OU Orchestra and Chamber Music Club Committee Meeting

OU Orchestra and Chamber Music Club
Committee Meeting
Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday, 16th April, 2013, 12.45 – 2.00 p.m.
Tessa, Brian, David, Allan, Jane, Stephen, Michael, Margaret, Laurence (chair), Elaine
Ian, Sue
1. May Concert
a) New players
Noted: The committee welcomed the two new trumpet players to the Orchestra and noted
that their playing was of a high standard.
b) Publicity
Noted: A draft poster designed by Martin Ferns was presented.
Agreed: The design of the poster was good and posters and handouts would be prepared
using it,
Action: Jane
Noted: Hugh had provided content about the pieces for the programme.
Agreed: Jamie Slee was to be asked to take photos of the concert. An up-to-date photo of
the Orchestra was needed.
c) Schools
Noted: Sue reported that so far 4 schools were sending children to the 3rd May rehearsal.
The numbers were slightly lower than last year.
Noted: Tiered seating should be available on 3rd May
Action Allan
Noted: Help was needed to collect school groups and bring them to the Hub Theatre.
Action: All Orchestra
Noted: Heather might play in this performance.
Noted: timpanists were needed for this event.
d) Front of House
Noted: Ian would organise front of house but needs help. Please let him know of anyone
who would be interested in helping.
Action All
e). Workshop
Noted: This would take the form of an extended rehearsal and would be on Sunday, 21st
April. Neil Herrington would be attending.
2. Rite of Spring
Noted: the workshop and performance of the Rite of Spring had been moved to the OU
and was taking place on 28th April.
3. Carol concert
Noted: This would be on December 17th. Dennis would conduct.
Agreed: Ideas for music to be played at the Carol concert were needed.
Action All
4. October Concert
Agreed: Malcolm Arnold’s fifth symphony would be the main piece.
Noted: Another piece was needed to complete the programme. Suggestions were Potter
Variations on a theme, Rubbra, Olwyn Scottish folk music, Michael Rose, another piece
by Arnold. Other suggestions and opinions welcomed.
Action All
Noted: The concert would be on October 25 .
5. May 2014 concert
Noted: This would be on 21st May. The music needed to be decided on. One suggestion
was a violin concerto.
Noted: The OU choir were performing a piece on 27th March 2014 with two grand
pianos. It was suggested that this could be an opportunity for the Orchestra to play
something needing a piano. Possibilities might be doing an extra concert or a concert
instead of the May 2014 one while the pianos were in the Hub, possibly on the Sunday,
having a workshop on 30th March..
6. Finance
Stephen reported that the finances were in reasonable shape.
Noted: The OU club had provided £400 to pay for the Malcolm Arnold music..
Noted: More subscriptions were collected than last year. The committee thanked David
for his efforts in collecting these.
7. Any Other Business
Noted: The Great Linford Waterside festival is in June. The orchestra may be asked to
Noted: To celebrate Midsummer’s Day, there would be music at the Pavilion Bar
including some classical music.
Agreed: the barbecue at Stephen’s would be held again this year. Heather and Graham
should be asked if they would be able to come.
Action Laurence
Agreed: It would be good to have a piano permanently in the Hub Theatre. Someone
other than Laurence was needed to push the case for this. Action All
Noted: Stephen was retiring and an event is to be held on Friday, 29th November.
6. Date of Next Meetings
Agreed: Meetings would be held on Mondays if at all possible. The next two would be in
June and September.
Action Laurence
Agreed: The AGM would be on 4 November.