Document 15499634

Associated Students of MiraCosta College
Wednesday, March 2, 2016 at 11:30AM
Oceanside Student Center Temescal
Call to Order: This meeting of the ICC Leadership Council was called to order by Chair
Polyakova at 11:30 am on the Oceanside campus.
Roll Call: The following members, advisors and staff were present or accounted for
constituting a quorum of 2 of 3 members.
Leadership Council
(P) - Svetlana Polyakova, Inter-Club Council Chair
(E) - Hannah Curran, ASG VP of San Elijo / Inter-Club Council Vice-Chair
(P) - Jordan Breiner, Inter-Club Council Treasurer
(P) - Sharad Sundar, Inter-Club Council Senator
(P) - Melanie Haynie, Student Center Manager / Clubs and Organization Advocate
(E) - Jim Gonzales, Director of Student Activities
ICC Staff
Vacant, Recording Secretary
III. Public Comment There was no public comment.
IV. Approval of the Minutes: Breiner moved to table the approval of the minutes for December 9,
2015 and February 3, 2016, with Polyakova seconding. Motion was adopted without objection.
V. Approval of the Agenda: Breiner moved to approve of the agenda for March 2, 2016 with the
correction of adding Sundar to the agenda and fixing the type on item VI.2.a. to ICCSBFY16-15,
with Polyakova seconding. Motion was adopted without objection.
VI. Discussion and Possible Action Items
1. Attendance and Quorum – Polyakova expressed happiness with the attendance at the
last meeting. All clubs either attended or were excused. The reminders and absence
notifications worked to improve attendance.
2. Spending Bills
a. ICCSBFY16-15 – 5th Annual Queer Cupcake party: Breiner moved to
recommend ICCSBFY16-15 to the Full Council for an amount not to exceed $650
for the GSA 5th Annual Queer Cupcake Party. Motion seconded by Sundar. 2:0:0Motion adopted.
3. Duties of the members of ICC – Breiner moved to table item VI.3. Duties of the members
of ICC until the next leadership meeting. Motion was adopted without objection.
4. Items for Law Committee – The executive council reviewed the constitution and bylaw
items that will be presented to Law Committee for consideration. Changes included
updating the ICC funding language, advisor requirements, attendance requirements, Vice
Chair role and creating an All Comers policy.
5. Advisor Luncheon – The executive council will recommend the formation of an ad hoc
committee to plan the advisor luncheon. Breiner will chair the committee and Haynie will
6. Incentive Program for Club Fundraising – Breiner presented his idea of providing
incentives and rewards for clubs that do fundraising as a means to conduct club business
and to take pressure off the ICC budget. He gave a brief overview and will provide a
more detailed proposal at a future meeting.
VII. Reports
Breiner reported that he has been researching the possibility of opening the Wellness Ce
nter for student use outside of scheduled class times.
Adjournment: This meeting was adjourned by Chair Polyakova at 11:59 am.
* In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, should special assistance or reasonable accommodation be required to participate in this meet
ing, please notify the Student Activities Office Secretary at (760) 795-6890 or, or (858) 755-5155, extension 6890. The TTY number is (760) 439-1060.
Notification of the need for special assistance is requested 48 hours prior to the Student Senate meeting date and time in order to allow sufficient time t
o prepare.
** Public Comment: Members of the audience may address the Inter-Club Council on any item listed on the agenda when that agenda item comes up f
or discussion and/or action. Comments will be limited to three (3) minutes, not to exceed ten (10) minutes unless waived by the Inter-Club Council. Ind
ividuals must be recognized by the Chair in order to speak.
Members of the audience may also address the Inter-Club Council on any topic that is not on the agenda so long as the topic is within the jurisdiction of
the Inter-Club Council of MiraCosta College. Under the Brown Act, the Inter-Club Council is not permitted to engage in public discussion or take any a
ction on an item not on the agenda. However, topics brought up that are not on the agenda may be placed on a future agenda. The appropriate time t
o make comments on items NOT on the agenda is during Public Comment.