Master Plan Project Proposal Template – Part 1 This proposal must be submitted through (Please submit to Sydney by Wednesday, November 26th) Reminder: Do not complete/submit without Stakeholder input, see back page. Part 1 - General Information Project Title: Date of Request: Initiator Name: Division/School/Department: Phone Number: Project Overview/Scope of Work: Compliance Requirements, if applicable (Please note that a copy of the specific regulatory citation is required; also feedback reports from accrediting or regulatory bodies highlighting required change must be included): Part 2 - Alignment with College Strategic Directions Benefits and Desired Results of Implementing the Project How does this project best support CNM’s Strategic Planning Goals? Strategic Goal Student Success Community Success Organizational Excellence and Innovation Briefly Explain Part 3 - Constraints/Considerations Timeline Constraints/Deadlines Other Constraints/ Possible Resolutions Impact/Dependencies Impact to ITS How? Impact to Potential Displacements How? Other Considerations: Describe in detail Classroom Scheduling Funding Sources Student Services Procurement Method External Dependencies Are there any College/Facilities/Technology Standards guiding this proposal? Part 4 - Data Current Environment: (Please note that if this project is proposing the replacement of current technology, please describe in detail why the current technology is not sufficient, and identify the differences in the recurring costs associated with most software agreements). Verifiable Data to Support Proposal Part 5 - Resources and Acceptance Criteria Internal Resources Needed (Staffing, Technology, Infrastructure) Initial Staffing: Recurring (Ongoing) Staffing: Initial Technology: Recurring (Ongoing) Technology: Initial Infrastructure: Recurring (Ongoing) Infrastructure: Project Stakeholder Team Must Include: Stakeholder Name Facilities Representative Academic Affairs Representative ITS Representative Student Services Representative *MCO/Foundation Representative Other * = MCO and Foundation MUST BE INCLUDED IF PROPOSAL IMPACTS THOSE AREAS FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Sponsor [Vice President(s)] Provides authority, guidance and maintains project priority. (Selected by Executive Team.) Project Lead Project Manager Control Agent This proposal must be submitted through