College Planning Council Agenda Minutes February 23, 2012 Winter Park Campus, Room 242

College Planning Council Agenda
DRAFT Minutes
February 23, 2012
Winter Park Campus, Room 242
Council Members and Staff Present: Alys Arceneaux, Donna Deitrick, Kurt Ewen, Jean Marie
Führman, Bob Gessner, Keith Houck, Helene Loiselle, Noelia Maldonado, John
McFarland, Jessica Morales, Joshua Murdock, Jerry Reed, David Sutton, and Joan Tiller
Council Guests: Michele McArdle, Kristeen Christian, Laura Dunlap, Damion Hammock, and
Chara Young
Council Members and Staff Absent: Diane Dalrymple, Sherri Dixon, Regina Falconer, Dale
Husbands, Sean Jennings, Sonya Joseph, Jackie Lasch, Rob McCaffrey, Ruth Prather,
Joyce Romano, and Bill White
Welcome and Introductions
Co-chairs Joan Tiller and Jean Marie Führman welcomed Council members.
Action Item: Minutes of November 10, 2011 Meeting
Co-chair Joan Tiller presented the minutes from the meeting of November 10, 2011, and
the Council approved the minutes by consensus.
College Planning Council Roster 2012-13
Joan provided the Council with a tentative College Planning Council 2012-13 Roster.
The Council was asked to review the names of exiting members, and to provide
assistance in assigning new members to the Council. Additional changes to the roster
include the permanent addition of all Campus Presidents, as well as a new Career Staff
representative position.
Quarterly Financial Report
Keith Houck gave an update on the Quarterly Financial Report. Student enrollment
increased by 1.5% versus the projected 4%; however, finances at the college are still in
good standing. It was also noted that the college is expecting news about additional state
funding within four to six weeks. The purchase of additional land and the continued
construction of Building 4 at Osceola Campus are well underway.
Planning for Big Meeting
Kurt Ewen led the discussion on Valencia’s upcoming Eleventh reaffirmation with
SACS. A Compliance Certification Team will be responsible for formulating the
college’s initial response to the Principles of Accreditation and collecting supporting
documentation. The team began their work this past January when they participated in a
SACS orientation event in Atlanta, and they are expected to conclude their work by
March of 2013. An initial site visit by the Vice President of SACS, Dr. Nuria M. Cuevas,
is scheduled for June of this year. The compliance team will present tentative plans at this
year’s Big Meeting in preparation for the site visit. A dedicated webpage will be
developed to provide information as the college progresses throughout the reaffirmation
Report on Governance Review
Michele McArdle, from the Collaborative Governance Review team, provided a final
update and recommendations in response to the review. Key final recommendations
include creating an orientation process for new Council members, providing a dedicated
staff support for all Governance Councils, and developing a plan with Faculty Council to
address the issue of continuity with its work. The governance team will work closely with
all Governance Councils in the new fiscal year to begin implementation of the final
recommendations of the team. Immediate changes include ensuring Council meetings are
held in rooms, times, and locations that are conductive to engaging faculty and staff.
Internal Communications
Chara Young, from the offices of Organizational Development, presented the Council
with an update on the college’s internal communication web pages. A snapshot of The
Juice, The Grove, and the Supervisors Segment was given to the Council for review.
Overall, internal communications has improved, with The Grove generating more than
67,000 page views since it launched on August of 2011. However, it was noted that
faculty site visits to either The Juice or The Grove stood at 32%. In an effort to improve
those numbers, the college will launch a new online faculty newsletter with content that
will be of more interest to faculty.
Learning Activity
The learning activity was rescheduled for the next CPC meeting in April.
Next Meeting Date and Time
The next CPC meeting is scheduled for April 26, 2011, Osceola Campus, Room 1-219B,
2:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. The Council was reminded that the April meeting will be the last
CPC meeting of the 2011-12 year. A small celebration will be held at the end of the
meeting to recognize exiting members and their contributions.