DRAFT Donley, Becky Gallup, Susan Kelley, Maryke Lee, Paul Licata, Marie... Navarro-Milano, Julie Phelps, Jovan Trpovski, Martha Williams, Silvia Zapico

Evaluation Task Force
October 23, 2006
2:30 p.m.
East – 3-113
Members Present – Nick Bekas, Tom Byrnes, Helen Clarke, Toni DeMaglio, Jeffery
Donley, Becky Gallup, Susan Kelley, Maryke Lee, Paul Licata, Marie Martin, Sonia
Navarro-Milano, Julie Phelps, Jovan Trpovski, Martha Williams, Silvia Zapico
Members Absent: Fitzroy Farquharson, Jennifer Lawhorn, David Rogers
Tom Byrnes facilitated the meeting, serving as Task Force convener and liaison to the
College Planning Council.
1. Introductions – Tom Byrnes welcomed the members, who introduced
2. Review of the Task Force Charge from the CPC – The Task Force reviewed
the attached written charge provided by the College Planning Council.
3. Review of the Strategic Planning Time Line, Organizational Chart, and
Charge to other Task Forces and Groups
The task force reviewed the attached time line, organizational chart, and the
charges to the other Task Forces and the College Planning Committee. It was
noted that the Evaluation Task Force will facilitate the evaluation of each stage of
the planning process and its products, working with the groups responsible for
4. Review of the Strategic Planning Design Principles and the Kaufman
Organizational Elements Model – The attached design principles, which were
created by the College Planning Council, were reviewed, and the Task Force
discussed the central role the principles will play in the evaluation of the planning
process and its products.
The Task Force also reviewed the attached Kaufman model which was adopted by
the College Planning Council to help guide the planning efforts. It was noted that
it provides a basis for understanding evaluation as a means of measuring the
extent to which the strategic plan contributes to closing gaps in results at five
levels. These gaps in results are labeled as “needs.”
5. Proposed structure for evaluation - The Task Force discussed how best to
structure the evaluation work to address formative and summative evaluation of
the planning process and its products.
It was agreed that the Task Force would break into four teams as follows:
Evaluation Task Force Minutes, October 23, 2006
- Design Team - to generate an evaluation design, including proposed
evaluation questions for each phase of the planning process, for each
product, and for the process as whole. Volunteers included Nick
Bekas, Tom Byrnes, Becky Gallup, Maryke Lee, Paul Licata, Julie
Phelps, and Silvia Zapico.
Data and Situational/Needs Analysis Evaluation Team – to assist
the Data and Situational/Needs Analysis Task Force in determining the
methods to be used to collect and analyze data to be used for formative
and summative evaluation of that Task Force’s work (both process and
products), and to assist in the carrying out the evaluation as needed.
Volunteers included Nick Bekas and Jovan Trpovski.
Communications Evaluation Team – to assist the Communications
Task Force in determining the methods to be used to collect and
analyze data to be used for formative and summative evaluation of the
efforts of that Task Force (both process and products), and to assist in
carrying out the evaluation as needed. Volunteers included Helen
Clarke, Jeffery Donley, and Marie Martin.
Vision, Values, and Mission Evaluation Team - to assist the Vision,
Values, and Mission Task Force in determining the methods to be used
to collect and analyze data to be used for formative and summative
evaluation of that Task Force’s work (both process and products), and
to assist in the evaluation as needed. One person has volunteered to
date: Toni DeMaglio. Additional volunteers are welcomed.
It was agreed that at a later date two additional teams would be formed:
to assist the Strategic Issues, Goals and Objectives Task Force in
evaluating its work, and
to design and recommend an evaluation plan to be included in the final
2008-13 Strategic Plan for use in evaluating the plan as it is
6. Development of time line for the Task Force’s work –
The task force agreed to the following time line for its work, with target dates for
Initial evaluation design for the planning process completed – by the end
of November 2006. (The team will meet November 6.)
Evaluation designs for the Data and Situational/Needs Analysis Task
Force work, for the Communications Task Force, and for the Vision,
Values, and Mission Task Force by mid- December 2006.
Evaluation of Data and Situational/Needs Analysis processes and products
completed – by early February 2007
Evaluation Task Force Minutes, October 23, 2006
Evaluation of Vision, Values, and Mission statement consideration
processes and products – by mid-March 2007
Report to the College Planning Committee, providing a draft evaluation of
the planning process, to date, and its products by mid-March 2007
Name the team to assist with evaluating the work of the Strategic Issues,
Goals, and Objectives Task Force, by early March 2007
Evaluation of the Big Meeting (March 2, 2007) and the processes used to
produce lists of strategic issues and related strategic goals – by the end of
April 2007
Evaluation of process of developing objectives for the strategic goals, in
concert with the four governing councils, by mid-October 2007
Development of a draft evaluation design for the Strategic Plan as it is
implemented, providing for annual evaluative reports to the College
Planning Council and Trustees, and supporting formative and summative
evaluation of the goals and objectives in the plan, by mid-October 2007.
