more emphasis on the importance of the folders when working with students.