Rules :

Rules :
Each student in the small group has a white board. Vanna gives the question.
EVERY person to have it written down correctly, receives a point. Vanna tallies
points below on score sheet. You do NOT HAVE TO ASK THE QUESTIONS IN
Question (Frage)
I read
he drives
we eat
you eat
she sees
you guys run
they sleep
you drive
he reads
I sleep
he takes
she eats
we run
you speak
Answer (Antwort)
Ich lese
er fährt (must have umlauts)
wir essen
du ißt
sie sieht
ihr lauft
sie schlafen
du fährst (must have umlauts)
er liest
ich schlafen
er nimmt
sie ißt
wir laufen
du sprichst
Score Card
Player 1 :
Player 2 :
Player 3 :
Player 4 :