9th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9742114-2-7 Pricing of Multi-Sided Payment Card Networks: Determination of Merchant and Interchange Fees Markus Langlet European Business School International University Schloß Reichartshausen Kastanienallee 34/1, 71638 Ludwigsburg, Germany markus@langlets.eu October 16-17, 2009 Cambridge University, UK I 9th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9742114-2-7 ABSTRACT Payment card networks, and in particular for multi-sided systems the role of the interchange fee has been a means of diverse discussions especially over the past decade. Even though there remains a gap in a deeper understanding of the determination of the interchange fee as well as payment card network fees in a broader sense. This paper is an observation focusing of three such determinants: price elasticity of demand, relative frequency of card usage and the competitive condition of the downstream market and their impact in case of a multi-sided payment card system. Two cases will be developed showing how the organizational structure of the network and in particular the level of homgeneity of market shares of member banks with regard to issuing of cards and acquiring of merchant might provoke single or as worst double marginalization with regard to card payment fees. Key words: two-sided markets, payment card networks, payment systems, credit card associations, platform pricing, no surcharge rule Methodological area: industrial organization INTRODUCTION Over the past decades the interchange fee of multi-party payment networks has been a means of discussion among banks, policy makers, and economists (Armstrong, 2006, Evans, & Schmalensee, 2005, Gans, & King, 2003, Rochet, & Tirole, 2003, Rysman, 2007, Wright, 2004). One common conclusion of many of these discussions is the fact that still there remains a significant gap in understanding, thus determining efficient payment card pricing. Langlet (2009) introduced a model of unitary payment card network(s). This model explores the considerations of unitary schemes in the process of determining privately optimized payment card prices. In this paper, this model shall be adapted for the situation of multi-party payment card systems. In doing so, two extreme cases will be discussed with the truth being somewhere in between these two extreme cases. The first case will consider two banks with identical shares of issuing and acquisition business. Interestingly, this second case involves only single marginalization, since for each of these banks the total of paid and received interchange fees will be zero. Consequently, such banks’ will tend to agree on a high interchange fee in order to transfer profits further away from merchants. The second case assumes perfect distinction between issuing and acquiring banks. In this case there is no bank issuing payment cards and also acquiring merchants to join the network. The result will be double-marginalization. The issuing banks being in the upstream position, therefore expects to achieve higher profits than the acquiring banks. Some of the results of this paper will be similar as for the model of unitary networks. Even so, it becomes evident that generally speaking, multi-party systems involve more complexity than unitary systems. As in Langlet (2009) during the analysis the focus is on three determinants of the merchant fee; the consumer price elasticity of the good exchanged on the downstream market, the relative frequency of card usage, and the competitive condition of merchants, that is the downstream market. All together, the above cited complexity makes it hard for policy makers to find a way toward efficient payment card regulation. Anyways, the results below promise to reduce such complexity by untangling the determination of payment card pricing. MODEL Langlet (2009) explored payment card pricing and in particular the determination of the merchant fee for unitary networks (e.g. American Express). In this paper the model of Langlet will be adapted to the case of a multi-sided payment card network, such as Visa or Mastercard are. Thus, Langlet’s assumptions, as well as Lemmas and the second Proposition, which all concern the behaviour of merchants, will be borrowed in the below model and therefore are summarized in the