To be completed by PRC member (optional) INDIVIDUAL PEER REVIEW COMMITTEE MEMBER REPORT Tenured Faculty Member: _______________________________________________________ PRC Member/Title: _____________________________________________________________ Describe any personal observations relating to the tenured faculty member which are relevant to the Criteria for Evaluating Tenured Faculty. (Note: You have limited room below to type. If you need additional space, please attach comments on a separate page.) Signature of PRC Member: __________________________________ Date: _________________ Tenured Faculty Member Signature: I have read this Individual PRC Member Report. My signature does not necessarily indicate my agreement. I have chosen to attach a Response to Individual PRC Member Report. Yes No Signature: ____________________________________________Date: _____________________ Notes 1) Completed form is submitted to TFM for inclusion in the packet by the end of 10th week of spring semester. Updated 9/2011