STRATEGIC GOAL TEAM 4 FIRST SOLO TEAM MEETING DECEMBER 3, 2010, 1:00 p.m. CRIMINAL JUSTICE INSTITUTE, RM 143 DRAFT (1/21/11) Team Members Present Rachel Allen, Craig Blazejewski, William Booth, Shelby Fiorentino, Barbara Frazier, Dave Heffernan, Donna Marino, Nichole McPherson, Larry Rosen, Lester Sandres Rapalo, Erin Smith, Jorge Soto, Jane Wiese. Team Members Absent Ed Ames, Melody Boeringer Hartnup, Mike Bosley, Victor Collazo, Penny Conners, Carmen Diaz, Leslie Golden, Liz Gombash, Elisha Gonzalez Bonnewitz, Lauren Grant, Derek Harris, Dale Husbands, Karen Jorgensen, Jennifer Keefe, Brian Macon, Deborah McCoy, Chaitram Persaud, Christie Pickeral, Yasmeen Qadri, Richard Randolph, Barbara Shell, Nichole Valentino, Martha Williams. CPC Co-Chair Present Susan Kelley Welcome and Review of Charge, Team Principles and Roles Meeting Convener, Dave Heffernen, called the meeting to order with a welcome and self-introductions. Dave outlined the charge to the team and the tasks of the day. It was agreed that team roles will be as follows: Dave Heffernan, Convener; Dave Heffernan, Barbara Frazier, and Donna Marino, Recorders; Jane Wiese, Reporter. It was agreed that all team members would serve as seekers, questioners, and principles monitors. The team reviewed and agreed on the Team Principles set by the 2009-10 team, as attached to the agenda, and the October 22, 2010 team meeting notes. One addition was made to the principles: “No personal attacks.” Also, it was noted that in the October 22, 2010 meeting notes, Nichole McPherson should be shown as meeting with the team for objective 4.2, rather than Barbara Frazier. Barbara served on teams 4.3 and 4.4. The team also recalled that Lesena Jones served on the objective 4.4 team, and suggested that be checked. Review of Strategic Issues The team reviewed the list of strategic issues from the 2008-13 plan, and determined that numbers 8 and 14 have a relationship to Goal 4. Also related, and taken from the additional issues listed on pp. 15 of the meeting agenda packet are the following six issues: - How will we define “meaningful improvement?” - How do we define the extent to which we are accessible? How can we define what it means to “Build Pathways?” (The team noted that story-telling relates to this, as well as community support for pathways, such as internships and scholarships.) - How do we define and practice collaboration? How should we communicate in a collaborative college? (The team noted that we need to address what it means to collaborate with partners.) - How is our commitment to valuing diversity honored through the work envisioned by this plan? (The team noted that the stories that we tell, and how we tell them, should honor diversity.) - How will employees define their learning pathways, and how will we measure an employee’s engagement in the learning process? (The noted the link to learning about the community.) - As part of our “culture of evidence,” what do we accept as evidence of progress against our goals and objectives? How do we validate the changes in our proposed key indicators are meaningful and have the intended effects on achieving our objectives? It was agreed that at the next meeting of the team, any of the selected strategic issues not updated or addressed will be addressed by a volunteer team member who will propose any comments to add to those made by the team last year, in the cases of issues 8 and 14, noted above. Also, someone from the team will be asked to draft comments on the Additional Issues, from team 4’s perspective. Attachment B is the template to be used for the reports. Comments from all four goal teams will be merged into one document for review at Big Meeting, as was done last year. The team is free to suggest any missing issues that the data suggest should be addressed as well. Baseline Data Review The team discussed baseline data, noting that we have the data for 4.1 and 4.2. Lucy Boudet will be asked to help create the list of methods of story telling for 4.3. Also for 4.3, we need to obtain a list of advisory board members, and a description of the status of serving learning in the baseline year of 08-09. Related to 4.4, the idea of creating a survey of alumni was discussed. There would be value in capturing data about all alumni, not only those who elect to be a part of the Alumni Association. GPA data for alums at UCF is available. Susan will obtain that data. Also for 4.4, Craig Blazejewski will provide the number of companies served by Valencia Enterprises. We also might use a list of our involvement with the top 100 companies in the region, and add the air marshal training with Jet Blue that CJI conducts, as well as training for health care providers. Baseline data will be used to support a report to the District Board of Trustees in February, and to provide a means of gauging progress at the Big Meeting. The aim is to have all baseline data by the end of January, at the latest. Major Goal-Related Initiatives and Projects The team reviewed the list of Strategic Initiatives from 2009-10 that was generated by the President’s Staff as amended by the goal team that met last year, as well as the list of goal related work in the Weave Online report. The team was asked to identify any missing initiatives related to goal 4 that should be added in order to have a comprehensive picture of efforts underway in support of goal 4. Attachment A, Initiative Report Template, will be used to update issue reports from last year and/or to add any new initiatives not on the 2009-10 list. At the second meeting of the team, in January, the team will decide how best to update the initiative reports. Assignments and Next Meeting By the next meeting, members should review the Issues reports on the website at:, where it is listed under the third section, Goal Team Reports on Issues and Initiatives. The team needs to determine if additions are needed to update the issue reports created last year. Also, the members will consider what might be added to new reports to be drafted this year on the new issues selected at this meeting, noted above under the heading “Review of Strategic Issues.” Also by the next meeting, members will have reviewed goal 4 in Weave, to determine whether there are any missing initiatives. Updates to the strategic Initiatives will be drafted by the team in January. Last year’s report on Initiatives from Goal Team 4 may be found at the web page link above, along with the Issues list. Team members were asked to block off March 18 for Big Meeting. The date for the next team meeting will be determined through a review of GroupWise calendars, and will be held no later than February 8. (The date was subsequently set as January 26, 2011, at 9:00 a.m. at the CJI, room 148.) Attachment A – Initiative Report Template Initiative Report Goal Team: Initiative Name: Prepared by: Person(s) consulted in obtaining information about the status of this initiative: Summary of progress made on the initiative to date: Information about upcoming work on the initiative: Any data or results that can be shared that reveals how those involved with this initiative are gauging the success of the initiative: (Add pages as needed.) Attachment B – Issue Report Template Strategic Issues Brief Goal Team: Prepared by: Strategic Issue from 2006 Situational/Needs Analysis: Notable internal changes related to Strategic Issue: Notable external changes related to Strategic Issue: Update(s) suggested to the Issue Statement and/or to the Situational/Needs Analysis narrative: Resources consulted in preparation of update(s): (Attach additional pages as needed.)