following. Consider a homogenous product being exchanged between N identical merchants, who are indexed by n, and consumers for a standard price p (perfect price transparency). Let Q be the total sales volume of all merchants. Furthermore, assume constant consumer price elasticity ε, such that from the perspective of merchant n the inverse demand curve is characterized by: p Q with 0 1 . (1) Merchants may offer two payment methods to their customers: cash or card. Suppose γ being the portion of consumers exclusively choosing to pay by card, i.e. there is a fixed relative frequency of card usage. Consider an effective no-surcharge rule. Thus, merchants cannot surcharge customers who pay by card. In order to motivate customers to use payments cards, usually are no transaction fees imposed on customers, sometimes even bonuses are given for card usage. On the other hand, it is common practice to charge merchants a usage fee. Thus, for any October 16-17, 2009 Cambridge University, UK 2 9th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9742114-2-7 card transaction there shall be a standard usage fee imposed on merchants. To be more precise, consider this merchant fee to be a standard rate a in form of a percentage of the transactions volume (see figure 1). Furthermore, let there be perfect blending with regard to this merchant fee. Furthermore let merchants incur no further costs in regard to card transactions or any other fees than a (such as e.g. membership fees). By assuming merchants behave according to the Cournot-Nash equilibrium, Langlet in his first lemma derived the equilibrium sales quantity of all merchants, such that: 1 1 1 a N N , Q* qn c n1 (2) and the equilibrium Cournot price of the respective product: p* c 1 1 a N . (3) In his second lemma Langlet furthermore derived that merchants will certainly not participate in the payment card network in any case. Much rather, there will be one maximum merchant discount rate for which merchants make zero profit from card-paid sales, which is the case for a merchant discount fee rate according to: a ε . N N γ εγ (4) Mmerchants will participating in the network when a a , while merchants will refrain from participating when a a . Finally, just as Langlet assumed, let there be only fixed costs of network operations and no variable costs. Alike for unitary payment networks, we can expect one equilibrium N* such that for any N N*, merchants will make zero profit from sales paid by card. And for all N<N*, merchants will achieve profits even from sales paid by card. Also in case of a multi-party payment card system, for all N N* acquiring banks will set the equilibrium merchant fee according to a* a , since otherwise merchants would not participate in the network. In contrast to Langlet’s model of unitary payment card networks, consider one multi-party payment card system, consisting of a network operator and member banks, which firstly issue payment cards and secondly acquire merchants to join the network and accept the cards. In the below model two characteristic scenarios will be explored, with reality being a mix of these two extreme cases. For the first scenario consider two identical banks that to the same extent firstly issue payment cards and secondly acquire merchants to accept the cards. For the second scenario, let the banks specialize, such that banks exclusively either issue payment cards or only acquire merchants for the network. In order to shift profits from the acquiring side to the issuing side of the network, the acquiring bank usually pays an interchange fee to the issuing bank. Therefore, in the blow model, similarly as for the merchant fee, for any transaction consider the respected issuing bank to charge the acquiring bank a standard usage interchange fee rate f in form of a percentage of the transaction volume. Just as it is the case for e.g. Visa, consider the network operator to be a not-for-profit organization. Just as in Langlet (2009), let there be only fixed costs for establishing and running the payment card network and furthermore no variable costs with regard to card transactions. Therefore let the network operator only impose a standard (fixed) membership fee on the member banks in order to cover the (fixed) costs of network operation. Consider no other costs for