Development Denied: JPEPA within AJCEPA IBON Foundation December 8, 2009

Development Denied:
IBON Foundation
December 8, 2009
The Philippines (2008)
 Population of 91 million
 2nd largest in Southeast Asia
 13th largest in the world
 GNP (nominal) – $185.5 B
 GDP (PPP) – $317.5 B
 5th largest in Southeast Asia
 38th in the world
 GDP (PPP) per capita – $3,300
 163rd in the world
 signed - April 2008
 entered into force - December 2008
 implemented by Japan and seven ASEAN
countries: Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei,
Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand
 signed - September 2006
 entered into force - December 2008.
Policy context of talks (1)
1. Strong bias for market-based foreign
capital-driven and -defined
 Vigorously implemented since 1980s,
now arguably among most formally open
countries in region
 Yet unfavorable outcomes
 Industrial & agricultural decline
 Record joblessness, rising poverty
Policy context of talks (2)
2. As a result, Philippine economy now
has elements predisposing policy to
further liberalization
 Marked increase in presence of foreign
capital with major export interests
 Migration & remittances (i.e., cheap
labor export) a major prop of the
 Local industrial capital greatly
Philippines vis-à-vis
 FTA strategy not underpinned by any
coherent policy of domestic
agricultural & industrial development
 Even before JPEPA/AJCEPA, Japan &
Philippines in general already quite
open to each other
 JPEPA more comprehensive and
substantial of the two deals (“WTO+”)
Philippines vis-à-vis
 concrete commitments in goods, services,
investments, and movement of natural persons
 provisions for further action in intellectual
property, government procurement, competition
policy, dispute settlement
concrete commitments only in goods
provisions for further action in other areas
explicitly recognizes SDT and flexibility for LDCs
has chapters on SPS and on standards
Towards inclusive trade policies?
 Clear what advanced economies want from
the ASEAN countries –
 Yet less clear what kind of mutually beneficial
integration ASEAN countries can have with each
other doesn’t just put them in a self-destructive
 Basic problem in the Philippines: retrograde
political leadership opposed to alternative
policies –
 How to build democratic momentum to expand
what is politically possible, and developmentally
urgent, in the socioeconomic realm?
Salamat po