Evaluation of the Strategic Planning document for 2008-13 in terms of the
extent to which it meets the design principles, by early November 2007
Report to the College Planning Committee, providing a draft evaluation of
the planning process and its products to date, by mid-November 2007
Evaluation of the extent to which each Task Force and Committee met its
charge, in the last month of the life cycle of each Task Force (See Task
Force Charges)
9. Task Force Meeting Dates – It was projected that the full Evaluation Task Force
is likely to need to meet 11 more times:
- Monday, November 13, 2006 at 2:30 p.m. on West 9-110;
- January, February, March, April, June, July, September, October, and
November in 2007; and
- January 2008.
It was agreed that Susan Kelley and Rita Moore, her assistant, would send out via
email proposed meeting dates for the third Monday of these months (where that is a work
day and does not have other conflicts that might prevent the majority from attending).
Smaller work team meetings will be scheduled as needed.
10. Task Force Adjournment; Organizational Meetings of Work Teams Held
The Task Force adjourned, and the work teams held their organizational meetings.
Each group agreed to communicate its meeting plans to Tom Byrnes.
Evaluation Task Force Minutes, October 23, 2006
CHARGE to the Evaluation Task Force
The Evaluation Task Force of the College Planning Council is charged with carrying out
the following activities and completing the work products named during the August 2006
– January 2008 period:
preparing and executing a plan for formative and summative evaluation of the
strategic planning process in terms of the extent to which the process was carried
out in keeping with its design principles, and based on the evaluation, making
recommendations for mid-course changes to improve the process and its products
and recommendations for changes to take place in the planning cycle for 20132018
(Preparation of the plan – August – October 2006)
preparing and executing a plan for evaluation of each of the work products of the
planning process, working in collaboration with the CPC, the Task Forces
carrying out the phases of the process, and the College Planning Committee
(Preparation of the plan - August – October 2006)
preparing a recommended evaluation design and timetable for the goals and
objectives contained in the final strategic plan for 2008-13
(September 2007 – February 2008)
reporting on evaluation plans, activities, and results at the regular meetings of the
College Planning Council, working through the liaison from the Council who will
serve on the Task Force.
Task Force Members:
Bekas, Nick
Byrnes, Tom
Clarke, Helen
DeMaglio, Toni
Donley, Jeffrey
Gallup, Becky
Lawhon, Jennifer
Lee, Maryke
Licata, Paul
Martin, Marie
Phelps, Julie
Trpovski, Jovan
Martha Williams
Zapico, Silvia
Ex officio
David Rogers
Fitzroy Farquharson
Susan Kelley
Winter Pk
Evaluation Task Force Minutes, October 23, 2006
Charge to the Data and Situational/Needs Analysis Task Force
Approved by the College Planning Council on 7/27/06
The Data and Situational/Needs Analysis Task Force of the College Planning Council
will be charged with carrying out the following activities and completing the work
products named during the August – November 2006 period:
Studying a list of planning questions developed by the College Planning Council,
and the Senior Executive Staff, and determining relevant qualitative and
quantitative data that can be identified or generated that will assist the College in
addressing these questions
(August – mid-September)
Securing the data identified and sharing it among the Task Force members for
discussion, with the aim of developing a narrative description that analyzes the
College’s and the community’s situation, focusing on needs, defined as gaps in
(mid-September – mid-October)
Reporting on progress at the September 28 meeting of the College Planning
Council, working through the Council member who serves as a liaison from the
Task Force to the Council (2:30, East 3-113)
Collaborating to write the narrative situational/needs analysis and to present the
analysis and relevant data on which it is based to the entire College at Learning
Day, October 31, 2006.
(Last two weeks of October)
Sharing a draft with the College Planning Council on October 26, working
through the liaison (2:30 p.m., Winter Park Campus).
Assisting in evaluation of the work of the Task Force and documenting the work
as part of the planning process archives (November 2006).
