Mario Tonveronachi
University of Siena, Italy
The Global Economy in a Time of Uncertainty:
Capitalist trajectories and progressive alternatives
Conference organised by Ideas, Muttukadu, India, January 24-26, 2012
The institutional design: add pre-entry convergence and post-entry consistency to national sovereignty
Requirements: correct sets of pre-entry and post-entry rules and their enforcement
Wrong sets of rules and lack of enforcement
Pre-entry lack of enforcement: non-complying countries into the euro
Pre-entry insufficient rules: admittance of countries with dodgy accounting and evident macroeconomic imbalances
Post entry lack of enforcement of fiscal discipline
Post entry lack of enforcement of common non-lax financial supervisory practices
Post entry divergent national policies
The result: increasing structural divergences in the real and financial sectors
A medium-long term credible design, also necessary as reference for short-term adjustments
Presently, no room for a profound revision of the EU Treaties
Room of manoeuvre given by the Treaties:
Political and policy discretion at EU and national level
Public investment
Current-account symmetric adjustments
Limits posed by existing EU Treaties: non-bail out clause and limited scope by ECB on public debts
New agreements are permitted for more stringent rules, but not for weaker ones
Economic Governance
Procedure: European semester
Content: Coordination of National Programmes on Stability (fiscal sustainability) and Reform (growth)
Six pack: stronger enforcement of fiscal rules and surveillance on macroeconomic imbalances
Fiscal compact: constitutional 0.5% max structural deficit rule + 1/20 debt rule
Growth is reduced to the correction of imbalances so that the solution of multiple equilibria goes towards deflation
ESM, a European fund to finance illiquid governments, to manage in collaboration with the IMF
Financial governance
New institutional framework for financial regulation and supervision
National supervisors retain crucial discretion
The link between sovereign and financial crises was not severed
Add a Growth Compact with the same level of enforcement as the
Fiscal Compact
Framework of Europe 2020: employment, innovation, education, social inclusion and climate/energy
Expand existing programmes (e.g. EU flagship initiatives) and use flexibilities to insert growth initiatives into the European Semester
Add a Growth European Fund to the ESM