A University Initiative to Integrate Sustainability in Course Development

2013 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
Michael JARA
Assistant Chancellor for Facilities
University of South Carolina Aiken
Aiken, South Carolina – USA 29801
Senior Assistant Professor
IÉSEG School of Management, LEM-CNRS
Lille, France
Professor of Accounting
Chair in Global Business
University of South Carolina Aiken
Aiken, South Carolina – USA 29801
Adjunct Professor - IÉSEG School of Management, LEM-CNRS
Patsy Lewellyn
Visiting Professor, School of Business Administration
University of South Carolina Aiken
Aiken, South Carolina – USA 29801
July 2-3, 2013
Cambridge, UK
2013 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
A University Initiative to Integrate Sustainability in Course Development
This article presents a practical application of a university’s migration toward a sustainable
To attain the goal of zero green-house gas emissions and institutionalized
environmental sustainability, the process included: initial research, defining requirements
and limitations, identifying potential solutions, planning and implementing a program. The
aspiration was to create innovative sustainability projects, and engage and educate our
campus and community. Each stakeholder group was empowered to find ways to reduce
campus environmental impacts and save costs.
This article presents initial research and resulting initiatives to: (1) meet ACUPCC
requirements, (2) drive toward a carbon neutral university footprint, (3) identify means to
reduce green-house gas emissions (GHG), (4) reduce energy used by 20% minimum, and (5)
create an academic sustainability course to disseminate lessons to learn. The combined
programs achieved the 20% target in overall campus energy reduction. This was achieved
via a 70% decrease in energy usage in one facility, a 30% reduction in another and two
renewable energy sourcing projects.
Using “green” dormitory construction materials
reduced GHG emissions and carbon footprint by 29%. The article proposes draft proposals
that may be used to promote sustainability and safety in other campus communities.
Key words: environmental management; green business;
organizational change; social responsibility; sustainability
JEL Codes: M14, O22, Q52, Q53, Q55
July 2-3, 2013
Cambridge, UK
2013 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
For decades, proponents of lean manufacturing in industry have suggested companies can be
twice as productive, do things better and at lower cost because they use half the labor, half
the space, half the effort, half the inventory and capital. Lean has been extensively used in
manufacturing to eliminate non-value added waste. The wastes in manufacturing need to be
redefined for the service sector, and, in particular, for higher education, because this sector
faces many challenges. Since the new millennium, the funding model has been the most
notable direct influence on how education establishments manage their direct activities,
indirect support and infrastructure. Funding has become a critical issue for public institutions
in many countries. This is a result of increasing fiscal deficits, reduced economic growth, or
recession. These factors have led to reduced global education budgets and redistribution of
Tight financial controls, an external influence, are motivating institutions to
establish projects to make better use of resources within mandated constraints. Doane, (2005)
asserted universities have the opportunity and the responsibility to lead business and society
toward a thriving sustainable economy. In so doing, they may provide multiple benefits to all
stakeholders. Ott, Otto and Stiller (2010), suggested that rising energy costs compound the
‘make budget’ problem. Energy shortages and costs can partially be remedied by creating
energy efficient infrastructure and practices. Intensive efforts to research and implement
sustainable solutions must be based on the probability of achieving attractive benefits
(Wright, 2002). Thompson, Calloway and Nawalanic, (1978) suggest a range of opportunities
for environmental solutions to both clean up our world and reduce costs. Such factors
challenge universities to simultaneously:
identify environmental benefits, engage
stakeholders, develop green economic models, identify or create technological solutions,
implement low carbon – or carbon neutral - capital investment projects, achieve significant
cost savings and disseminate knowledge (Strategic Technology Plan Committee, 2008).
July 2-3, 2013
Cambridge, UK
2013 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
Businesses in mature economies are competing on an ever flatter playing field (Friedman,
2007). At the same time, using older techniques, materials and processes that are cheaper to
acquire and are readily available enable developing countries to catch-up. Excess production
and competitive service alternatives can lead to price-based competition. Resulting revenue
reduction is to be offset, according to economic models, by increasing production to reduce
unit cost (based on the logic that contribution to profit of 20% for one sale is equivalent to
4% for 5 sales). Debate on planetary system sustainability suggests people of earth are
extracting at least 50% more than what naturally can be regenerated by the planet. Rees,
(1997) reported 25% of the world’s population consumes 80% of its resources.
economic growth in emerging nations coupled with failure to invest in updated facilities in
mature economies may thwart investments in clean or green infrastructure. Thiery, (2008)
suggests these trends probably are destined to lead to environmental instability, with dire
consequences predicted by many. Kestner, (1972) and Hulsingh, (1991) suggest “progress at
a cost” as the viable strategy for long-term sustainability.
