Data and Situational/Needs Analysis Task Force Agenda Thursday, November 30, 2006

Data and Situational/Needs Analysis Task Force
Thursday, November 30, 2006
2:00 – 4:30 p.m.
East – 5-112
(In the style of the College Planning Council, agendas are planned with estimates of
the time needed for each item. These estimates are simply that: estimates. They may
be reduced or exceeded as the task force members may wish, to ensure full
discussion and flow of the meeting. If the Task Force meets the time estimates
below, the meeting will last 2 hours and 30 minutes, with a 15-minute break,
enabling us to adjourn at 4:30 p.m.)
Susan Kelley and Fitzroy Farquharson will serve as facilitators for this
To review the key points from the data gathered and analyzed.
To add any updates to the list of data we would like to have reviewed
but were unable to obtain.
To review plans to produce the draft narrative situational/needs
analysis by mid-December, drawing upon the key data points and the
results of SWOT analyses conducted.
To review plans for the evaluation of the Task Force’s work, using a
set of questions developed by the Evaluation Task Force.
The draft agenda is structured to achieve those goals.
1. Introductions
(Estimated time - 5 minutes)
2. Action on the Task Force Minutes of October 20
(Estimated time – 5 minutes)
(See Attachment A)
3. Review of the Key Data Points
(Estimated time – 80 minutes)
The writing team developed a set of key points based on the data
analyses, organized under the eight questions that formed the
taxonomy. These key data points were shared with the College
Planning Committee as a draft summary of the data analyses.
The Task Force will briefly review and comment on this set of points.
The draft narrative situational/needs analysis will draw upon these key
points, combined with the results of SWOT analyses.
Please read the key points in advance of the meeting if at all possible
to expedite this discussion. Ten minutes for each of the eight
questions has been built into the agenda.
(See Attachment B)
BREAK – 15 minutes
4. Final Updates to the Data Analyses
(Estimated time – 10 minutes)
The set of data analyses on the CD-ROM has been updated with
information from Joan Tiller on technical programs, replacing the
original analysis of that data on the first version of the CD.
Task force members will be asked to submit any additional updates or
corrections so that a final copy of the CD can be produced for future
reference as planning moves forward. Copies of the final version of
the CD will be sent to Task Force members via inter-campus mail.
Also, any additions to the List of Data that we wanted to review but
that was not obtained may be suggested.
(See Attachment C)
5. Plan to Draft the Situational/Needs Analysis
(10 minutes)
A writing team will draft the situational/needs analysis for review at
the December 14 meeting. While this narrative was originally
scheduled to be completed by December 1, the time required to
complete the data analysis and develop the key points proved longer
than initially projected.
The writing team will use the data points and the results of the SWOT
analyses to develop the draft.
Volunteers to date for the writing team are Fiona Baxter, Liz
Gombash, Thomas Greene, and Susan Kelley. Anyone else wishing to
help draft the narrative is welcome to join the team.
6. Plans to Evaluate the Task Force’s Work
(Estimated time: 15 minutes)
The Evaluation Task Force has developed a set of questions that we
might ask ourselves about our work. The Task Force may add to the
list and or add to the evaluation activities. The plan will be finalized
and a discussion of the questions will be scheduled at the December
14 meeting.
(See Attachment D)
7. Future Meeting dates
(Estimated time: 5 minutes)
The full task force is scheduled to meet on December 14, at 2:00 p.m.,
East, 5-112, in order to complete its work. However, one last meeting
may need to be called in January, depending on the extent of
College’s comments on the narrative situational/needs analysis.
Should comments received require substantial edits to the narrative,
the Task Force will be called together to ensure that the edits are
consistent with our reading of the data. Should the comments indicate
minor edits, a revised draft might be shared electronically with the
Task Force, if the Task Force is agreeable, avoiding the need for an
in-person meeting.
8. Adjourn