STRATEGIC GOAL TEAM 1 FIRST SOLO TEAM MEETING DECEMBER 1, 2010, 1:30PM CRIMINAL JUSTICE INSTITUTE, RM 143 Team Members Present Beverlee Andres, Yvette Aviles, Diane Dalrymple, Daryl Davis, Linda Downing, Kimberly Finley, Jeffrey Goltz, Brad Honious, Maryke Lee, Joe Lynn Look, Adrian Manley, Marjorie McKillop, Jessica Morales, Cathy Penfold Navarro, Melissa Pedone, Elizabeth Renn, Darla Sharpe, David Sutton, Steve Thiesse Team Members Absent Valerie Burks, Elissa Buxbaum, Tanisha Carter, Jeff Cornett, Ed Frame, Bob Gessner, Sonya Joseph, Susan Kelley, Michelle McArdle, Lila Rogers, Joyce Romano, Joe Sarubbo, Heidi Shugg, Sally Witkamp, Bobbie Sartor, , Chia Whitehouse, Falecia Williams. Minutes from 12-1-2010 Meeting Jeff asked for a review of the December meeting minutes. There were no suggestions for edits. Review of Charge Big Meeting has been tentatively changed to June 2 so the work of the team must be completed prior to that date. Review of Strategic Issues The team discussed the strategic issues that were determined in prior meetings to relate to Goal 1. Each issue was assigned to a team member to lead the effort to review and update the reports on the strategic issues. Jeff Cornett offered the services of IR for any data needs. Issue #1: Adrian Manley will lead the update. Issue #2: Linda Downing will lead the update. Issue #4: There was a discussion on which objective this issue was related to. It was determined it is related to both objectives 1.2 and 1.3. Cathy Penfold Navarro will lead the update. Issue #6: Marjorie McKillop will lead the update. Issue #7: Kimberly Finlan will lead the update. Issue #8: A lengthy discussion was held about the data and information needs associated with this issue. It was suggested that perhaps this issue should be tied to the college’s enrollment management plan. Another suggestion was to use information being gathered by Transition Services and their current initiative to contact students who start the admissions process but never enroll. We want to try to understand how college resources impact student experiences. Jeff Cornett and Steven Thiesse will lead the update. Issue #10: Jessica Morales will lead the update. Issue #13: Sally Witcamp led the update last year and it was suggested that she may be contacted to determine if she is willing to lead the update again this year. Issue #14: Melissa Pedone will lead the update. The team also discussed the additional issues that were suggested in the previous meeting may relate to Goal 1. What are the contributions that a student can make to achieve his or her goals? It was determined that this is a Learning Assured issue and should be referred to Goal 2. How do we measure the extent to which we are accessible? How can we describe what it means to “Build Pathways?” There are two distinct questions posed here. There was confusion over who needed the description of “Build Pathways.” The essay written by Dr. Shugart appears to already provide this description for the institution. From what perspective are we trying to measure access? It was not clear if this really is a strategic issue and the team agreed to discuss this further at a future meeting. How do we define and practice collaboration? How should be communicate in a collaborative college? It was determined that this issue should be related to objective 3.1. What constitutes meaningful data? Should we compare statistics by socioeconomic indicators, rather than by race? What is the usefulness of such a comparison? This is not an issue specific to goal 1 and should be considered by all goal teams. The team preferred the phrase “in addition to” to replace “rather than” to indicate that socioeconomic information should be collected along with race/ethnicity whenever demographic data is analyzed. There was a lengthy discussion of how FAFSA data may or may not be useful to get to the heart of this issue. The following questions/action items were raised. o How do we turn data into useful information? o The college should collect and report socioeconomic information anytime demographic information is reported. o We should continue to consider what additional data we need to collect as a college. Should the College Planning Council Data Team be reactivated? A fifth issue of defining “student success” was also discussed. Jeff Cornett has developed a new model which includes students who leave without graduating but have a successful departing GPA in addition to traditional graduation rates as another means of measuring successful students. The following questions were raised: Do students’ behaviors (i.e., declaring an AS major to get financial aid to cover specific courses) impact how we determine our “success?” Should students help us define whether or not they are successful? Are external measures controlling our internal measures of success? Should student satisfaction measures be included as a measure of their success? Review of Goal-Related Initiatives The team reviewed the goal-related initiatives and assigned them to a team member to lead the effort to update the progress on each initiative. Initiative #1: Brad Honious will update. Initiative #2: Linda Downing will communicate with Joyce Romano for the updates. Initiative #3: Jessica Morales will update. Initiative #4: Adrian Manly will contact Sally Witcamp for the update. Initiative #5: Maryke Lee will contact Jennifer Robertson for the update. Initiative #6: Jeff Goltz will update. Initiative #7: Melissa Pedone will contact Mike Bosley for an update. Initiative #8: Linda Downing will contact Joyce Romano for the update. Initiative #9: Melissa Pedone will update. Initiative #10: Valerie Burks was not present but should be contacted to provide an update. Initiative #11: Cathy Penfold Navarro will update. Initiative #12: Beverlee Andrews will update. Initiative #13: Linda Downing will update. Initiative #14: Linda Downing will update. Initiative #15: Kimberly Finley will update. Initiative #16: Jeff Goltz will update. Initiative #17: Joe Lynn Look will contact Michele McArdle for an update. Initiative #18: Marjorie McKillop will update. Initiative #19: it was determined that this initiative should be referred to Goal 2. Initiative #20: Adrian Manley will update. Initiative #21: Jeff Cornett will update. Initiative #22: Joe Lynn Look will update. Initiative #23: Beth Renn will update. Initiative #24: Linda Downing will contact Joyce Romano for the update. Initiative #25: Jessica Morales will update. Initiative #26: Linda Downing will contact Joyce Romano for the update. Initiative #27: This is a duplicate and should be removed. Initiative #28: Diane Dalrymple will update. Next Meeting Instructions The next meeting has been tentatively scheduled for April 11 at 2:00pm. Strategic issues should be updated on the template on page 31 of the packet and strategic initiatives should use the template on page 86. Updates should be submitted by April 4.