either issuing or acquiring bank(s), as well as for card holders (such as e.g. annual card holder membership fees etc.). Consider the network operator also not to influence the level of the network’s fees other than requesting the discussed fixed membership fee. Furthermore, consider a two phase game of negotiations of the interchange fee rate f and the merchant discount rate a: Firstly, let the issuing bank and the acquiring bank negotiate the interchange fee f in such manner, that the issuer makes a take-it or leave it offer to the acquirer. Secondly, consider the acquiring bank to make a take-it or leave-it offer to merchants, thus negotiating the merchant fee rate a. October 16-17, 2009 Cambridge University, UK 3 9th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9742114-2-7 Homogenous product sold for price p Merchant n (out of a population N) Customer (choosing card payment) Pays price p minus merchant discount 1 a p Pays price p Acquiring bank membership fee (fixed) Issuing bank Pays price p minus interchange fee 1 f p membership fee (fixed) Network operator Payment card network a - Merchant usage fee f - Interchange fee Figure 1: Payments in a multi-party payment card network (Cp. Gans, King, 2003, p. 4.) The next two sections contain an analysis of the considerations of oligopoly member banks of the payment card network for the two scenarios introduced above; firstly the scenario of identical banks which are executing the issuing as well as the acquisition function of the network to an equal extent and secondly the scenario of banks exclusively either issuing payment cards or acquiring merchants to join the network. The Scenario of Banks Issuing and Acquiring According to Identical Proportions Consider the member banks carry out the issuing as well as the acquiring function according to the same proportion, i.e. each member banks market share s of issuing cards and acquiring merchants is identical. As figure 2 illustrates, with the assumption of identical market share in issuing and acquiring, the probability pAB of one particular bank A being the issuer and another bank B being the acquirer is identical to the probability pBA of bank B being the issuer and bank A being the acquirer with regard to a certain transaction. Consequently, bank A will receive the same total amount of interchange fee from bank B as bank B will have to pay to bank A. For each of the banks the total of received and paid interchange fees will equal zero. Issuing bank i Acquiring bank j s(A) s(A) pAA=s2(A) s(x) – Market share of bank x∈{A,B} s(B) s(B) pAB=s (A)·s(B) s(A) pBA=s (B)·s(A) s(B) pBB=s2(B) pij – Probability of issuer i∈{A,B} and acquirer j∈{A,B} Figure 2: Probabilities of Partner Bank Combinations for a Random Transaction Consequently, the level of the interchange fee will be irrelevant for the profit each of the banks will gather from card transactions. Only the level of the merchant fee matters. In contrast to the second scenario, as will be shown below, this first scenario is characterized by only single marginalization over acquiring of merchants and the issuing of payment cards. It is obvious to see, that with member banks maximizing profits over the merchant fee, October 16-17, 2009 Cambridge University, UK 4 9th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9742114-2-7 the equilibria of the above scenario will follow the same logic as for unitary payment card systems. Thus, in the rest of this section the findings of Langlet (2009) concerning unitary payment card networks will be summarized and reinterpreted for the above scenario of a multi-party payment card network. N N Merchant fee a a â a* min ; N N 1 N* 1 1 Number of merchants N Figure 3: Merchant Fees for the First Scenario of Identical Proportions of Issuing and Acquring (Langlet 2009, p. 10) Assuming identical profit-maximizing member banks (i.e. identical costs and market share), the profit of one member bank i will be 1 1 a N i c 1 a I C . (5) As we learned, the member banks will maximize profit Пi over the merchant discount, thus Max i , (6) a Assuming profit maximizing banks, that is identical merchant fee revenue of all banks… Intuition of the proof. Solving this term leads to the merchant striving to achieve a merchant fee according to Lemma 1. As long as merchants accept