Version Number DD/MM/YY INFORMATION SHEET FOR PARTICIPANTS REC Reference Number: KCL/13/14-*** YOU WILL BE GIVEN A COPY OF THIS INFORMATION SHEET NUCLEAR AND MISSILE SUPPLY-SIDE CONTROLS: ANALYSING THE SUCCESS OF INTERNATIONAL EFFORTS TO COUNTER IRANIAN ILLICIT PROCUREMENT Invitation Paragraph I would like to invite you to participate in this research project, which will shape my MA dissertation. You should only elect to participate if you want to; choosing not to take part will not disadvantage you in any way. Before you decide whether to take part, please read carefully the following information, which explains why I am undertaking this research, and what your participation in it will involve. Please let me know if there is anything that is not clear or if you would like additional information. What is the purpose of the study? This study aims to assess the efficacy of the international nonproliferation regime’s supplyside controls for nuclear and missile technology in countering Iranian illicit procurement. Using Iran as a case study, this dissertation will analyse whether there are gaps in existing supply-side controls, and what international, federal or industry-level measures might be feasibly implemented to help fill these gaps. The first option is for Iran sanctions experts, and the second is for industry compliance professionals. (1) To achieve this analysis, I am interested in experts’ views on how well internationally mandated supply-side controls have worked vis-à-vis Iranian procurement, and whether any gaps in the regime can be identified that could be filled by additional international or federal regulations, or by industry-level beyond compliance measures. This will involve a semi-structured interview with you. (2) To achieve this analysis, I am interested in how companies choose whether to enact beyond compliance measures to counter illicit procurement, what factors can incentivise or deter adoption of such measures. This will involve a semi-structured interview with you. Why have I been invited to take part? (1) I am inviting key international experts on supply-side controls, specifically related to Iran. I will also invite key personnel in companies that supply dual-use nuclear and missile technologies for interviews. (2) I am inviting key personnel in companies that supply dual-use nuclear and missile technologies. I will also invite key international experts on supply-side controls, specifically related to Iran. Do I have to take part? King’s College London - Research Ethics 2013/2014/1 1 Version Number DD/MM/YY Participation is voluntary; you do not have to take part. Please read this information carefully sheet, and ask me if you have any questions. You should not agree to take part in this interview until you have had all of your questions answered satisfactorily. What will happen to me if I take part? If you decide to take part, you will be given this information sheet to keep and will be asked to sign a consent form. When it is convenient for you, we will discuss the interview procedure, and then arrange an interview in an area that is sufficiently private and comfortable for you, such as at the institution where you work, in a King’s College London facility, or in a local public site, if you prefer. The interview will take approximately one hour and be based on the interview topic guide, but the interview is designed to be flexible to adjust to your needs and knowledge base. The interview will be recorded, subject to your permission; recordings of interviews will be deleted after transcription. Even if you have decided to take part, you are still free to end your participation at any time, and you may withdraw research data relating to you without giving any reason up to 1 May 2014 OR four weeks after your interview, whichever is later. What are the possible risks of taking part? There are no foreseeable risks in participating in this interview. The main disadvantage to taking part is that you will be donating about an hour of your time. However, you will have the option throughout the interview to terminate the interview at any point without providing a reason. Will my taking part be kept confidential? What is said in the interview is regarded as strictly confidential and will be held securely until the research is finished. Your participation is entirely voluntary. If you change your mind, you are free to stop your participation and have your data withdrawn without giving any reason up to 1 May 2014 OR four weeks after your interview, whichever is later. If you ask for your data to be withdrawn during this time period, I will remove all traces of it from records. On your consent form you will see that you are given the choice to be fully or partially identified or to remain anonymous. If you elect to remain anonymous, your information will remain anonymous, and any references to institutions or organisations that might lead to your identification will be removed. If you elect to remain fully or partially identified, I will only use identifying information that has been cleared with you for publication. The UK Data Protection Act 1998 will apply to all information gathered within interviews and held on password-locked computer files and locked cabinets. What will happen to the results of the study? King’s College London - Research Ethics 2013/2014/1 2 Version Number DD/MM/YY I will publish a final dissertation based on interviews and other research and analysis I have conducted, and this dissertation will be sent to you upon request. Who should I contact for further information? If you have any questions or require more information about this study, please contact me using the following contact details: Email: ******.********** What if I have further questions, or if something goes wrong? If this study has harmed you in any way or if you wish to make a complaint about the conduct of the study you can contact King's College London using the details below for further advice and information: ********* Department of War Studies King’s College London Strand, London WC2R 2LS Thank you for reading this information sheet and for considering taking part in this research. King’s College London - Research Ethics 2013/2014/1 3