Higher education has an important role in developing awareness and interest in viable
solutions (Cortese, 2003).
Jara (2011, p.5) asserted “The highest education is that which
does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence. The
total number of US higher education institutions is 4,352. The total number of students
enrolled in US higher education institutions is 20.7 million.” Sinha et al, (2010) suggested
higher education can contribute intellectual and practical leadership to a sustainable,
economically thriving society. Many often considered conflicting goals need to be aligned
(Sterling, 2004).
The vision is to institutionalize sustainability.
Al Gore’s (2006) An Inconvenient Truth
highlighted physical hazards. Byck’s (2007) Carbon Nation reviewed green-house gas
July 2-3, 2013
Cambridge, UK
2013 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
emissions (GHC), energy production and consumption issues with potential solutions. Jara,
(2011, p.8-9) states that for 2010 global green-house gas “emissions amount to 28.962.4
billion tons, US emissions amount to 7,148.3 billion tons and GHG emissions from Higher
Education amount to 158 million tons. While this amounts to less than 2 % of the total,
students presently enrolled in Higher Education will account for almost 100% of our future.”
Background demand for resources is likely to grow. Cortese (2011, p.3) stated “In the last 2
centuries population has increased from 1 billion to 6.7 billion, energy consumption by 80
times, economic output by 68 times. All living systems on the planet are in long-term
decline. We are facing a huge challenge”. Dumanoski (2011, p.1) argues that even though
scientists can’t seem to agree on the breadth and depth of global warming, “The urgent
question, therefore, is not whether the Earth can survive a different climate, but rather what
the changes ahead may mean to human societies.”
The contemporary temperate climate and scientific breakthroughs have supported intensive
agriculture. This in turn enables population explosion. This has resulted in dense urban
The radical changes man has made to planet Earth have been made over a
comparatively short climatic period. The planet has witnessed the Earth rotation wobble
cycle and the end of the last ice age. The cyclic nature of the wobble, combined with cold
and warmer periods is noticeable in the history of the Sahara desert that has switched at least
eight times between lush, wet and productive land, and the arid conditions that are observed
today. Extinction level events such as the asteroid that crashed into the Yucatan peninsula
and the Gulf of Mexico, Yellow Stone, Tambora and Krakatoa, Japans earthquake and
tsunami, plagues, floods, and other disasters attest to the earth’s volatile history.
Analysis of deep ice cores reveals climatic conditions on Earth over the past 800,000 years.
Ice cores show current human activity is pushing the Earth system, that sustains life as we
July 2-3, 2013
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2013 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
know it, way beyond recorded ranges. Man’s influence on the atmospheric composition is
correlated to an alarming acceleration in the level of CO2 and NO2. Ice core data suggests
carbon dioxide levels today are far higher than any time in the past 800,000 years. The film
"Six Degrees" examined climatic changes that potentially lie ahead with each degree Celsius
change in mean temperature. (3) The notion that global warming is going to proceed at a
constant rate has been challenged by the Hockey Stick model. The Earth’s climate history
contains evidence of swift, intense, revolutionary change within a single decade. Augustin
(2004, p. 623-628) identified one such leap potentially occurred 14,700 years ago, when the
Ice Age ended within as short a period as three years.
The arguments discussed above are critical appraisals based on evidence. Those projects are
theoretical. This article summarizes applied research that has been truly “hands-on”. The
USCA sustainability implementation program includes projects undertaken, environmental
impacts, cost studies, and savings. Specific energy and cost savings are detailed, along with
beneficial environmental impacts. The paper concludes with lessons to learn from the entire
South Carolina State regulatory requirement - Section 48-52-620 requires universities
develop energy conservation plans to “reduce energy consumption by 1% annually during
fiscal years 09-13, with a total of 20% reduction of 2000 levels by 2020” (State of South
Carolina, Sec. 48-52-620).
The Chancellor at University of South Carolina Aiken (USCA) signed the American College
and Universities Presidents Climate Commitment (ACUPCC, 2008) to achieve “climate
neutrality”. The Chancellor then launched a consultation period including all university
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Cambridge, UK
2013 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
stakeholder groups in order to create support and participation in fulfilling a new
sustainability mission. The aim was to achieve climate neutrality as soon as effectively
possible. USCA adhered to the ACUPCC principle that “a clear public commitment from the
top level requires the president or chancellor and governing board to institutionalize
sustainability” (Second Nature, 2011, p.1).
