Clearinghouse Workgroup

LET THINK Work Team Minutes and Notes
Wednesday, February 9, 2005
Osceola Campus 2-223
Present: Linda Anthon, Nick Bekas, Philip Bishop, Judi Delisle, Emily Hooker, Maryke Lee, Pat
Nellis, Ann Puyana, Allison Sloan, Roberta Vandermast
Regrets: Melissa Pedone
Objectives of the Meeting:
 Process dialog with Susan Hatfield
 Discuss Holistic Critical Thinking Rubric
 Review Think Project budget
Susan Hatfield's Visit and Assessment at Winona State:
Members in attendance at either of Susan Hatfield's sessions were impressed with the access to
assessment data that is provided to faculty and staff at Winona State. While state reporting
activities are conducted regularly at Winona, student survey and learning evidence data is
available to faculty through a searchable database that allows individuals to submit queries from
their desks. Following much discussion, it was determined that members of this work group are
interested in exploring activities that express our interest in gathering data beyond reporting data
and in making all types of data more accessible to faculty and staff at the College. The ultimate
goal is for assessment data to become a tool for transformative assessment.
Holistic THINK Rubric:
Two THINK rubrics were distributed. The first was a holistic rubric created by members who
attended the AAHE Assessment workshop in Tampa. This rubric was designed to be used at the
program level and above and to allow readers to sort students' work into levels 1 through 4. The
second rubric was also holistic, but reflected 4 levels for each indicator for THINK. This format
would lend itself to adaptation by various disciplines for use with students and at the course level.
The two rubrics generated much discussion in an effort to clarify the usefulness of THINK rubrics
in general and of various types of rubrics for assessment tasks. It was determined that an effort
would be made to align the language of the two rubrics and to clarify the roles they would play in
the overall assessment of critical thinking in the upcoming year.
THINK Project Budget:
Due to the length of the discussion regarding the rubrics, budget planning was postponed until
the next meeting.
Next Steps:
At the next meeting of the THINK subgroup, we will practice using both rubrics with
student work and flesh out the implementation plan for the THINK project. (see Project
Plan, February 9 – June 30)
Next LET Meeting:
Wed, Feb. 23, 2005 on Osceola Campus, 2-223
Next THINK Work Group Meeting: Wed, March 9, 2005, Osceola, 2-223