OU Orchestra and Chamber Music Club Committee Meeting

OU Orchestra and Chamber Music Club
Committee Meeting
Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday, 2nd April, 2012, 12.30 – 1.45 p.m.
Tessa, Brian, Tim, David, Jane, Sue, Margaret, Stephen(items 2 and 7), Ian, Laurence
(chair), Elaine (secretary)
Neil, Allan.
1. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The Minutes were received.
There were no items arising that were not covered in the Agenda.
2. May Concert.
Noted: the following comments re Hansel and Gretel Overture vs Harmonica Concerto
for the filler to go with Tchaikovsky’s 4th Symphony:
Hansel and Gretel was harder
Hansel and Gretel plus Tchaikovsky made a relentless programme that requires a lot of
Hansel and Gretel had been played at a recent concert.
More of the Orchestra would be playing in the Hansel and Gretel.
Musically Hansel and Gretel fitted better.
Agreed: the programme would be Tchaikovsky’s 4th Symphony and the Harmonica
Noted: Schools (primary and secondary) would be invited to one rehearsal close to the
concert date, probably the Friday before the concert.
Action: Sue
Noted: Raked seating would be needed for this.
Noted: the harmonica will need to be miked-up for the concert and one rehearsal,
possibly the one to which schools will be invited.
Noted: work should start now on publicity. Hugh should be asked to provide some words
for the programme. Martin Fearns should be asked if he were willing to provide a design.
Action: Jane
3. Workshop
Noted: This would take the form of an extended rehearsal and would be on Sunday, 22nd
4. October 2012 concert
Agreed; This would be a themed concert, ‘spooky music’ on 25th October. Suggestions
for pieces were welcome but orchestration should be checked.
5. May 2013 Concert
The following suggestions were put forward:
Malcolm Arnold’s 5th Symphony (a bid to buy the score would be needed)
A concerto (not piano as too expensive)
Music by composers with local connections e.g. Rubbra.
6. October 2013 concert
Noted: Steve had offered a piece composed by himself.
7. Finance
Noted: A total of £535 in subscriptions had been received. £690 was expected.
Agreed: Members who had not yet paid their subscription should be reminded again.
Action: David
Noted: On the basis of spending so far and known commitments, a surplus of £200 - £400
was predicted for the end of the financial year. However it is likely that money will have
to be paid out before the University grant was received so it would be better to make sure
we have a larger surplus in future.
Agreed: A draft budget should be prepared for the next Committee meeting. The bid to
the University should be increased
Action: Steve.
8. Any Other Business
Noted: MK University were planning to build a concert hall for their students.
Agreed: possible collaboration should be explored.
9. Date of Next Meetings
Noted: the next meeting will be on Monday , May 14th.