The University team began with a modified form of Deming’s (1986) PDCA process that has
proven to be successful in industry: defining, analyzing, implementing, and performing. The
aims were: to achieve the goal of zero green-house gas (GHG) emissions;
and to
institutionalize environmental sustainability. The mission was revised in order to create a
clear message for wide dissemination:
“To create and implement enjoyable, creative,
innovative sustainability projects that engage and educate our campus and community.”
On a practical level, the USCA sustainability program began with the following questions,
questions that form the foundation of small, ordered steps:
 What is our goal for energy conservation and cost savings?
 What has our conservation strategy contributed to energy savings in kWh and therms
so far?
 What is the prospect for making our goals and objectives?
 What strategies are we using to reduce energy cost?
 What is our carbon footprint and how do we reduce it?
 What can our Energy Conservation & Sustainability Committee do?
 How are we doing with the American College & Universities Presidents’ Climate
Commitment (ACUPCC)?
 What is Sustainability for our campus, how can we educate our campus and what is
our path forward?
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2013 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
USCA’s vision became clear: “To lead in innovative and creative sustainability education and
solutions that will help to create future leaders and community members who engage in
environmental sustainability.” The education and solutions orientation was in part to
stimulate and facilitate changes via the influence on students in the courses, and their
subsequent influence on business networks.
Future leaders would likely have roles in
corporate management and the political domain. A positive consequence also was an
increased revenue to the university.
USCA objectives included: “to aggressively drive our university carbon footprint to neutral,”
“to meet the requirements of ACUPCC - ASAP,” “to find opportunities, methods, and
strategies to continuously reduce our Green-house Gas Emissions (GHG)” (Jara, 2010, p.28).
The cost avoidance objective was based on reducing energy consumption by at least 20% by
2020. That objective was abbreviated to 20 / 20.
Implicit in the 20 / 20 objective was to
move significantly toward relying more on renewable energy.
A New Charter was developed that promised: To promote conservation of energy in every
possible way; to promote sustainability in all university operations; and accomplishing all of
this with economic cost reductions as concurrent and simultaneous outputs.
Cost reduction became the complimentary, coincident goal. Better energy use equates to
lower costs. Moving from words to measurable progress relies on practical implementations.
Both infrastructure and behavior needed to be modified to support the initiative.
began to systematically review internal activities, and purchased products and services.
The initial task was to undertake a current state analysis in order to develop supply chain
value and waste stream maps. Review of these enabled priorities to be identified and quickfixes to be implemented in order to generate some early successes.
July 2-3, 2013
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2013 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
Following the energy conservation suggestions offered at Green-living-save-us.com resulted
in relatively easy identification of readily implementable measures without significant
investment. Opschoor, (2011) asserted this is an important first step toward achieving carbon
neutrality. Immediate cost savings became the new standard for housekeeping practice.
USCA now has hundreds of patent applications that enhance energy management control
USCA developed a bespoke ‘Energy Management System’ to control heating and air
conditioning units on campus that provides the Maintenance Director and his staff frequent
status updates. Implementing this system yielded some immediate successes.
Initial energy conservation projects included:
 Retrofit lighting solutions replaced T-12 filament bulbs with T-8’s
 Magnetic ballasts replaced with more sensitive electronic equivalents
 Modeling old chillers and air handlers replaced with energy saving units that are safer
to operate.
 New facility construction incorporated energy saving principles specified in the
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) silver standard.
 All future new construction on USCA campuses meet LEED standards. This
requirement is overseen by USCA Project Managers.
 Ongoing dialogue between University administration and the community to
communicate and promote the sustainability mission.
Initial implementations were successful, based on obvious high profile wastes. Other more
elusive energy challenges remained.
Using a "redesign as if created today" approach
embedded in the business process re-engineering approach, the team migrated to system
modeling with electronics circuit boards. This research yielded the following mandates
thought to be fundamental to creating a sustainable energy usage profile:
1. Operate using renewable energy and create a circular production economy to
eliminated waste.
2. Turn waste products into raw materials or nutrients. Beyond recycling, this is creating
value out of all productive outputs, primary, secondary, by-products and waste.
