Furniture Assistance: Mustard Seed 4073752040 Food Assistance: Catholic Charities 407 658-0999 Christian Service Center-Orange 407-425-2523 Community Service Center 407-851 5920 Food Stamp Hotline1.800-342.9274 Human Crisis –Edgewater Drive 407 294 4704 Jewish Family services 407-644-7593 Loaves & Fishes 407-886 6005 Restore Orlando 407 246 0061 Salvation Army 407 423 8581 Winter Park Family Emergency Services 407-628-1692 Clothing Assistance: Christian Help 407-834 4022 Christian Service Center Orange 407 425 2523 Christian Sharing Center 407 260 9155 Loaves & Fishes 407 886 6005 O.U. R. Mission 407 422 4855 Salvation Amy 407 423-0581 Winter Park Family Emergency Services 407-628 1692 Free Bicycle Helmets 407 422 1416 X102 Financial Assistance: Catholic Charities 407 658 0999 Housing Assistance: Kissimmee Housing Authority 407-847 2821 Orlando housing authority 407 896-1655 Urban League 407 841 7654 Winter Park Housing Authority 407 6452869 Homeless Assistance: Christian Service Center Orange 407 425 2523 Coalition for the Homeless 407 426 1250 O.U.R. Mission 407 422 4855 Salvation Army 407-423-8581 Women Resident & Counseling Center 407425 1502 Disability Assistance; Center for Independent Living 407 623-1070 Disability Determination 407 897 2970 Security local Office 407 648 6673 Social Security 1 800 772 1213 Vocation Rehabilitation 407 897-2700 Stepping Stone 407 649 4100 Crisis Intervention: Abuse hotline 1 800 962 2873 Crisis Hotline 407-425-2624 Grief Hotline 407-047 3368 Safe-House of Seminole County 407-3303933 Sexual Trauma Recovery (The Healing Tree) 407 246 8001 Spouse Abuse 407 886 2856 Victim Advocate Program 407-836 4020 Utilities Assistance: Community Action-Orange 407-835-8900 Community Action -Osceola 407 846-8734 Li-Heap 407 835 6500 Transportation; LYNX Van for Doctor Appt 407 423 8747 Employment: Christian HELP Foundation 407 834 4022 Florida Employment Services 407-897-2880 Urban League 407 841 7654 Senior Assistance; Better Living for Seniors-Seminole 407 333 8877 Senior Help Line-0sceola 4078474357 Legal Services; Legal Aid 407 841 8310 Child-support services: Child-support enforcement 1800 6225437 Children and families offices: Kissimmee 407 846 5000 Lake Underhill 407 384 4800 Oak Ridge 407-858-5500 Pine Hills 407-578-3100 Sanford 407 330 6909 Winter Park 407-628-6800 Pregnancy services: B.E.T.A. 407-277-1942 Birth-control Center 407-422-0606 Center for women 407 628 5433 Healthy start -- Orange 407 836 2640 Healthy start -- Osceola 407-343-2100 Adoption: Adoption by Shepherd Care 407-290 3286 B.E.T.A. 407-277-1942 Children’s Home Society 407-895 5800 Life for Kids 407-626 5437 Child Care: 4-C 407-522 2252 Community Action Orange 407 836 6900 Crisis Nursery 407 522 2288 Orlando Day Nursery 407 422-5291 Winter Park Day Nursery 407 647-0505 Baby Items: BETA.407 277-1942 JMJ Life Center-Orange 407-839-0620 JMJ Life Carter Osceola 407-891 6969 Life for Kids 407-629 5437 TLC Women's Center 407 294 4314 Education: Adult Vocational Education 407 317-3400 Mid Florida Tech 407 855 5880 Orange County Public Schools 407.317 3200 Valencia Community College 407 299 5000 Vocational Rehabilitation 407-897-2710 Westside Tech 407.905-2000 Health Department: Downtown Orlando 407 836 2600 Eastside Clinic 407-249 6232 LiIa Mitchell Clinic 407 296 5177 Pine Hills Clinic 407 836 8400 Health Services: Florida Kid Care Program 1 888 540 5437 Health Council 407 671 2005 Orange County Medial Clinic 407 836 7148 Prescription Help 407 836 7148 Shepherd's Hope Health Centers 407-317 7698 X2300 WIC Nutrition Program 407-623-1151 Mental Health: Green House Counseling 407 895-5800 Lakeside Alternatives 407 875 3700 Health Association 407 843-1583 South Seminole Hospital 407 262 2220 Counselors: Catholic Social Services 407.658-1818 Green House Counseling 407 895 5800 Turning Point 407.895 5996 Way Up 407-599.9772 Drug/Alcohol Services: Drug Fred Living Center 407 425 0012 Turning Point 407422 4357 AIDS Services: AIDS Alliance 407-894 2233 AIDS Hotline 1 800-342 2437 Health Department 407-836 2680 Free car seats: Highway Patrol 407-737 2300 Free Wheelchairs: Replace and Repair. Also, free moment equipment Stopping Stone 407-649-4100