CPC Retreat Notes What is our role as CPC? Planning Resource allocation Budget Recommending body Thumbs – process What process will we use to determine effective participation? Timeline process/technology Do agenda building for next meeting How will we know we are effective in our role? Goals/outcomes/products What does everyone else think we do? What we want to value in the meeting? - Dialogue/discussion - Clarity - More involvement (more people involved) What proves will we use to determine effective decision making? What is our value in shared governance? What do we want to communicate? What challenges do we need to be aware of? Value Incorporation of community Incorporation of diverse constituent groups Minimizing “power differences in communication Hearing diverse opinions & perspectives Challenge Turf battles Preserving what’s best in an 800 year old transformational process Getting info back to / back from constituency groups People don’t speak up at the meeting then undermine the recommendation Involve new people – give others Disagreements may solidify an opportunity to serve instead of resolve Introducing a perspective that may Term limits – need more rotation be unknown to others of CPC members Opportunity for shared ownership Creates competition Ownership of implementation of “Appearance” of less dissent vs decisions buy-in ES: CPC members @ forum The ability/commitment to Bidirectional communication disagree on topic or individual Telling/sharing own perspective issues w/o compromising AND hearing/listening to others relationships Better understanding of issues and needs Shared Governance Inclusive voice Attached to AB 1725 Welcoming/inclusive Multiple responsibility Team Shared is an active role Hypocrisy Effective leadership planning Continuous improvement Effectiveness Facilitate leadership Contribution Gov. board/CEO Support student decisions Input Roles Substantive clearly defined Substantial voice Budget Participatory Governance Show up Mandatory Empty obligation Active / engage Participatory Democracy Quality instit. effective Developing personal responsibility Policies Expertise Planning Work together Effective communication Constituents Students Good of the institution Processes Discussion Issues may change perception because of the role Transactional & Transformational - Process of dialogue to figure out a solution - Functionally implement - Make every effort to constituents Foothill Like Not Like Outcomes/products of Bandwidth committee Committee list Availability Integrated planning & budget Time Definitions of committee structure Internal effectiveness review aligned with planning cycles Include all constituency groups Guiding principles for each committee Roles Board policies Glossary Role We are both roles - We are elected to do that We bring the bigger concept Divisive to wear two hats Role is to identify what’s best for the college Get information to bring in constituent responses to help build better decisions It’s hard to wear those two hats A maturing of the “honest” discussion Shared interest We are not a team Can be more than just the role -- multi-faceted role Appreciate different positions: need to come together to a common goal We are care about students What is good for the college Synopsis R.S. Love of the community to the campus What the community thinks we are: state responsibility/board enacts Personal sense of urgency for our students Board is a unit Golden Age – Cabrillo talent Board employee is president Parking Lot Business of the college during the summer