such merchant fee, that is when a a , the oligopoly bank (in case of the first scenario of identical banks issuing and acquiring to an equal extent), will maximize profits by defining the merchant fee according to â (7) This leads to the first roposition: Proposition 1. As long as merchants accept such merchant fee, that is when a a , the oligopoly bank (in case of the first scenario of identical banks issuing and acquiring to an equal extent), will maximize profits by defining the merchant fee according to October 16-17, 2009 Cambridge University, UK 5 9th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9742114-2-7 a* min ; . N N (8) As shown in Langlet (2009), N=N* is the competitive condition of merchants, where firstly merchants make zero profit from sales paid by card, that is, a a (see Eq. 4) and secondly the network is able to achieve the maximum profit by still acquiring the merchant fee â according to Eq. (7). By substitution of the two conditions, we learn that N* 1 . 1 1 (9) In the next section the scenario of member banks exclusively either issuing payment cards or acquiring merchants will be explored. The Scenario of Exclusive Distinction of Issuing and Aquiring Consider the case of a clear distinction of issuing of payment cards and the acquisition of merchants to participate in the payment card network. Furthermore suppose there is a total of J oligopoly acquiring banks indexed by j. Let γ·qj denote the total number of payment transactions respectively bank j processes. Thus, with no other variable costs but the interchange fee one acquirer’s operational profit Пj will be the merchant usage fee revenue minus the total interchange fee he will have to pay to issuing banks and fixed costs Cj, thus j p qj a p qj f Cj . (10) Suppose an oligopoly acquirer maximizing profit over the usage fee: Max j , (11) a with the constraint of a positive profit. a N N Fees a, f â 2 fˆ N* Number of merchants N 1 2 1 1 2 f * min ; N N a* min 2 ; N N Figure 4: Fees for the Second Scenario of Banks Eeither Issuing Or Acquring The first-order condition of Eq. (10) can be solved under the assumption of profit-maximizing oligopoly acquiring banks, thus with identical market share. Therefore each of these acquirers will process an equal number of payment transactions, such that October 16-17, 2009 Cambridge University, UK 6 9th Global Conference on Business & Economics qj ISBN : 978-0-9742114-2-7 q j J 1 Q j (12) with γ·q-j denoting the total number of payment transactions all the other acquiring banks but bank j process. The transformation of yield in the second-order condition of Eq. (2) proves that the below solution (Lemma X) maximizes the profit of acquirer j. Lemma 3. As long as merchants accept such merchant fee, that is when a a , and with banks exclusively either issuing or acquiring, the oligopoly acquirer will maximize profits by defining the merchant fee according to aˆ 1 f . (13) Furthermore, consider a total of K oligopoly issuing banks indexed by k, each of which only incurring fixed costs Ck and no variable costs with respect to card transactions. Let γ·qk denote the total number of payment transactions issuing bank k processes. Consequently the issuing bank’s profit Пk will be the total interchange fee revenue minus costs of issuer k k p qk f Ck . (14) The oligopoly issuer will maximize profit over the interchange fee Max k . (15) a The intuition of the proof is to solve the first-order condition of Eq. (14). Again assume profit-maximizing oligopoly issuers with identical market shares, therefore processing an equal number of payment transactions. Consequently qk q k Q K 1 K (16) again with γ·q-k denoting the total number of payment transactions all the other acquiring banks but bank j process. Similar as before, the transformation of yield in the second-order condition of Eq. (14) proves that the following solution maximizes the profit of acquirer j: fˆ . (17) Consider the above assumption of issuing banks negotiating the interchange fee with acquirers in form of a takeit or leave-it offer. Any such offer will be accepted by acquiring banks as long as (see Eq. 4), since in that case acquirers will be able to make profit by requesting an even higher merchant discount fee rate a from merchants, who themselves will not accept any merchant