TENURE PLAN Tenure Candidate: Evaluation Cycle (Circle): 2 3 4 Check box if Tenure Candidate plans to apply for early tenure. Evaluation Element Course/Activity Required TRC Observations (60% of standard load) 1. (Course/Activity) . 2. (Course/Activity) . 3. (Course/Activity) . 4. (Course/Activity) . . 1. (Course/Activity) . 2. (Course/Activity) . 3. (Course/Activity) . 4. (Course/Activity) . . Semester Week Semester Week . . . . Semester Week . (Observer) 1. (Course/Activity) Updated 6/2014 . (Observer) Required Candidate Observation (The TRC may choose to add observations if concerns are identified) (approximate) (Observer) . TRC and/or Candidate Observations Timeline Observer/Observed (Observer) Or 3 of the 4 5. members for (Course/Activity) Non-Classroom Faculty Options Date: . Semester Week . . (Observer) Semester Week Semester Week . (Observed) . . (Observer/ Observed) . Semester Week Semester Week . (Observer/ Observed) . . (Observer/ Observed) . Semester Week Semester Week . (Observer/ Observed) . Evaluation Element Course/Activity and Meeting Time 1. (Course/Activity) . Student Surveys 2. (Course/Activity) . 80% of standard load for classroom faculty 3. (Course/Activity) . Or 4. (Course/Activity) . A minimum of 35 responses from surveys of nonclassroom faculty 5. (Course/Activity) . 6. (Course/Activity) . 1. (Course/Activity) . 2. (Course/Activity) . 3. (Course/Activity) . 4. (Course/Activity) . Options Student Surveys and/or SGID (The TRC may choose to add surveys if concerns are identified) Updated 6/2014 Method of Survey Timeline (student proctor, TRC member, point of service, etc) (approximate) . . (Method) Semester Week Semester Week Semester Week Semester Week Semester Week Semester Week Semester Week Semester Week Semester Week Semester Week . . (Method) . . (Method) . . (Method) . . (Method) . (Method) . . (Method) . . (Method) . . (Method) . . (Method) . Evaluation Element Self Study Options Contents Addresses all concerns discussed in Observation Reports and substantial issues from student surveys. Where appropriate, Candidates provide an indication of how they anticipate resolving concerns. Length Self-Studies are expected to be succinct and should be limited to three to five pages. Timeline (approximate) (See timeline for Evaluation Packet.) Contents Self-Study (TRC may add options to this if concerns are identified) Evaluation Element Professional Growth & Activities Report Options Professional Growth & Activities (TRC may add options to this report if concerns are identified) Updated 6/2014 Contents This report describes the Candidate’s involvement in collegial governance, contribution to D/WG or program functioning, and participation in professional activities. Length Timeline (approximate) Limited detail will suffice. (See timeline for Evaluation Packet.) Evaluation Element Contents This report may be used to evaluate the Candidate’s participation in D/WG Responsibilities D/WG activities. Use of this form is at the discretion of the TRC. Observation Report Optional Evaluation Element Description Length Timeline (approximate) Optional (See timeline for Evaluation Packet.) Location or other relevant details. Timeline (approximate) Options . Other Elements Semester Week Semester Week Semester Week . . . Semester Updated 6/2014 Week Evaluation Element Description Population & Method Timeline (approximate) Options Alternative Survey(s) Notes: 1) The TRC Chair provides the original Tenure Plan to the Tenure Coordinator within three working days of the TRC meeting. 2) Within three working days, the Tenure Coordinator reviews, and, if no changes are to be made, uploads to the Tenure Candidate’s ePortfolio. 3) Tenure Candidate reviews and refers to the Tenure Plan within their ePortfolio when considering the evaluation requirements of their next evaluation cycle. Updated 6/2014