Evaluation Task Force Minutes, October 23, 2006
Charge to the Strategic Planning Vision, Values, and Mission Task Force
Approved by the College Planning Council on 7/27/06
The Vision, Values, and Mission Task Force of the College Planning Council will be
charged with carrying out the following activities and completing the work products
named during the August 2006 – February 2007 period:
designing and conducting a process for the college as a whole to consider the
statements of vision, values, and mission at Learning Day, October 31, 2006, in
light of the situational/needs analysis presented to the College by the Data and
Situational/Needs Analysis Task Force
(August – October 2006)
receiving and considering the comments from the College and the community and
drafting recommended updates to the Vision, Values, and Mission statements, and
sharing those proposed revisions collegewide, seeking a high level of agreement
on the statements to be recommended to the president and the trustees
(October 2006 – February 2007)
reporting on the activities of the Task Force at the regular meetings of the College
Planning Council, working through the liaison from the Council who will serve
on the Task Force.
Evaluation Task Force Minutes, October 23, 2006
Charge to the Strategic Planning Communications Task Force
Approved by the College Planning Council on 7/27/06
The Communications Task Force of the College Planning Council will be charged with
carrying out the following activities and completing the work products named during the
August 2006 – November 2007 period:
preparing and executing an internal communications plan for the strategic
planning process that ensures that all Valencia employees are aware of the
planning process and timeline, its products, and their opportunities to be involved
(Preparation of the plan - August – September 2006)
in consultation with College and Community Relations, the Provosts, the
President, and the Valencia Foundation, preparing a plan for communicating with
key stakeholders in the community regarding community needs and their
opportunities to be involved in the strategic planning process
(Preparation of the plan – August – October 2006)
executing the internal communications plan, routinely providing information to
the college through identified means, including a planning web site, notices in the
Bulletin, presentations at appropriate council meetings and campus-based
meetings, and emails
(August 2006 – November 2007)
working with College and Community Relations to execute the communications
plan with community stakeholders (August 2006-November 2007)
collaborating with the Evaluation Task Force on periodic evaluation of
communications throughout the process and in a summative evaluation at the
reporting on communications at the regular meetings of the College Planning
Council working through the liaison from the Council who will serve on the Task
working with College and Community Relations to design and communicate
plans for a collegewide celebration of the plan as it is launched in the winter of
2007 (November 2007 – January 2008)
Evaluation Task Force Minutes, October 23, 2006
September 29, 2006
(Excerpted and adapted from the Letters of Appointment to the Council members sent by
the President.)
Valencia’s Strategic Planning Committee will work from September 2006, through
November 2007, to create a new strategic plan for 2008-13.
The Committee will be responsible for making critical recommendations about
Valencia’s future in the form of a draft strategic plan. Based on the Committee’s
recommendations, the President will present a new strategic plan to the Board of Trustees
for its consideration in late 2007. The Committee’s recommendations will be based on an
analysis of data about the community and the College, and on the best thinking of college
and community stakeholders.
The Committee is one of two groups that will work actively on planning this year, and
each has a distinct role to play. The College Planning Council will design and carry out
the planning process. The College Planning Committee will make recommendations
about the content of the plan, naming Valencia’s strategic goals and objectives based on
input received through that process.
The work of the Committee will have an impact on the college’s strategy and our day to
day activity. This will be seen in the allocation of resources, the focus of the Board’s
attention, staffing, facilities, professional development, our political agenda, and our
commitment to putting learning first. This alignment of the College’s work and our
strategy will continue.
The President asks that the Committee attend to several important values that have
become central to our culture as a college. These include the commitment to deep and
authentic collaboration, putting our students’ learning first, stewarding the servant
mission of the college, and always remembering that the college is defined by how
students experience us, not how we experience them.
In addition to sharply focused strategy, the President has expressed his hope and
expectations that the Committee’s work will continue to foster trust among all of us who
work in community to serve the learning needs of our region and our students.
Evaluation Task Force Minutes, October 23, 2006
Design principles for the Strategic Planning Process
Adopted by the College Planning Council – June 2006
(These are numbered for ease of reference, but are not listed in any priority order.)
1. The planning process and the plan that it yields will be learning-centered, will be
grounded in the College’s history of excellence, innovation, and community, and will
support the quality and aspiration that bequeath the College with its distinctive place in
higher education.
2. The process will be strategic by impacting the results the college aims to provide to
society and to students as they progress in their programs of learning.
3. The planning process will be collaborative by operating within our shared governance
structure that ensures broad-based participation and by providing a means for stakeholder
groups to be heard and to influence the plan.
4. The process will build trust through effective communication and negotiation, by
making it safe to identify and challenge assumptions, and by supporting agreements on
shared values and the making of mutual commitments that are the basis for the strategic
plan, and that are honored as the plan is implemented.
5. The process will be meaningful in that it will help the College to establish a vision of
the future that shapes, defines, and gives meaning to its strategic purpose, and in that it
will help to shape strategic decisions, some of which are identified in advance.
6. The process will be data-driven, using qualitative and quantitative data, routinely
reviewed as the plan is implemented, with the aim of continuous improvement.