discount rate a a . This leads to the second proposition: Proposition 2. In the assumed case of distinction of issuing and acquiring, as well as with the constraint of not defining a interchange fee rate f higher than the maximum merchant discount rate, that is f a , oligopoly issuing banks will strive after maximizing profit according to Eq. (17), thus the equilibrium interchange fee will be determined according to f * min ; N N . (18) This leads to the second proposition, while substituting Eq. (17) in Eq. (13): Proposition 3. With banks exclusively either issuing or acquiring and with the constraint that merchants will not accept a merchant fee rate a a , the acquiring banks will strive after maximizing profits by requesting an merchant discount according to Eq. (13), thus the equilibrium merchant discount fee a* will be determined by October 16-17, 2009 Cambridge University, UK 7 9th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9742114-2-7 a* min 2 ; N N . (19) From this N*, the competitive condition of merchants where: (i) merchants make zero profit (only normal profit) from sales paid by card , that is, a a and (ii) the issuing as well as the acquiring bank are able to achieve the maximum profit by acquiring the merchant fee â according to Eq. (13) and with an interchange fee fˆ according to Eq. (17). The solution of these two conditions, that is, substituting â from term (13) in Eq. (4), brings about the fourth proposition. (See figure 3 and details of the proof in the appendix.) Proposition 4. With a merchant population of N=N*, the maximum merchant fee a from Eq. (13) equals â from Eq. (21) with issuers and acquirers making maximum profits; thus, N* 1 2 1 1 2 . (20) DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION Langlet (2009) analyzed the determination of unitary payment card networks with the focus on three determinants of the merchant fee: consumer price elasticity, the relative frequency of card usage and the competitive condition of the downstream market, indicated by the number of oligopoly merchants. With the same focus, in this paper the model of Langlet was transferred to the case of a multi-party payment card network. In doing so, two key cases were analyzed: firstly a network with identical banks that issue payment cards to the same extent as they acquire merchants to join the network and secondly the case of specialized member banks that either issue payment cards or acquire merchants for network participation. In this study a two-phase game was considered. In the first phase issuers and acquirers negotiate the level of the interchange fee, while in the second phase acquirers and merchants negotiate the level of the merchant usage fee. For parsimony such negotiations were assumed to be take-it or leave-it offers of the respected upstream partners, i.e. issuers in phase 1 and acquirers in phase 2. Generally speaking the above three determinants of unitary payment card system pricing were found to similarly influence the fee equilibria of multi-sided payment card systems. For the first case of identical member banks, the outcome was even practically the same as for the above cited study of unitary networks. For these situations the fee equilibria are characterized by single marginalization. Interestingly, for this case the level of the interchange fee was even found to be irrelevant for the merchant usage fee level or the bank’s profit which has to do with the assumed negociation set-up and will be discussed lateron as an extention of the foregoing model. In case of banks either issuing payment cards or acquiring merchants to join the network, there will be double marginalization in the network with a good chance of leading to inefficient price equilibrium. This supports for example policymakers approach to regulate the interchange fee, with a high potential of abuse of the upstream player’s position. In the following I discuss three possible extensions of the above study. First, alike Langlet (2009) for unitary payment card networks, we could extend the above model by giving some bargaining power to the downstream party. Consider the first case of identical member banks and allow Nash-bargaining over the merchant discount rate with αi denoting the bargaining power of the member banks. The bargaining will