On-line Recurring Purchase Instructions

On-line Recurring Purchase Instructions
Log on to the MPS Website (mpsaz.org)
From the home page click on “Pay and Donate”
Enter username and password (mailed to you)
Click on your name
Click on “Recurring Purchases”
Click “Add”
To the right of the screen under Item click on “COBRA Payment”
Enter the monthly amount you are paying
Click “Monthly” under Frequency
Enter the date you want the charge to start. If you choose 1/5/16, the charge will start 1/5/16 and
continue to come out the 5th of every month.
0 for number of occurrences
Enter the credit card information it is requiring. Once done, click Save. The recurring purchase should
pop up on the left after a few seconds/minutes. Clicking the “save” icon numerous times will result in
multiple charges to your account. To double check that the recurring purchase is there, log out, log back
in, and go to recurring purchases and you should see it on the left.
If you have issues or concerns, please contact our office at 480-472-0425.