7. The plan will include formative and summative evaluation components that evaluate
the planning process itself, as well as the implementation of the plan, using agreed upon
performance indicators.
8. The process will have a clear cycle of activities, with a beginning and an end, and
timed and structured to coordinate well with SACS accreditation requirements.
9. The process will be as simple as possible while yielding a viable plan, avoiding the
trap of imposing more order than the College can tolerate, and integrating planning into
permanent governing structures and collegewide meetings, rather than creating a separate
set of activities removed from the governance and life of the College.
10. The process will support the integration of fiscal, learning, and facilities plans with
the strategic plan of the college, through careful timing and by clearly connecting each of
these plans to the College’s revised Vision, Mission, and Values.
11. The strategic plan will be useful to and therefore used by councils, campuses and
departments as they prepare their plans, and will encourage a future orientation to their
Evaluation Task Force Minutes, October 23, 2006
12. The process, its language, its products, and the results of the plan will be
communicated to all employees internally.
13. The plan will be expressed clearly, with language that is understood by stakeholders
and with clear means of measuring progress.
14. The process will be truly comprehensive, and will have clearly assigned roles for
individuals and groups, including students.
Evaluation Task Force Minutes, October 23, 2006
Strategic Planning Timeline
Pre-Planning – 2005-06
Model planning processes and products were studied. Design principles
for planning were developed, and a “plan for planning” was completed.
Data Gathering and Analysis
July – October 2006
Key questions will be identified, and related external and internal data
gathered. A situational analysis will be written based on the data.
Committing to Mission, Values and Vision
October 2006 – February 2007
Based on the data and the situational analysis, the college’s statements
of mission, values and vision will be updated and our commitment to
these statements will be renewed, launched via a College-wide
conversation held on Learning Day (10/31/06)
Identifying Strategic Issues, Setting Goals
and Strategies - March – April 2007
A “Big Meeting” will be held to determine a select number of strategic
issues and to project major goals and strategies aimed at resolving those
issues. The goals and strategies will focus on delivering measurable
societal, college and course-level results.
Establishing Measurable Objectives
April – October 2007
Goals and strategic issues will be assigned to governing councils which
will work with appropriate groups to project the results we seek to
achieve to realize each goal, and processes/activities/resources required
to achieve those results.
Completion of the 2008-13 Strategic Plan
November 2007
The Planning Committee will work with Council representatives to complete
the Plan for presentation to the Trustees, merging the work of the Councils
and making final decisions about the Plan’s content and sequencing of
work. Subsequent annual budgets will be a fiscal expression of the Plan.
Communication, Evaluation – On-Going
Evaluation and communication will be carried out at each phase of the
planning process and throughout the execution of the Plan during 2008-13.
Evaluation Task Force Minutes, October 23, 2006
Organizational Chart for Strategic Planning
District Board of Trustees
President – Chief Planner
College Planning
Work product is the multiphased strategic planning
Senior Leadership
President, VPs,
Faculty Assn
Big and Small Group
Task Force 1: Situational/Needs Analysis
Governing Councils
Task Force 2: Mission, Vision, Values
Task Force 3: Strategies, Goals, Objec.
Task Force 4: Communication
Task Force 5: Evaluation
Student, Alumni,
Business, and
Community Focus
Groups and Meetings
The College Planning Council will work closely with and consult the
Senior Leadership Team as it designs and conducts the planning
process. The CPC will charge Task Forces with designing and carrying
out the phases of the process, ensuring that decisions are made in a
collaborative fashion, using Big and Small Group meetings, consulting
with key constituencies, and working through the governing councils and
the Senior Leadership Team.
CONTENT Decisions
Planning Steering
Committee- 10
Planning Committee
30 members
Work product is the Strategic
Plan with all its component parts.
The Planning Steering Committee will be
composed of the President (1), the
council co-chairs (6), a Trustee (1), and a
representative of Career Service and
Professional staff (2). The Steering
Committee will make final recommendations regarding strategy and the content
of the plan.
The full Committee will include 20
additional members: 9 senior staff not
serving as co-chairs, 2 deans, 3
additional faculty, 3 additional
professional staff, and 3 additional career
service staff. This group of 30 will review
work products, note any additional
information or consultation needed, and
make needed adjustments to ensure a
clear, consistent, and logical document.
Evaluation Task Force Minutes, October 23, 2006
Kaufman Mega Planning Model
What is
Needs = Gaps in
What should be
Mega level – current
societal results
Mega level – desired
results – the ideal
Macro level – current
college level results
Macro level – desired
college level results
Micro level – current
individual results
Micro level – desired
individual results
Education Activities –
Current Education
Quasi-needs – gaps in
Education activities –
desired results