happen over the profit margin of the acquiring bank. In contrast to the case of a unitary network, for the multi-sided payment system this profit margin of the acquirer is influenced by the prior negotiated interchange fee and the market share of the bank denoted by si, thus a N i a * 1 si f . (21) Still the total of paid and received interchange fee is zero (see discussion above), thus still the level interchange fee remains irrelevant in regard to the bank’s profit as long as the merchant usage fee is kept constant. Only that with the bargaining situation the merchant fee depends on the interchange fee. Thus, by agreement of a high interchange fee, the banks can in advance negotiate away the profits from the acquiring to the issuing side of the network. In fact the banks would define the interchange fee so high that the profit margin of acquiring will be zero. In this situation even though merchants may try to negotiate with the banks over the merchant discount rate, they will achieve no different outcome than in case of the take-it or leave-it offer. Only by changing the game, that is with merchants that would also influence the level of the interchange fee, a bargaining between October 16-17, 2009 Cambridge University, UK 8 9th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9742114-2-7 merchants and banks would influence the outcome, i.e. the equilibrium merchant usage fee. In this context interchange fee regulation appears particular efficient, as it limits the banks’ ability to negotiate away profits before entering into negotiation with merchants over the merchant usage fee. In contrast to the first case, in case of banks either issuing cards or acquiring merchants Nash bargaining would simply impact the level of the negotiated fees, such that the parties would agree accordingly, thus a N i a * respectively a i f . N (22) Apparently there would be no back-loop-effect influencing the prior negotiations, since the different levels of negotiation partners are clearly separated organization, that is merchants, issuing banks and acquiring banks. Second, in the foregoing model two natural cases were observed with reality somewhere in between these two: identical banks and banks that either issue cards or acquire merchants for the network. A deeper analysis is needed to disentangle the reality in between of these two key cases. In particular how the equilibrium fees develop on the interval between these two cases and the implication on fee regulation might be. A third natural extension would consider other genders of two-sided markets, such as for example video consoles, shopping malls or supplier platforms (as they exist in the automotive industry). Transfers are possible for example in regard to the findings concerning organizational levels of platforms, which apparently can be organized as natural one-level organization (i.e. unitary network), as two-level systems (multi-party network with members either operating as issuers or acquirers) or an organizational mix somewhere on the scale of the foregoing extreme cases. October 16-17, 2009 Cambridge University, UK 9 9th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9742114-2-7 References Armstrong, M. (2006). Competition in two-sided markets. The Rand Journal of Economics, 37 (3), 668-691. Evans, D., & Schmalensee, R. (2005). The economics of interchange fees and their regulation: An Overview. MIT Sloan Working Paper 4548-05 (July 8, 2005), accessed April 14, 2008, available at http://dspace.mit.edu/ Gans, J., & King, S. (2003). The neutrality of interchange fees in payment systems. Topics in Economic Analysis & Policy, 3 (1). 1-16. Langlet, M. (2009). Pricing of Unitary Payment Card Networks: The Relationship between Consumer Price Elasticity and Merchant Fees. Forthcoming in: Oxford Journal. Rochet, J., & Tirole, J. (2003). An economic analysis of the determination of interchange fee in payment card systems. Review of Network Economics, 2 (2), 69-79. Rysman, M. (2007). An empirical analysis of payment card usage. Journal of Industrial Economics, 55 (1), 1-36. Wright, J. (2004). The determinants of optimal interchange fees in payment systems. Journal of Industrial Economics, 52 (1), 1-26. October 16-17, 2009 Cambridge University, UK 10 9th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9742114-2-7 APPENDIX Proof of (13): Assuming supernormal profits of merchants, the oligopoly acquirer j will be able to freely maximize profit Πj over the usage fee a, while considering the interchange fee f as costs 1 (11) Max j with j q 1 a 1 1 a N a f C j , and q q C . c J 1 1 aˆ N Thus, Max a c 1 J aˆ f C j . The first order condition is 1 N 1 j c 1 1 aˆ N c 1 2 1 1 aˆ N aˆ f J c 1 1 1 aˆ N N 1 aˆ f 0 c J c J 1 aˆ f 1 aˆ 0 aˆ aˆ f f aˆ 0 October 16-17, 2009 Cambridge University, UK 11 1 J ! 