3. Operate within the sustainable yielded resources of the planet.
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2013 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
4. Consume resources at a rate lower than they can self-regenerate.
USCA decided to take a leadership role to provide information, knowledge and skills to the
campus and its community. The focus of this education was on the value of achieving a
healthy, sustainable society. Effective teaching comes from action-based effort, leading by
example, and engaging students. This work extended to the local community. The
sustainability initiatives by USCA have conserved energy resulting in annual reduction of the
carbon footprint by at least 5% annually -- ultimately reaching carbon / climate neutrality and
then using carbon offsets. Waste is recycled back to raw materials. This sustainability ‘way
of life’ at the university serves as an educational platform such that graduates now carry that
strong message back to their work places. The phenomenon ‘when in Rome, do as the
Romans’ is recognized, particularly in light of psychological experiments by Stanley
Milgram and the Stanford Prisoner Experiment. Grounding in strong and self-supporting
values therefore is core to USCA educational doctrine.
The USCA Odyssey: Turning Green To Gold
USCA energy cost savings goal is more ambitious than the state legislated minimum
requirement to reduce energy consumption 1% annually. The legislation is enforced by
South Carolina’s Energy Office. Electrical energy usage (kWh) for FY09 reduced 5.8%
compared to FY08.
USCA Energy Conservation Plan was approved by SC Energy Office
and a grant award of $156,984 was issued. Three projects were funded, included heating,
ventilation and air conditioning unit replacements, controls replacement and lighting
replacements. Each conserved more than 18% electrical energy for the assigned buildings,
continuing progress toward the goal of 20% savings by Fiscal Year (FY) 2020.
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Cambridge, UK
2013 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
Table 1: Main Campus Kilo Watt Hour Usage and Cost Savings for FY 08 versus FY 09
(School Dude, Utility Direct)
kWh Use kWh Use
% Difference $
-19.6% = $19,160
134 metric tons
-18.2% = $16,900
115 metric tons
-21.2% = $22,600
156 metric tons
-12.8% = $9,550
80 metric tons
-06.6% = $3,600
30 metric tons
-11.7% = $6,900
56 metric tons
+10.6% = $5,600
+40 metric tons
-02.3% = $1,300
11 metric tons
+01.0% = $600
+5 metric tons
Source: http://web.usca.edu/dotAsset/2381661a-5b60-449e-89a3-69c594d2ecac.pdf
During a six month period kWh usage dropped by 22%, with a cost avoidance of $95,722.
In fiscal year 2010, USCA exceeded the goal of “20% by year 2020,” over a period of only 6
months. University maximum peak load for FY 2010 was 2146 kW compared to the 2009
high peak of 2477 kW, saving 331kW. Peak demands have a bias effect on purchase price of
energy (Audin, 2003). For months after a peak demand, a premium price can be charged by a
distribution company. To reduce peaks therefore became a cost control imperative. Peak
ratcheting for 2009 was 80% of 2477 = 1982 kW.
For 2010 peak ratcheting was 80% of
2010 = 1608kW. This is a saving of 374kW on the on-peak demand charge for the next 8
months. This equates to 2992 kW for the rest of the year at $10.48 per kilo Watt. The saving
therefore demand = $31,356. Cost avoidance for 2010 is estimated at $180,000. Monthly
efficiency savings for the year are approximately $150,000. Monthly on-peak demand
savings for the year are approximately $31,300.
Focusing on the strategy to reduce “expensive” peak rate energy, USCA established a
desktop Peak Rate Alert message system was devised. The Alert notifies users when the
campus KW peak is approaching the maximum desired ‘economy rate’ value. The email is
July 2-3, 2013
Cambridge, UK
2013 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
sent to the entire campus, asking all to be alert to potential savings by turning off lighting in
hallways and unoccupied rooms. .
The campus community were asked to “be an energy hero.” We give what is called campus
alerts: “ATTENTION CAMPUS – PEAK RATE ALERT.” While in other parts of the
world, this is perhaps typical, historically the U.S. has enjoyed electricity in cheap
abundance, resulting in the norm of full and permanent illumination. The simple message to
everyone to turn off unnecessary lights and equipment not in use had some positive
immediate results. Peak rate energy costs were $14.97 per kilowatt. Off-peak energy costs
dropped to $4.49. The Peak Rate Alert helped USCA save as much as $2,000 per month.
Several other aspects of the energy conservation program that rely on communication
 Raising room thermostat temperatures to 76 degrees Fahrenheit (Summer)
 Lowering room thermostat temperatures to 69 degrees Fahrenheit (Winter)
 Implement smart metering and visual control dashboards showing green, amber and
red warnings for local usage. Using these enables local users to reduce their usage.
This feedback control loop is known as ‘load shedding’. This now is applied in 15
minute increments.
