MLA Notes and Style Sheet


Patterson 1

John Patterson

English 9: Hour 6

Mr. Hansard

10 September 2014

My Title Is the Best

Indent the paragraphs all the time. You should not leave any extra spaces anywhere. Note that everything is doublespaced throughout (if you turned on Control 2 for double spacing.

Your title – all words should be capitalized unless it is an article

(a, an, the), a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, for, nor), or a preposition (in, off, of, etc.). All first and last words of the title are automatically capitalized regardless of the type of word

Despite the size of these letters, all letters should be a size 11 or

12 font. DO NOT CHANGE YOUR FONT! Cute is no good. Do not underline the title, put quotes around it, or make it bold or “pretty.”

Patterson 2

MLA Notes / Steps

Header – Page #

1. Insert

2. Page Number

3. Top of Page

4. Plain # 3

5. Put your last name in front of it and space. So it should say, Johnson 1


1. Upper left hand corner

2. Your Name

3. English 9 (Hour 3)

4. Mr. Hansard

5. 3 September 2015


1. Center it.

2. Capitalize the First and Last words – ALWAYS (First letter of those words only – not the entire word)

3. Capitalize all of the middle words except: a. Conjunctions (FANBOYS) b. Articles (a, an, the) c. Prepositions (about, above, across, after, against, among, around, at, before, beside, between, by, down, etc.


1. Times New Roman


2. 12 pt.

1. Turn off NORMAL Style

2. Turn on No Spacing

3. Double space all of it – Ctrl A – Ctrl 2

Patterson 3