0 9th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9742114-2-7 aˆ f f (13) aˆ 0 1 f with 0 1 , as well as 0 1 , and 0 f aˆ 1 . The second order condition proves this solution to be a maximum: 2 1 N 1 1 2 j c 2 1 N 1 1 2 j c 1 1 aˆ N c 1 1 f N c 1 1 f N 1 j c 1 3 1 3 1 N 1 aˆ f 2 J c 1 1 aˆ N c 1 f N 1 2 J c 1 2 1 1 f N c . J 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 f 1 N 1 2 N N f 2 J c c c 1 1 f N 1 j c October 16-17, 2009 Cambridge University, UK 1 3 1 3 2 1 1 N 1 2 1 f 2 1 f J c 12 J 9th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9742114-2-7 j 1 1 N with and as long as as long as 1 1 2 1 1 f 1 1 2 1 c as long as 1 1 2 1 2 1 J 0 , since 0 1 , 1 1 , thus with 1 2 N 1 , thus 1 1 0 , since 0 1 and N 1 , 1 2 1 with 1 f 0 , since 0 1 and 0 f 1 , 3 1 1 1 , thus with 2 c 1 0 , since 0 c , 1 0 , since J 1 , J with 2 0 , and last but not least 1 2 0 , since 0 . 1 1 Consequently, j 0 for sure with 0 and most likely with 1 . 3 3 Proof of (17): Assuming supernormal profits of merchants, i.e. a aˆ , issuer k will be able to freely maximize profit Πk over interchange fee f (15) October 16-17, 2009 Cambridge University, UK Max k f 13 9th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9742114-2-7 1 with k q 1 1 1 aˆ N fˆ C k , as well as q q C and aˆ 1 f . c K 2 1 1 fˆ N Thus, Max f c 1 K fˆ C k . The first order condition is 2 1 1 fˆ 1 N 1 N k c c 2 1 2 1 1 1 fˆ N 1 ˆ N f 0 c K c K 2 2 1 fˆ 1 fˆ 0 fˆ 0 (17 ) The second order condition proves this solution to be a maximum: October 16-17, 2009 Cambridge University, UK 14 2 1 1 fˆ N fˆ K c fˆ . 1 K ! 0 9th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9742114-2-7 2 2 1 N 1 1 2 k c 2 1 1 fˆ N c 1 3 1 N 1 fˆ 2 K c 2 2 1 1 fˆ N c 1 2 with fˆ 2 2 1 N 1 1 2 k c 2 1 1 N k c 1 3 2 1 1 N c 1 N 1 2 K c 2 2 1 1 N c 2 2 2 1 1 1 N 1 1 2 2 N 1 K c c 2 1 1 1 N k c k October 16-17, 2009 Cambridge University, UK 1 3 1 1 N 1 3 2 1 15 1 3 1 c 1 1 2 1 K K 2 1 1 N c K 2 1 N 1 1 2 2 1 c K 2 2 1 2 K 9th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9742114-2-7 with and as long as 2 2 as long as 1 0 , since 0 1 , 2 1 , i.e. with 1 3 N 1 3 as long as 1 , i.e. 1 2 2 0 , since 0 1 and N 1 , 13 1 with 1 0 , since 0 1 , 4 1 1 1 , i.e. with 2 c 1 0 , since 0 c , 1 0 , since K 1 , K and last but not least 2 0 . 1 1 Consequently, k 0 for sure with 0 and most likely with 1 . 4 4 Q.e.d. October 16-17, 2009 Cambridge University, UK 16 9th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9742114-2-7 Assuming normal profits of merchants, i.e. a a , issuer k will be able to freely maximize profit Πk over interchange fee f (15) Max k f 1 with k q 1 1 1 a N fˆ C k , as well as q q C and a . c K N N 1 1 N 1 N N 1 Thus, Max f c 1 K fˆ C k . The first order condition is 1 N 1 k c 2 2 1 1 fˆ N c 1 2 1 1 1 fˆ N 1 ˆ N f 0 c K c K 2 2 1 fˆ 1 fˆ 0 October 16-17, 2009 Cambridge University, UK 17 2 1 1 fˆ N fˆ K c 1 K ! 0 9th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9742114-2-7 fˆ 0 fˆ . (17 ) The second order condition proves this solution to be a maximum: 2 2 1 N 1 1 2 k c 2 1 1 fˆ N c 1 3 1 N 1 fˆ 2 K c 2 2 1 1 fˆ N c 1 2 with fˆ 2 2 1 N 1 1 2 k c 2 1 1 N k c October 16-17, 2009 Cambridge University, UK 1 3 2 1 1 N c 1 3 1 N 1 2 K c 2 2 1 1 N c 2 2 2 1 1 1 N 1 1 2 N 1 2 K c c 18 1 2 K 2 1 1 N c K K 9th Global Conference on Business & Economics ISBN : 978-0-9742114-2-7 2 1 1 1 N k c k 1 1 N with and as long as 2 2 as long as 1 3 2 2 1 N 1 1 2 2 1 c K 2 2 1 1 as long as 1 , i.e. 1 1 2 1 K 2 2 0 , since 0 1 and N 1 , 13 1 with 1 0 , since 0 1 , 4 1 1 1 , i.e. with 2 c 1 0 , since 0 c , 1 0 , since K 1 , K and last but not least 2 0 . 1 1 Consequently, k 0 for sure with 0 and most likely with 1 . 4 4 Q.e.d. October 16-17, 2009 Cambridge University, UK 1 0 , since 0 1 , 2 1 , i.e. with 1 N 3 1 3 1 c 1 3 19