Reflections on the Implementation
Making these changes required new communications. Arbitrarily implementing a top down
strategy without consultation is more likely to result resistance. It is necessary to consult
with those that are affected by changes that are being made. Seeking stakeholder feedback as
part of the program serves to minimize resistance and provide a sense of influence. USCA
developed presentations to inform instructors, staff and students about the conservation
July 2-3, 2013
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2013 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
We began promotional campaigns to communicate what everyone in the university
community can do to contribute to reducing energy consumption, carbon emissions, and as a
spin-off also cut cost.
USCA plans an energy conservation website portal to illustrate how each campus building
uses energy, with details of programs and energy reduction progress provided. The portal is a
place to share ideas, report and reward conservation successes, and share lessons learned.
Although equipment upgrades reduce operating costs, the key to sustained energy reduction
is the buy-in by campus stakeholders. To this end, an energy conservation and sustainability
committee (ECSC) was established to fully engage faculty, staff, and students. The ECSC
was established to:
 Collate green-house gas emissions data based on commuting, energy use, waste, and
generate status or progress reports.
 Brainstorm renewable energy sources, waste reduction, energy conservation, and "go
green" education for the entire campus community.
 Encourage participation in projects.
 Educate and involve the greater community.
 Recognize and reward successful conservation initiatives by campus “energy heroes”.
The ideas, projects, and guidelines proposed by ECSC are forwarded to the physical plant
management division for feasibility study and potential implementation.
Green Business and Sustainability in Academic Course Development
USCA developed a “Green Business” class, delivered first in 2011. The best person to teach
the course was the Vice Chancellor leading the campus energy programs. The course
explores why and how smart companies use environmental strategy to innovate, create value,
and build competitive advantage. Emphasis is placed on continuous improvement “kaizen”
methods that combine many small changes to achieve significant overall results. This
approach aligns with USCA management and accounting courses that embed similar kaizen
July 2-3, 2013
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2013 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
approaches in course designs. In world class business and education all disciplines work
together toward common objectives. By holistically linking management, accounting, and
sustainability through common management methods USCA effectively demonstrates
interconnections and interrelationships of the various subjects. Students can see examples,
first-hand, merely by “walking our halls.”
The Green Business class includes case histories of successful and failed sustainability
initiatives and the perspectives of guest speakers invited to speak on greening business
operations. Students projects focus on answering the theme question “where is the business
edge in sustainable approaches?” with the aim to ‘‘identify hard hitting practices that work"
through research in sustainability literature, websites, blogs, twitter and Facebook social
USCA’s carbon footprint was initially calculated as 10,479 metric tons. In two years this was
successfully reduced by 29%. Reducing purchased energy (electric and natural gas) impacts
80% of our carbon footprint. Commuting students, the next largest contributor to the carbon
footprint, was reduced through the addition of a freshman dorm for approximately 400
students, increasing the current resident capacity to approximately 1000 students. USCA’s
policy is to encourage increased public transportation, carpooling, bicycles, and simply
“walking”. A third significant carbon contributor is vehicle fleet vehicle consumption. To
address reduction in use of gasoline and diesel fuel, we are investigating replacement vehicles
powered by alternate fuel sources, including biofuel, and hydrogen.
The majority of the quick payback energy saving projects have been accomplished. USCA
achieved a 70% decrease in energy usage for one facility, a 30% reduction in another. Two
July 2-3, 2013
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2013 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
projects to use renewable energy resulted in main campus energy savings of approximately
20%. Using “green” dormitory construction materials reduced GHG emissions by 29%.
Examples of potential energy and environmental projects include: balancing swimming pool
re-heating, buildings managed via digital controls, and detailed energy usage analysis. All
campus stakeholder groups continue to research potential renewable energy sources.
USCA is committed to the following initiatives/standards going forward:
 New construction will be LEED standard certified
 New appliances will be ENERGY STAR certified
 Air handlers will be fitted or purchased with Variable Frequency Drives
 Heat exchanger for natatorium will be used to dramatically improve heat recovery
 Motion detectors installation will be completed in classrooms
 All energy units will be controlled by the energy management system
 All campus energy users will be challenged to improve their individual conservation
 LED lighting is to be installed
 Fleet and work vehicles will be replaced by hybrid or electric vehicles
 Investigate additional renewable energy projects (solar, geo-thermal, and wind)
 Investigate Hybrid and electric powered vehicles
 Investigate geo-thermal energy sources
 Investigate bio-mass waste treatment
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2013 Cambridge Business & Economics Conference
ISBN : 9780974211428
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